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| Rowney-Eiyt
# Statistics
Favourites: 3; Deviations: 527; Watchers: 178
Watching: 5; Pageviews: 25916; Comments Made: 890; Friends: 5
# About me
BuT To MaKe THiNGS CLeaR... i'M a FaN oF:
1. MYSeLF... ("LoVe THYSeLF aS HoW You LoVe oTHeRS")
2. aNiMe aND ViDeo / CoMPuTeR GaMe CHaRaCTeRS
3. ViDeo / CoMPuTeR GaMeS
4. aNiMe, ViDeo / CoMPuTeR GaMe & MoVie oST
5. DiGiTaL / GRaPHiC aRT
7. FiCTioNaL WRiTiNGS / SToRieS
8. SHoRT aNiMaTioNS / aNiMaTeD MoVie
aND We aLL KNoW THaT "We" aLL HaD ouR "eXPLiCiT" DeSiReS... So... THaT'LL Be oN # 9
10. oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeRS
11. WeB CoMiCS
12. TRaDiTioNaL aRT / SKeTCHeS
13. aNiMe FiGuReS
iF You WaNTeD To KNoW Me MoRe JuST LeaVe Me a NoTe oR a CoMMeNT... Ciao!?
HaVe FuN aLWaYS!? i GueSS... BTW MY aPoLoGieS WiTH MY CRaPPY uSaGe oF aLTeRaTioN oF LeTTeRS. LeTS JuST SaY iT'S MY "OCD"
# Comments
Comments: 8
jokuthepopplio [2018-02-24 20:35:28 +0000 UTC]
I had a question about anatomy.How or what helped you get good at drawing anatomy cause I'm kinda struggling a bit
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Rowney-Eiyt In reply to jokuthepopplio [2018-02-25 00:39:43 +0000 UTC]
THe aNSWeR iS:
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
jokuthepopplio In reply to Rowney-Eiyt [2018-02-25 00:47:50 +0000 UTC]
...ok...anything else
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
gideonapollob [2018-01-03 11:55:09 +0000 UTC]
I just came back from DA vacation.... Why are you so good?! :sob: I.... You are a good artist. Very good one. :bows:
👍: 0 ⏩: 1