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| Roksiel
# Statistics
Favourites: 8354; Deviations: 75; Watchers: 416
Watching: 258; Pageviews: 69291; Comments Made: 5411; Friends: 258
# Comments
Comments: 708
aoshi1484 [2020-01-03 03:00:24 +0000 UTC]
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Adahi [2018-05-09 23:46:02 +0000 UTC]
Uhm... So, hi!
This is a little bashful but... I was navigating on drrrkinkmeme and I watched a fill your named "Filling Silence" and I loved it and, if it isn't so much pain, you allow me translate it to spanish? Really I love Shinra/Izaya friend but there is almost nothing about they T-T neither english less spanish 3
Of course, all credits will always your. If you need more references you can search me as Karasu Shiro on Ao3, FFnet and Wattpad n_nU
That's all and thank you so much for all yours stories~!
And sorry if this seem stalk x)
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Roksiel In reply to Adahi [2018-05-10 18:50:11 +0000 UTC]
Hi~ I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it! I understand a bit of Spanish but not well enough to actually translate my own fics so go for it, translate it if you wish. All I ask is that you post a link to my fic, which is here since I also have an AO3 account:Β archiveofourown.org/works/3403β¦
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Adahi In reply to Roksiel [2018-05-11 00:40:58 +0000 UTC]
Thank you~
And here it is the link if you want look it n_n
Again, thank you for the chance and I hope can read/share more works yoursΒ Β
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aoshi1484 [2018-01-05 03:10:40 +0000 UTC]
Belated happy birthday. Hope you have a good one.
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Tsunaami14 [2017-01-31 23:50:04 +0000 UTC]
just wanted to thank you for the fav-...ohh my god it's Izaya
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Roksiel In reply to Tsunaami14 [2017-02-05 13:06:34 +0000 UTC]
What can I say? Izaya is my weakness. XD
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Tsunaami14 In reply to Roksiel [2017-02-25 20:59:26 +0000 UTC]
I can relate to thatΒ
I had a huge crush on this guy about a year ago
sorry for the late response, I'm not very active xDΒ
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Roksiel In reply to Bilal-Jamil [2017-01-26 19:56:12 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, it's been a while! How have you been?Β
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Bilal-Jamil In reply to Roksiel [2017-02-20 05:17:01 +0000 UTC]
I'm good I'm good...what about you?
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Roksiel In reply to Bilal-Jamil [2017-07-14 17:26:37 +0000 UTC]
Sorry, I don't usually check my dA unless I post something on it. I'm fine, just waiting for the summer to end since I really hate the heat. Other than that I'm trying to improve my art skills.
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aoshi1484 [2017-01-12 14:23:11 +0000 UTC]
Belated happy new year. Better late than never. Whadya say?Β
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Roksiel In reply to aoshi1484 [2017-01-26 19:56:43 +0000 UTC]
Of course that late is better than never. Thanks! ^^
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R3dFangz [2017-01-04 08:01:02 +0000 UTC]
Eyyy scuze ca am uitat sa-ti urez ieri... am tot zis ca tin minte si m-am luat cu altele si am uitat... de altfel am uitat si cati ani faci, da' cu mine degeaba, n-ai ce-mi cere...
La multi ani, bro <3 Nu-ti mai zic de "bucurie in casa si in suflet" si "lumina noului an" si alte prostii ca stii cum e treaba, le-ai mai auzit si tu de-atatea ori Tu stii ca eu iti doresc numai bune.
Ce sa-ti mai zic altceva ca deja a trecut ziua ta... sper ca te-ai simtit si tu bine, daca nu la o petrecere macar asa la o bere, o tigara, o ceva.. Hai, te pup. Stiu ca te cam plictiseste DA de-acum dar cand iti gasesti sa mai intri noi te asteptam cu bratele deschise da ok ms bye
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Roksiel In reply to R3dFangz [2017-01-09 17:50:59 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry about it. ^^ Crezi ca eu as tine minte datele de nastere daca dA nu m-ar anunta? XD Nici nu imi aduc aminte cand am scos data mea de la profil.
Anyway, mersi mult. <3
M-am simtit bine. Am mancat un tort delicios~~~
It's not that dA bores me but more like it's sad that no matter what I draw, I consider myself lucky when I get 100 views on a drawing. xD
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R3dFangz In reply to Roksiel [2017-01-09 18:01:28 +0000 UTC]
A, eu am avut noroc ca mi-a dat facebook notificare.. pe DA nu ma uit aproape niciodata in stanga acolo la datele de nastere, parca nici n-ar fi...
Dulciuri, bleh... E, ma rog, fiecare cu ce-i place
stiu, no? XD
daca fac mai mult de 10 favs la un desen e sarbatoare
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Wake-chan [2016-10-04 14:57:05 +0000 UTC]
I just wanted to stop by and say hello ><
It's been a while, ne? I was gone :')
Your art is still amazing, keep up the good work x3
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Roksiel In reply to Wake-chan [2016-10-24 21:59:36 +0000 UTC]
Hello and thank you! Yes, it's been a while. I've mostly been away from dA as well. It seems kind of dead, or maybe it's just me, I don't know. Anyway, it was nice to hear from you again. I hope you're doing well. :]
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Wake-chan In reply to Roksiel [2016-11-29 13:13:43 +0000 UTC]
True, it seems like there isn't much happening on here anymore :')
Oh, thank you >_< hope you're doing well too!
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AkumaAuditore [2016-08-28 16:04:37 +0000 UTC]
I gotta say, every time I come here to thank you for the faves I get distracted by your gorgeous art and take a lot longer to actually comment something.
Anyway, thanks a lot and keep on doing that great job in your art <3
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Roksiel In reply to AkumaAuditore [2016-10-24 21:56:00 +0000 UTC]
lol, thank you! Glad you like it enough to get distracted by it. =3
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Roksiel In reply to MjrKime [2016-08-15 16:43:12 +0000 UTC]
I had to go through like 9k notifications over the past few weeks and your art happened to be one of the last few stacks I went through. XD
That's what happens when you don't visit dA for months. ;-;
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MjrKime In reply to Roksiel [2016-08-15 17:27:36 +0000 UTC]
It's okay, I just don't see people faving PACK of my art very often xDΒ
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JunkoAn [2016-08-01 20:15:57 +0000 UTC]
You have a nice gallery! And I saw in a comment below that you play Guild Wars 2! ^_^...that game is addicting...lol
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Roksiel In reply to JunkoAn [2016-08-02 13:44:09 +0000 UTC]
Thank you~! And omg, yes, Guild Wars 2 is so addictive. I've played a few online games before, but this is the only one I've truly enjoyed. ^.^
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JunkoAn In reply to Roksiel [2016-08-02 23:06:55 +0000 UTC]
^_^ It is!! Especially with the living world stuff! Love the new Bloodstone Fen map! One of these days I will make some GW2 fan art...
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DamaiMikaz [2016-07-23 20:21:58 +0000 UTC]
Woah! I haven't seen you in a while. How are you doing?
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Roksiel In reply to DamaiMikaz [2016-07-23 20:39:44 +0000 UTC]
I'm good, thanks. My soul got sucked into Guild Wars 2 and I had a really hard time getting it back. Luckily, I'm itching to draw so now all I have to do is wait a couple more days to get my graphics tablet back since I lent it to someone. In the meantime, I'm going through the ~7k notifications and deviations I got while away from dA.
*goes to check your page*
...so you were in a car accident. D: That must've been really scary. I'm glad you're doing better now. Also congratz on your new job. ^^
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DamaiMikaz In reply to Roksiel [2016-07-23 20:43:55 +0000 UTC]
The accident was already quite a while ago, but the health implications were pretty severe, so it took me quite a while to recover. I'm doing a lot better now, though
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Roksiel In reply to DamaiMikaz [2016-07-23 20:48:35 +0000 UTC]
I stopped checking my messages on dA around November last year I think so that's why I had no idea.
Even with the health problems, you still posted art though. I must say I'm impressed. ^^
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aoshi1484 [2016-04-13 09:40:24 +0000 UTC]
Hi ,dropped by to say Hi. How are you doing?Β
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Roksiel In reply to aoshi1484 [2016-07-23 20:40:27 +0000 UTC]
I'm good, thanks, though right now I'm having some Internet problems so I can't open web pages half the time. How have you been?
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Jiejiep [2016-02-23 20:36:30 +0000 UTC]
Dropping by to say hi . Was looking at your journal but nothing recent posted, lol. You have really beautiful pieces on your main page! So impressive! Are you using other platforms regulary as well for sharing your art?
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Roksiel In reply to Jiejiep [2016-07-23 20:44:46 +0000 UTC]
Hi back at ya! \o
My soul got sucked into Guild Wars 2 hence my absence from dA.
I post my art on other sites too but dA is my main one since the others don't interest me as much. Luckily I feel like drawing again so I should be posting something soon.
Thanks for the compliment. It's always nice to hear that people enjoy my art. ^^
Also, do you still read Bleach? I haven't in a while. I just remembered Bleach now since that's how we met. :3
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Jiejiep In reply to Roksiel [2017-05-02 13:24:58 +0000 UTC]
Talk about being absent! I post on tumblr and facebook. I heard instagram appears to be the new thing to post pictures to? I sporadically read Bleach, but it's been awhile. I find it a bit prolonged with all the random fights. It's like, too many characters! How are you doing these days?Β
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Roksiel In reply to Jiejiep [2017-07-03 13:47:38 +0000 UTC]
It's been a while! I don't get on dA much anymore either. The site seems kind of dead, or maybe it looks like that to me since most of the people I knew on it seem to have stopped posting stuff here. That and most of my watchers seemed to have given up on it as well. xD
I haven't read Bleach in a few years and I have no idea how it ended. I'm going to have to pick it up again sometimes. It's kind of sad seeing how Bleach was the thing that got me into drawing to begin with, but the story seemed to not be as good towards the end. In my opinion, it should've ended with the whole Aizen thing, but that's just me.
I'm doing well. I started playing Guild Wars 2 last year and I'm really enjoying it. Other than that I draw once in a blue moon. xD
I hope you're doing well. ^^
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Jiejiep In reply to Roksiel [2017-08-02 16:32:57 +0000 UTC]
Hahah, yeah, you certainly aren't the only one who Β has noticed. I'm sure many people have gone to tumblr and instagram since it is more accesible and easier to browse and collect on the phone. I don't know how Bleach ended either. I did read past where the anime ended in the manga, but I felt a bit bored, it seems like this endless cycle of dying and killing without much plot. Yes, I agree that the story became less compelling. A shame! Oh well. I still loved the beginning hahah. That much we can enjoy .Β
Guild Wars 2, is it like WoW? I also draw once in a blue moon . It's still very enjoyable for me and now I seem to be doing it more for myself than anything, hehe.Β
I am doing very well! Thank you for asking!!Β
We are like, having this super personal conversation on your profile page, for everyone to read . You can send me a note anytime you feel like it. I don't know what would be more preferable or appriopiate? It's been a while again, btw. One month later . I hope you are doing well these days.Β
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MjrKime [2016-01-04 05:01:35 +0000 UTC]
Hey, you there! I don't know you well yet, but anyway. HAPPY DAMN BIRTHDAY THERE!
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Roksiel In reply to MjrKime [2016-01-04 15:26:00 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!
I'd offer you some cake, but none left.
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