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| Raxiell
# Statistics
Favourites: 522; Deviations: 116; Watchers: 159
Watching: 94; Pageviews: 26685; Comments Made: 6489; Friends: 94
# About me
Your regular hobbyist artist based in Bahia - Brazil.
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All original artwork is under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , so go ahead and have fun!
Other artworks may have limited permissions.
# Comments
Comments: 485
Wikipedia [2018-06-03 22:45:45 +0000 UTC]
HUHUHU I can't believe I just found your dA now
(this is pax from subeta!)
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Raxiell In reply to Wikipedia [2018-06-04 13:15:15 +0000 UTC]
Haaaaaiii!! OMG we know for so long and haven't contact throught here wtf Oo
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Wikipedia In reply to Raxiell [2018-06-10 00:01:51 +0000 UTC]
Yeah! It's funny because I know that your ping group is Raxiell but I never thought of asking if you had dA skdhdgsaksdhg
I would love to commission you in the future, hehe.
How have you been?
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Raxiell In reply to Wikipedia [2018-06-11 16:42:30 +0000 UTC]
I'm living XD
Currently trying to improve my art style, trying a few different things and seeing what sticks xD
I love your pixel avie, is that one of your OCs?
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Wikipedia In reply to Raxiell [2018-09-10 12:34:30 +0000 UTC]
Aaah, all the best with that! I'm still experimenting with my art style, myself, though I have to say that drawing for my stories is the best excuse to experiment.
Thank you so much! ReversedClock made it. She is indeed one of my main OCs.
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Raxiell In reply to engare [2015-12-12 12:30:26 +0000 UTC]
OOh thanks! It was such a mess at college I couldn't log in here on my b-day D:
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YukiVanille [2013-02-11 16:50:47 +0000 UTC]
saudades de vc Kel ;__; passando pra deixar um oi <3 *voltei a usar o DA @_@*
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Raxiell In reply to YukiVanille [2013-09-12 20:06:35 +0000 UTC]
Ainda usa o DA? Eu praticamente abidiquei disso, é muita tentação ;_;
Tô usando como storage das minhas coisas mesmo '-'
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YukiVanille In reply to Raxiell [2013-09-12 20:56:59 +0000 UTC]
KEL! *pula em cima*
Uso mais ou menos ;_; eu vivo no meu tumblr agora e de vez em quando apareço aqui.
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Raxiell In reply to YukiVanille [2013-09-12 22:47:28 +0000 UTC]
Aushaushau eu tenho uuuum... Mas nom sei se vou usar XD
Mídias demais, e eu sou preguiçosa pra trocar =/
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CelestialRosen [2012-06-02 17:40:48 +0000 UTC]
I'm not on subeta anymore (I forgot my password )
so you can contact me on here
How are you?
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Raxiell In reply to CelestialRosen [2012-06-04 10:33:24 +0000 UTC]
Aaaw, really? Too bad
I'm fine, and you!
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CelestialRosen In reply to Raxiell [2012-06-05 22:30:59 +0000 UTC]
I'm ok, been kinda bored recently
What's up?
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Raxiell In reply to CelestialRosen [2012-06-21 00:36:01 +0000 UTC]
Super busy xDDD
I barely have time to update my gallery D:
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Raxiell In reply to CelestialRosen [2011-12-08 20:24:32 +0000 UTC]
Aparently not too late, as you posted this three days ago! YAY XD
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Raxiell In reply to safe-test [2011-11-13 15:23:45 +0000 UTC]
Seu avatar tá massa LOL
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safe-test In reply to Raxiell [2011-11-14 20:11:36 +0000 UTC]
Obrigada, tb curto o seu xD
Queria algo bem divertidão, mas o que consegui foi isso. o-o
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DepressedHeartling [2011-10-11 03:32:47 +0000 UTC]
You should get a tumblr so that I can talk to you more ;x;
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Raxiell In reply to DepressedHeartling [2011-11-13 15:24:32 +0000 UTC]
Hahah, I think I already have like too much sites to work with ;_;
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Raxiell In reply to safe-test [2011-08-06 16:35:14 +0000 UTC]
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agataylor [2011-07-19 18:27:13 +0000 UTC]
Vi que vc fez várias comissions pra pessoas do subeta...só de curiosidade, pode me responder uma coisinha? xD Vc faz em pontos do subeta, em pontos do deviantart ou em dinheiro?
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Raxiell In reply to agataylor [2011-07-20 12:56:59 +0000 UTC]
Pontos do Subeta, mas essas últimas fiz por danças na época do Masquerade ^^
Eu tenho um art shop lá, mas como me atrasei muito com as coisas do Masquerade, está desatualizada. Assim que eu terminar todas elas, arrumo minha lojinha hehe.
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agataylor In reply to Raxiell [2011-07-20 15:19:48 +0000 UTC]
Ahh, legal ^^
Eu tinha conta lá, mas fiquei mais de um ano sem acessar, acho que apagaram ela (sério, se procurar o perfil de usuário nem existe mais o.O). Queria fazer comissions lá também, mas por pontos do dA...não sei se tem alguém que pague nesses pontos, mas enfim.
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Raxiell In reply to agataylor [2011-07-20 22:13:45 +0000 UTC]
Capaz mesmo, eles deletam a conta depois de um ano sem nenhum acesso. Se você acessar tipo, uma vez a cada 11 meses, não deleta! XDDDD
E bem, para fazer por pontos de DA, presumo que você precise linkar para cá. Eles deixam fazer em sp, CSC e dollar, desde que a opção de grana do site exista. O que tu poderia fazer era ou em sp/cash, ou linkar para o DA mesmo.
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agataylor In reply to Raxiell [2011-07-21 00:12:12 +0000 UTC]
Eu nem sabia, nunca liguei muito pro subeta xD mas nem me estressei, justamente por isso hehe
Eu tentei criar um tópico hoje, mas ninguém apareceu. Acho que eles dificilmente pagam em pontos do dA...
E também acho que preferem bem mais arte digital do que tradicional
O que seria CSC?
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Raxiell In reply to agataylor [2011-07-27 15:03:01 +0000 UTC]
Em pontos do DA eu não sei, mas a galera gosta de qualquer arte. Pense bem, uma vez que você escaneia o desenho, passa a ser digital XDDDD
O pessoal lá compra qualquer coisa, eh impressionante oO
Não tem que ser um exímio artista, basta ser criativo e você já tem público ^_^
Mas divulgação ajuda, ainda mais nos eventos.
Cash Shop Credit - dinheiro do Subeta comprado com moeda do seu país,tipo real, euro, por aí vai. É o dinheiro que usa no Cash Shop
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agataylor In reply to Raxiell [2011-07-27 17:36:54 +0000 UTC]
XDDD desculpa furada pro tradicional haushhasuhas
Eu vi isso, tem alguns que vendem por lá que não são tão bons assim...
Ah, ok obrigada!
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Raxiell In reply to agataylor [2011-07-31 01:45:37 +0000 UTC]
Eu fiz tradicional por muito tempo! Aí arrumei minha tablet e pronto XD
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Raxiell In reply to CelestialRosen [2011-05-26 23:25:41 +0000 UTC]
Hayaaa xDDD
I'm fine. I'm college is on a strike, so I get to draw aaall daaay loong @.@
You? 8D
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CelestialRosen In reply to Raxiell [2011-05-29 23:54:23 +0000 UTC]
Cool, why are they are strike?
I'm fine, I just had my prom on friday
I'm currently supposed to be working on an isu for class...haha
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Raxiell In reply to CelestialRosen [2011-05-30 05:56:03 +0000 UTC]
Because they want more MONEEEH LOL
Well, actually is not just that, it's a lot of other little things, but... There's a lot behind it, you know? Meanwhile, I'll have to study on December D>
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Raxiell In reply to AlexTsuyoshi [2011-03-04 01:20:25 +0000 UTC]
Parabens???? Bem atrasado! Meu niver é dia 12 de NOVEMBRO xD
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