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| Purplicious
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# Comments
Comments: 38
Kano94 In reply to Purplicious [2009-03-08 09:28:42 +0000 UTC]
LOL, I just had this weird mental image of you with bloody stumps where your hands should be, dropping my severed hands in a bucket of spray tan xD.
and yes, yes you are.
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Purplicious In reply to Kano94 [2009-03-08 23:33:15 +0000 UTC]
Hmmm. Well, you suggested I cut off my hand... LOL
I feel incompetent still !
Haha. One day. Hopefully.
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Kano94 In reply to Purplicious [2009-03-09 02:38:47 +0000 UTC]
make a tut on drawing a realistic face .
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Kano94 In reply to Purplicious [2009-03-10 07:02:54 +0000 UTC]
*insert lolwut pear here.*
BTW, what version of *coughcoughpi-cough-ri-coughcouch-tedcoughcough* Photoshop do you use?
and links to it pl0x.
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Purplicious In reply to Kano94 [2009-03-11 21:21:29 +0000 UTC]
yes, perfectly legal
I use CS2
I used to have CS3 but somehow I couldn't find it anymore. (lolwutlegal?)
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Kano94 In reply to Purplicious [2009-03-12 01:39:47 +0000 UTC]
cough, yes, cough there must be something going around.
So could you please provide me with links as to where you err... purchased your photoshop?
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Purplicious In reply to Kano94 [2009-03-12 01:51:44 +0000 UTC]
cough, a very useful site... store.
figure it out
ur, be very very aware of viruses
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Kano94 In reply to Purplicious [2009-03-12 04:09:28 +0000 UTC]
Teach me Korean pl0x.
My new goal is to become master Korean speaker by Christmas.
I can currently say, girl, woman, cute, and ing (like the suffix) in Japanese.
LOLJK, I dun wanna learn Korean, but I do wanna learn Japanese .
also, just wondering, what err.. region of Korean are you? North or South?
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Purplicious In reply to Kano94 [2009-03-13 00:23:41 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I'm from North Korea, they totally let me out because I was so special...
Like, seriously, all the Korean you will see will be South Korean 99.9% of the time haha.
Lulz, good luck
Chinese will be easier for you if you want to learn an eastern Asian language :d
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mokiyan In reply to Purplicious [2009-03-21 06:36:31 +0000 UTC]
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Purplicious In reply to mokiyan [2009-03-22 01:51:19 +0000 UTC]
Seriously mindy? You fell for that? XDDDDDDDDD LMFAO
I wouldn't know
lolololl I know they use really weird Korean tho
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mokiyan In reply to Purplicious [2009-03-22 03:28:21 +0000 UTC]
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Purplicious In reply to mokiyan [2009-03-22 23:32:14 +0000 UTC]
I guess sarcasm doesn't work that well online D8
puahahahhahahaaaa XDD
I wish I knew a North Korean :<
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Kano94 In reply to Purplicious [2009-03-13 01:04:14 +0000 UTC]
I saw this thing on North Korea on T.V. it was REALLY strange.
and OMFG, I got this lecture today in my art class, because this weird kid imitated an asian voice and started screaming:
"THE WHEEL ON THE BUS GO ROUND AN ROUND" and she thought it was me, so I got a long lecture on respecting asians and asian culture, I was like "WTF, THAT WASN'T EVEN ME"
then she was like "YOU WERE DOING IT TOO"
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Purplicious In reply to Kano94 [2009-03-13 01:18:32 +0000 UTC]
Yeah... N. Korea is... pretty messed up. Actually Kim Jong-il is. He needs to die soon
Lol, I've been hearing quite a lot of racist comments recently :d Idk why, lol.
tsk tsk!
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Kano94 In reply to Purplicious [2009-03-13 03:31:17 +0000 UTC]
But it wasn't me xD.
I love asians. I am like "<3 an asian!!!" jk LOL.
How many characters are there in the Korean err.. alphabet thingy? Is it like chinese with like 40,000?
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Purplicious In reply to Kano94 [2009-03-23 21:16:09 +0000 UTC]
lulz. it better not have
haha.. actually I told you on facebook so
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slinkyfish In reply to Purplicious [2009-02-20 01:35:46 +0000 UTC]
:ccc you're so good with a frikkin mouse i can't believe it
haha nawwww
yes it is amazing... it doesnt feel like it's really been that long... but it has... when i look back at the art i made when we saw eachother in person everyday i was so much worse though... damn time has passed. lol if you want a laugh, hit up my first deviantart again. sanosukeismygod (:
man those were goood tiiimes.
highschool is bizarre. i'm kind of just floating by. i have a lot more friends than i used to but there's also so much drama... and then my love life... still a failure hahaha
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Purplicious In reply to slinkyfish [2009-02-21 00:23:53 +0000 UTC]
argghhh I wanna get a tablet soo bad
I knowww omg, three years! : (
naw, you were good even back then. hahaa, I know right? with all the sixth grade stuff XDDDDDD and orchestra
:> haha, yep. Same here, I think. I like it SO much better than MS. Block schedule is amazing, although I'm dying under piles of hw. And ptffff love life, at least yours exists, mine's disspeared in to nothing... it's like... D: I don't give a crap anymore/I don't have TIME for it (and dude, I'm being 100% serious here) which is really sad if you think about it... xD
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slinkyfish In reply to Purplicious [2009-02-22 02:07:49 +0000 UTC]
haha but you were always wayy better... lolfgsdsf
yeah i'm on block schedule too it's greaaat. so much more convenient. the only problem is class periods are painfully long. but still.
i have so much work too and i keep failing stuff. i mean i've never failed anything on a report card, but in between six weeks i've been coming reaaal close. it just gets harder and harder. augh... u_u`
aww... don't facepalmmm, it'll be okayyy D:
when you find someone you really like you'll have time for them...
i'm sure all the guys are totally into you too lol. you just never have any time for their lowly selves. hahaha
mine is just a failure, completely and utterly, because i have the worst taste, and creepers are always the only guys who like me, and the guy i really love knows i like him, and he doesnt like me back. and we're like best friends, AUGH!!!
i'm going to smackjeeves to let off some steam.
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Purplicious In reply to slinkyfish [2009-02-22 03:19:18 +0000 UTC]
adfjka;jgksdflj nawwwww
hahaahaha, I guess I'm not having much of a problem except procrasinating D8 grades are actually better than MS for me.. ekk idk but I'm gonna die in the later years, I'm sure.
I know right? I bet I'm just that amazing... YEAH RIGHTT
I wish... it'll only happen when I'm in my bed with... my pillow and dreaming. And I agree wholly on the creeper part XDDDDD my lord... help me
it's okay karen, it's okay. I'm sure your situation is 100X better than mine LOLLL
and feel fee to smackjeeve on me, I'm very much amused and we haven't talked in three years!
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slinkyfish In reply to Purplicious [2009-03-16 20:02:16 +0000 UTC]
ugghhh i dunno
you are amazing!
youre gonna find the best husband ever no joke
i can just feel it
youll get the break you deserve and have your chance to really work on making art that pleases everyone
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Purplicious In reply to slinkyfish [2009-03-23 21:15:43 +0000 UTC]
LOL I wish
=____= I'll be a forty year old virgin, I can already see that happening
haha... man :d
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slinkyfish In reply to Purplicious [2009-03-26 22:47:49 +0000 UTC]
nooo no way!
trust me you could get some right now if you really wanted to. gsdfk
nice smilie.
i must! but... no... inspiration... ;;
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Purplicious In reply to slinkyfish [2009-04-01 22:19:29 +0000 UTC]
psh psh psh
when hell freezes over XD
:< ugh. You probably have 134 to the 3325 power chance of getting one before me XDDDDDD
I know I love this smily. It conveys so much emotion
I want to draw something really good, but I can't... everytime it turns out looking like pure crap. I need inspiration also T_TTT I feel ya. T_T
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akane385 In reply to Purplicious [2009-01-24 03:24:22 +0000 UTC]
NO i didn't use th comp 'til like...2/3rd grade
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Purplicious In reply to akane385 [2009-01-24 04:48:11 +0000 UTC]
LOL... hahaa
I was a tech-saavy child 8D jk
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Kano94 In reply to Purplicious [2009-01-23 05:14:17 +0000 UTC]
no, she's really still in first grade, she's just a really fast maturer and a major child prodigy.
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Purplicious In reply to Kano94 [2009-01-23 23:44:36 +0000 UTC]
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Kano94 In reply to Purplicious [2009-01-25 16:33:59 +0000 UTC]
that's what you think.
AWMG my piece of crap art sketch got put up on a "wall of fame", with stuff from like, 6th graders that beats what I made.
It's nice and laminated though <3
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Purplicious In reply to Kano94 [2009-01-27 04:39:15 +0000 UTC]
I love lamination!
congrats on the wall of fame 8D LOL you are famous now.
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