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| Ririkou-Adopts
# Statistics
Favourites: 3189; Deviations: 621; Watchers: 1271
Watching: 989; Pageviews: 54242; Comments Made: 4015; Friends: 989
# Comments
Comments: 327
linux-rules [2017-12-08 19:56:31 +0000 UTC]
Hello! You used this emote I adapted to dA (Thank you very much! )
I write you just for 3 things:
- 1. You can use my emotes as you please. Like showing which medium/program you used to make a deviation or your social media.
- 2. If I don't have a logo of a program, material or social media, tell me!!
- 3. Have a llama! and if you need anything, here I am
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nya-adoptables [2017-07-10 21:36:00 +0000 UTC]
thank you very much for joining ! we hope you enjoy your time as a member here! please don't be shy to ask the admin any questions you have, and have a wonderful day!
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customwaifus [2017-04-13 02:09:25 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the watch and helping my profile grow! I really appreciate it!
I hope you'll continue enjoy and support my art! <3
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Ririkou-Adopts In reply to Fixii [2017-01-01 15:24:37 +0000 UTC]
awwww thats so cuteeee >3<
Thank youuuu!!!
hope you will have a happy new year tooooo <3
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DamaiMikaz [2016-11-08 01:53:11 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the watch. So sweet that you support me
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Ririkou-Adopts In reply to DamaiMikaz [2016-11-10 01:56:38 +0000 UTC]
no worries hun~ you art is super lovely, so I couldnt not like it XD
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AndIShatter [2016-10-25 03:36:48 +0000 UTC]
Hello! I was wondering if you do outfit design commissions?
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Ririkou-Adopts In reply to AndIShatter [2016-10-25 08:44:41 +0000 UTC]
Hi hun ~
I haven't done any outfit design commissions up till now but I'd be totally up for it!!! ^3^Y
It would be cheaper then a full adopt commission too
If you want you can drop me a note about what you wanted and how much you were thinking of spending XD
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DustyUndies [2016-07-05 18:44:48 +0000 UTC]
Hhh, thank you so much for the watch! <3
It means alot to me~! I hope you have an amazing day! ' w '
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Ririkou-Adopts In reply to DustyUndies [2016-07-05 19:33:05 +0000 UTC]
no worries hun, your art is amazing!
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DustyUndies In reply to Ririkou-Adopts [2016-07-05 19:44:01 +0000 UTC]
aaa;;; shh kind person--
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Naakichia [2015-10-22 14:31:49 +0000 UTC]
Are you interest to join my Contest?
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iloveonedirection999 [2015-10-22 02:11:38 +0000 UTC]
im in your group to have a nimbus do you have to make it or can members make their own ??
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Ririkou-Adopts In reply to iloveonedirection999 [2015-10-27 10:35:05 +0000 UTC]
hi hun
The Nimbus are a closed species, so you are not allowed to make one yourself, sorry about that ^^
If you want one however feel free to commission me~
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Ririkou-Adopts In reply to TeyAnna-Tella [2015-09-08 19:42:40 +0000 UTC]
did~ she's an amazing Artist <3
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Nelliette In reply to Ririkou-Adopts [2015-09-08 20:07:48 +0000 UTC]
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Kia-chaaan [2015-08-21 14:32:26 +0000 UTC]
Vielen Dank für den Watch! ~ ♪
✧ Hoffentlich wird dir meine Kunst gefallen
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JulijanaM [2015-08-07 11:47:44 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for faving Jessica! I appreciate it a lot!
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SJ-Himiko-Minuit [2015-06-18 17:43:22 +0000 UTC]
I still have the adopt I got from you last year. I wanted to ask if you're okay with her being used as a plushie reference. I wanted to ask before I had the plushie made.
I want to get adoptable number 28 from you, but no money until next week, would it be possible for you to hold her as well?
Formerly was AllThatDonesForgiven.deviantart.com just a new username
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Ririkou-Adopts In reply to SJ-Himiko-Minuit [2015-06-18 17:55:48 +0000 UTC]
hey~ sure, you can use the adopt as a reference for a plushie :L
and I would looooove to see it in the end <3 <3 <3
I will hold number 28 for you too, just send me a note when you have the moneyz
👍: 0 ⏩: 2
SJ-Himiko-Minuit In reply to Ririkou-Adopts [2015-06-18 23:28:19 +0000 UTC]
I just learnt that I have to pay double for my medicine this month . If you manage to sell her before the 8th of July , I'll either get one of your other adopts, or maybe even commission you as a birthday gift to myself. I'm sorry for the inconvenience
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SJ-Himiko-Minuit In reply to Ririkou-Adopts [2015-06-18 18:03:04 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much I'm most likely Gettinh the plushie next month, as an early birthday present . I'll definitely share the images when the plushie is done
Thanks, I'll send it to you next week
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NasikaSakura [2015-04-30 05:31:01 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so very much for joining...
...for all things cute!
I hope that you enjoy your time with us!
Have a nice day~!
We do not consider this spam, but simply a thank you and a welcome to our little community~! We held a group poll regarding this, and had an overwhelming amount of deviants vote towards sending these thanks. See here: fav.me/d7rb7kg Do not report, hide it if you do not want it seen. Do not cost your welcomer everything by getting them banned because they wanted to welcome you. Thank you.
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Cottoneeh [2014-10-28 20:10:23 +0000 UTC]
Hey ~
Hab dich heute endlich wieder gefunden und wollte dich wissen lassen,
dass ich einen neuen Account habe c: Weil ich nach der langen Pause neu anfangen wollte.
Jenny ♥
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Ririkou-Adopts In reply to Cottoneeh [2014-10-28 20:18:10 +0000 UTC]
lange nix mehr von dir gehört!
wie gehts, wie stehts?
ich kann voll verstehen wenn man neu anfangen will... ich würd gern neu anfangen... meine adopts verkaufen sich eh nicht mehr ....haha... ich werd hier nur depressiv~ lol...
aber ich bin zu faul um die "watcher" neu zu sammeln und so...
ich mag dein profil *A* nur so nebenbei... ich bin so unkreativ bei dem ganzen kram...
aber ich glaub ich sollte auch mal aufräumen... haha
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Cottoneeh In reply to Ririkou-Adopts [2014-10-28 20:22:59 +0000 UTC]
Ja c: Habe eine längere Pause gemacht.
Ganz gut^^ Bin schon wieder in Weihnachtsstimmung *3*
Oww, das ist schade :c Du hast viele gute Ideen ;-;
Dankeschön c: Es ist so rosa *q* woop woop xD
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Ririkou-Adopts In reply to Cottoneeh [2014-10-28 20:28:37 +0000 UTC]
haha~ hab mir grad nen neuen account gemacht auf den ich alles schmeißen werde das keine adopts sind!
whopppp! aufräumzeit!
ich bin eher in halloweenstimmung~
im Studileben kommt man leider net ums feiern herum und halloween is hier ne riesige Sache~
ich mag rose... <.< ...>.>...^^
nur so nebenbei~
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Cottoneeh In reply to Ririkou-Adopts [2014-10-28 20:33:37 +0000 UTC]
hehe c: Dann viel Erfolg beim aufräumen
Und sag mir mal den neuen Namen, damit ich dich da adden kann
Klingt aufregend °-°
Bei mir im Amt ist alles wie immer
Werd mal ins Bett gehen, mein Freund will jetzt auch schlafen x'D
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Ririkou-Adopts In reply to Cottoneeh [2014-10-28 20:35:12 +0000 UTC]
mein anderer account ist ririkou-san (:iconririkou-san)
einfallsreich, nicht wahr ? ~ haha
ui~ dann schonmal ne gute Nachtttttt!!!! >3<
jaa... studentenleben eben... für die meisten mehr party als alles andere... und es gibt hier unglaublich viele hohlköpfe.... O_O
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acewalker04 [2014-10-27 05:47:09 +0000 UTC]
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Ririkou-Adopts In reply to acewalker04 [2014-10-28 20:19:30 +0000 UTC]
awww~ th...thank you! your art is simply awesome! thats why i faved your stuff! <3 just love it~
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UszatyArbuz [2014-09-22 11:28:51 +0000 UTC]
(Extra late) thanks for faving my Donate widget customizing tutorial! Have a wonderful day
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SHYCherryMonsteR [2014-09-16 17:30:04 +0000 UTC]
Hey so i was one of the winners for your contest back in April...
I was just wondering when you would get to work on my prize?
that i noted you about...months ago.
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TheAcrylicCat [2014-09-03 11:45:51 +0000 UTC]
3 of your submissions have been featured in Adoptable-Centre but I can't seem to find where you have submitted this piece ririkou.deviantart.com/art/Ado… , do you recall which folder it was submitted to, if not, could you resubmit into actions money only? As soon as I can feature this piece, your week limit will start
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Ririkou-Adopts In reply to TheAcrylicCat [2014-09-03 12:19:56 +0000 UTC]
aw~ thank you so much!
I think... I might have put him into the humans folder XD
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