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| Scratchtastic
# Statistics
Favourites: 145; Deviations: 310; Watchers: 7118
Watching: 674; Pageviews: 482053; Comments Made: 2375; Friends: 674
# Comments
Comments: 519
supersonic318 [2023-03-14 22:11:56 +0000 UTC]
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Matthew250 [2022-06-19 17:25:27 +0000 UTC]
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songokuthegreat [2020-10-18 00:22:56 +0000 UTC]
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BeldansFire [2020-06-15 12:37:35 +0000 UTC]
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kskillz [2016-07-02 14:00:23 +0000 UTC]
Hey when you get a chance check this out: kskillz.deviantart.com/art/A-W…
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andyhsu666666 [2016-06-14 04:02:49 +0000 UTC]
Hey Scratch! I follow your work and I was wondering if you ever thought about contacting Sex doll manufacturers to bring your artwork to life? I know several manufacturers would could be interested. They mold dolls very often and look for new body types. I think your work is fantastic. And I would love to see become a sex doll! Please let me know!
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Cudegra777 [2016-06-12 07:43:46 +0000 UTC]
I just saw the end of the Strider and Syx comic.
Poor Vice Grip.........
All she wanted was some lovin.........
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Scratchtastic In reply to Cudegra777 [2016-06-17 00:16:12 +0000 UTC]
well she did get some lovin...
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Cudegra777 In reply to Scratchtastic [2016-06-17 08:34:09 +0000 UTC]
Yeah......but in the end she got demoted........to a position i still can't understand.
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johnny990 [2016-05-06 10:56:14 +0000 UTC]
I love the world and the series that you created and am looking forward to where it goes.
I was wondering since Syx's manacles can change her clothes but they are always sexy and fit to the who she is pleasing's desires. What if their desire is an ordinary outfit that covers her. Would the manacles make them or would they make a random sexy outfit.
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Scratchtastic In reply to johnny990 [2016-05-08 03:51:39 +0000 UTC]
Well they are whore clothes, so they always make them .. kinda ... "whorish" I mean she has worn clothes that cover her but they are always a bit to tight or ride up etc. The best example would be she could make a police woman outfit.. but it would be more like a stripper police outfit. XD
Know what I mean?
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johnny990 In reply to Scratchtastic [2016-05-08 06:44:31 +0000 UTC]
Ok so no matter what it will always be a little whorish, got it.
I was just curious if there was a possible loop hole.
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franarok [2016-04-08 15:41:16 +0000 UTC]
Mature Content
Hope you like!!!!
Also how not sure if i had your mail, pls send me on a note where i can send yo you the uncensored laaarger versions of the pic
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FrogGod1 [2016-02-14 18:10:49 +0000 UTC]
suggest a new holiday contest- all the holidays
-columbus (red,sporto)
-veterans day
deadline -may
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DCPiz [2016-01-30 09:59:32 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the watch and I'm glad you liked my syx drawing
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godjam [2016-01-01 02:10:53 +0000 UTC]
Hi there. Love your characters- big fan of the world you've created.
I've noticed that you've been doing more fan fic over on HF (great btw) and I was wondering if:
1) You'll be writing any fics involving Syx or Red?
2) If not they would it be okay if I gave it a shot? I've got a few ideas for smutty stories (naughty and nice) that could go up on the site, but I'd want you're okay first.
Maybe I could send you a note and run some specifics by you?
Anyways, keep it up. You're awesome.
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Scratchtastic In reply to godjam [2016-01-01 02:41:17 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the compliments. I actually have written a couple of Syx stories
I should actually post them on HF
There have bee a few written by others on HF as well. Risax and RedDakkar both wrote a couple of fan stories.
Sure I love to read fan stories so if you write one please let me know. You can reach me via note or at hexnscratch@gmail.com :3
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shadow751 [2015-12-29 12:18:02 +0000 UTC]
I have a question. Do the spells that force Syx into sexual servitude also serve as a birth control? I mean, she's taken on ungodly amounts of jizz in there! Yet, a plot point hanging is a demon wants to breed her. Am I reading too much into a smut comic? xD
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Scratchtastic In reply to shadow751 [2015-12-29 13:35:36 +0000 UTC]
Ahh I think you are refering to the Fan written comic by
These ones: shouhda.deviantart.com/gallery…
These are not actually cannon.
But, no. You are not reading to much into a smut comic
Excellent artwork on your DA page by the way! Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing
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shadow751 In reply to Scratchtastic [2016-01-03 02:18:04 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the compliment! So the only real story line is that Syx is trying to get free of her manacles?
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Scratchtastic In reply to shadow751 [2016-01-05 13:45:02 +0000 UTC]
Welllll, yes and no. That is her over arching long term end goal.
There are many other stories in there.
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amazon211 [2015-11-20 03:17:48 +0000 UTC]
I wonder how Syx would look in Syndra's outfit. I just feel giddy thinking about it. Do you do commissions?
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Scratchtastic In reply to amazon211 [2015-12-29 14:35:32 +0000 UTC]
I dont do commissions at the moment but I'm thinking about it eventually ^^
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Kainless [2015-10-11 17:15:25 +0000 UTC]
Part 1....Here are some Qs for your As!hehe
1. What influenced you to start Mana World Comics?
2. How Long have you been drawing the characters you created?
3. Have you ever Collaborated with anyone in the past and will you do so in the future?
4. Do you see a future for the Comics or is it just something you continue to create day by day? Is it planned?
5. What type of art schedule do you keep for yourself?
6.Is Mana World your only focus or do you have other ideas you want to start for the future?
7. I see you have statues do you plan to release more Merchandise for the series?
8. In a world full of Censored Comics do you feel that you would ever go down that path with Mana World?
More Qs will come based on those answers...
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Scratchtastic In reply to Kainless [2015-12-29 14:35:07 +0000 UTC]
Sorry for the delay in response Its been a crazy time for awhile:
1. What influenced you to start Mana World Comics?
Answer: Wooo this could be a really long answer in itself. So I will try and keep it really brief. Suffice to say I have always been "into" comics and while working with my old partner Hex I approached him about working on a ongoing story with me. He agreed and and that's pretty much the start right there. Hex has had some other opportunities arise and he has since moved onto them but luckily I was in a good position to continue with Manaworld.
2. How Long have you been drawing the characters you created?
Answer: As long as I can remember. But Syx is about ... 20 years old since I first thought her up.
3. Have you ever Collaborated with anyone in the past and will you do so in the future?
Answer: Constantly and I don't see any reason not to There are tons of amazingly talented people out there and I have had the good fortune to work with many of them. The internet is great for that. To meet and work with people you may otherwise never have had the opportunity to do so.
4. Do you see a future for the Comics or is it just something you continue to create day by day? Is it planned?
Answer: I hope to continue producing Manaworldcomics and the adventure of Syx and her friends for as long as humanly possible. Things are well planned out in advance and I hope that people enjoy where it is going. ^^
5. What type of art schedule do you keep for yourself?
Answer: I tried to force myself into a 9 to five kind of schedule but its just not working for me so recently I have started to try and work from Midnight to around 8 in the morning. I have always found myself to be more of a night owl and more creative and productive in the early hours of the day. This allows me to work in the quiet, then get up at around 1 or 2 in the afternoon, work on emails and a bit of administration before the wife comes home from work, I spend time with her watching TV and so forth and then when she turns in I get to work. Workload can vary immensely. Sometimes I'm flatting colors on pages, other times lettering or inking. Perhaps correcting or making changes to pencils or sitting down and drawing something from scratch, sketching for practice. Its really hard to nail down anything in particular but I do usually make a list of THINGS TO DO and slowly work my way through it.
6.Is Mana World your only focus or do you have other ideas you want to start for the future?
Answer: I have MANY ideas. Probably TOO many in fact. Though I don't necessarily consider that a bad thing. I guess its all about prioritizing. Manaworld is something that people seem to enjoy and so that is where most of my focus is devoted at the moment. However I'm always looking to get those other ideas out there. Be it via art or writing. For example I have started a Patreon based on Manaworld comics. Hopefully in this way I can expand on Manaworld by delivering content that I would not have been able to work on.
Manaworld Patreon: www.patreon.com/Manaworld?ty=h
Only a few days ago I launched another Patreon with friend and art partner Melkor Mancin. AN AMAZING artist. This one will be based around another love of ours, Comic Book Superheroines. Again we have out respective sites. Manaworldcomics.com and MelkorMancin.combut we want to put out some other work and Patreon will allow us to do that. At first we are thinking simple pin ups and similar, But if we get enough interest we would love to do some XXX Sexy Superheroine comics.
If anyone is interested you can check support us HERE: www.patreon.com/Manaworld?ty=h
7. I see you have statues do you plan to release more Merchandise for the series?
Answer:At the moment I'm just trying out the 3D printed statues. But! I would really like to merchandise Manaworldcomics more. Perhaps with Shirts, Dakis, Mousepads. Anything really. One thing about me though is I'm not located in the states So shipping cost would be very prohibitive. I need a company that handles the sales orders, shipping and general administration so that I can concentrate on producing content. Shapeways does that for the statues at the moment. But it would be great if we could get some mass produced statues like the ones found in comic shops and anime stores.
8. In a world full of Censored Comics do you feel that you would ever go down that path with Mana World?
Answer: Nope ^^
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Kainless In reply to Scratchtastic [2015-12-29 15:09:44 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the reply!! I Will make sure to repost it and spread the amazing word about yo comic!
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Scratchtastic In reply to Kainless [2015-12-29 15:39:59 +0000 UTC]
No prob man. Thanks again for your interest
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andyhsu666666 [2015-09-11 06:31:42 +0000 UTC]
Where can I buy all of your works? Ive been to your website and you have the original 6 chapters and side comics. Can you give me the whole list? Where do i buy it? There are a lot of your work not on your website. Like Pig pen?
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Scratchtastic In reply to andyhsu666666 [2015-09-16 13:16:17 +0000 UTC]
You can get a membership on Manaworld comics. The members section is up to Chapter 13 at the moment as well as more side comics and gallery images.
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Timmy-22222001 [2015-09-01 15:39:29 +0000 UTC]
If you don't mind me asking, would it be possible to ask if I could draw a picture of Syx from Manaworld? I love the character and would certainly credit your page here for coming up with the idea of her. Definitely would enjoy giving her some of those same wicked curves as you too but, entirely up to you folks. *tips hat*
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Scratchtastic In reply to Timmy-22222001 [2015-09-16 13:14:50 +0000 UTC]
Of course you can mate! Would love to see it when you are done!
I love to receive Fan art. ^^
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Timmy-22222001 In reply to Scratchtastic [2015-09-19 00:12:26 +0000 UTC]
Fantastic! *high fives*
I'll get started on her right after I finish off another pic or two that have been sitting on the backburner for a while now, lol. But promise to send you a note or some kind of notification when she's done Scratch and thank you! *tips hat*
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ThatGuyWhoIsWut [2015-07-11 15:58:58 +0000 UTC]
Quick Question: Have you ever thought about creating a game based on the comic (IE characters and/or universe based) or is that something that is of no interest? Would personally love to see some kind of game based on the comics, due to the endless possibilities ^^
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Scratchtastic In reply to ThatGuyWhoIsWut [2015-07-13 01:19:11 +0000 UTC]
Yes! A thousand times yes!
I would LOVE to have a game based on Manaworld. It is something I have been thinking on for a long time.
Perhaps one day. If there are any animators, coders etc out there interested in such a project feel free to contact me. ^^
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ThatGuyWhoIsWut In reply to Scratchtastic [2015-07-15 13:01:14 +0000 UTC]
I wish I could help with the creation of such a game, but alas I know nothing about animations or coding. The only thing I could help with, is game testing. Is something I've done many times before, if it could be of any help one day.
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ShadowyZman [2015-07-05 22:25:00 +0000 UTC]
You've gotten some wonderful commissions done I'd love to work with you sometime
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