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Sifl-senpai [10529076] [2009-05-18 23:33:20 +0000 UTC] "Cast iron sinks." (United States)

# Statistics

Favourites: 138; Deviations: 190; Watchers: 65

Watching: 60; Pageviews: 18440; Comments Made: 8953; Friends: 60

# Interests

Favorite visual artist: HMM...
Favorite movies: The Frisco Kid, Holes, The Iron Giant
Favorite TV shows: South Park, Monster, Fullmetal Alchemist, Futurama, Dragonball
Favorite bands / musical artists: not particular
Favorite books: Les Miserables, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, ummm...
Favorite writers: Roald Dahl
Favorite games: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask/ A Link to the Past/ Ocarina of Time, Earthbound
Favorite gaming platform: N64
Tools of the Trade: Paper, cardstock, sharpie, copic markers, pencil, pen, hot glue gun, ribbon, buttons...
Other Interests: Animation, colors, illustration, YOU!

# About me

Hello, everyone!

I enjoy asking people both usual and unusual questions (my favorites pertaining to your favorite color) and enjoy having the same asked to me. I'm rather chatty when I feel like being so and I love, love, LOVE to talk about nerdy things like my favorite cartoons (South Park and Monster), comic books (usually Japanese-anything Osamu Tezuka or Naoki Urasawa... and Fullmetal Alchemist), and games like the Legend of Zelda or Earthbound. Or even talk to me about a good story- I read real people books, too.

I like to tell puns and write them for both fanfiction and original stuff (if you want to take a look, just ask or search me out on fanfiction.net- I'm Sifl-senpai everywhere.) Dialogue is my favorite!

I tend to write like I speak both in real life chat and story-mode, so beware that I'm a joker and like to exxxxxxxxxxxxagerate. XD

If you've got any questions or requests, just let me know!

Current Residence: NOWHEREVILLE
deviantWEAR sizing preference: what? Large? Medium?
Favourite genre of music: alternative
Favourite photographer: Mrs. Rabbit
Favourite style of art: It's style over skill.
Shell of choice: Torteloni. Definitely. It holds more filling goodness than Tortelloni.
Favourite cartoon character: Kenzo Tenma and Shizuo Heiwajima... Kenny McCormick and Stan Marsh.

# Comments

Comments: 971

SugapieIsSoFly [2012-12-07 06:49:10 +0000 UTC]

deviantART muro drawing

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Sifl-senpai In reply to SugapieIsSoFly [2012-12-10 02:11:58 +0000 UTC]

As in, I know but I'm just SO ***~~---EXCITED---~~***!!

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Sifl-senpai In reply to SugapieIsSoFly [2012-12-10 02:10:52 +0000 UTC]


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SugapieIsSoFly In reply to Sifl-senpai [2012-12-10 02:24:56 +0000 UTC]

fdasklfds I'm hoping in 2 weekends?? You and Cui really need to call each other! She's not busy if you're not busy ;;

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Sifl-senpai In reply to SugapieIsSoFly [2012-12-10 06:22:25 +0000 UTC]

Aaaargh I couldn't because I was helping host a dinner party and now I shouldn't because it's 1:21 am. > I will see if I can call tommorrow.... I actually reeeeally wanna talk to both of youuuuu.

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SugapieIsSoFly In reply to Sifl-senpai [2012-12-10 08:07:04 +0000 UTC]

Okay. I work from 5 to 9 tomorrow but otherwise I'm free (:

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Sifl-senpai In reply to SugapieIsSoFly [2012-12-10 21:13:26 +0000 UTC]

dhgkjfghfghlk I think I missed my window. :/

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SugapieIsSoFly [2012-12-04 16:46:42 +0000 UTC]


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Sifl-senpai In reply to SugapieIsSoFly [2012-12-04 18:34:21 +0000 UTC]


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dekw [2012-10-29 10:16:50 +0000 UTC]

When'd Jackie deactivate her dA account?

Stirs odd little dormant feelings to find. Never did fix that bridge.

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Sifl-senpai In reply to dekw [2012-10-30 01:49:16 +0000 UTC]

........What? The account's gone?

Gosh, I don't know! I went on there periodically to just... see... if Jackie ever got on and was ALIVE and the last time I went on there was sometime in July, so it must have been kinda recent.

It's also possible that DA deletes it if the user doesn't get on in several years. :/

I'm sorry you never patched things up with her. Well, I guess I should call Jackie zhe, but you know what I mean. (I don't know how to conjugate that pronoun. :/)

Also I should really talk to you more often!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know you are allowed to bother me randomly on here, right???????

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dekw In reply to Sifl-senpai [2012-10-30 10:43:07 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, it is. And no, I know some accounts that are years inactive without a deletion. She killed it.

I did eventually try to patch things up. By the time I did, it was far, far too late, insofar as I can tell. I tried... twice? I hardly remember now; she blocked me on AIM (I checked, mostly because I wanted that to be the case as opposed to she had entirely vanished).

I do hope she's alive and well. I'm not entirely sure why it went that wrong. From what I cold tell she did seem to hate me, which is interesting. And kind of depressing.

I wish I could've given something back. I'm a little wiser to the fuck-ups I made with her now than I was. She was an odd person and not the most stable, and I hadn't a clue what to do. But she was the first person to make friends with me online, and the first to try and help.

Well, as long as she IS alive and well out there, I guess that's okay. Just... yeah, odd.

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Sifl-senpai In reply to dekw [2012-11-01 23:25:08 +0000 UTC]

Hmm. I see.

Near the end, Jackie didn't truly hate you- I can tell you that. Jackie was frustrated sometimes and didn't have the energy to put herself in order to fully accept your apology (I think) and it may have been a wise move from the not-online vantage point because it would keep y'all's relationship from being an awful, repeating cycle of blowup because while you are the winner for the more depressive mood swings (sorry, but you are), Jackie had... yeah, kind of unstable extremes due to stress and other pressuring factors. :/ Still, it's too bad that you couldn't keep your friendship. After all, it's hard to find intelligent people online that you feel comfortable talking to on a regular basis!!!

I also just hope zhe's doing well...
On the other hand, it's great that you've learned from that experience.

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dekw In reply to Sifl-senpai [2012-11-02 06:36:48 +0000 UTC]

I object to that statement, now. I used to. I tend to take depression in more of a contemplative state at this point. Well, and it's not as strong. I've had a lotta time to rationalize. And medical assistance, too. Stable things are good. But yeah, at the time and a while after, I definitely won out of depressive. I was pretty good at that. I mean seriously how many other people want to commit suicide not because the world sucks or life is hopeless but because they hate themselves so much that they just wanna murder this "self" guy?

But I digress. I get that. For a while it was really jarring because she was so... nice at first. And by the end she seemed so jaded, and I wasn't as much of a cynical person as I am now. Which, by the by, has somehow made me more positive because unpleasant surprises aren't nearly as scary -- not much is, my fear reflex is a bit lacking now.

Mostly, I'm just a bit sad I never really could give anything helpful BACK to the first person to reach out on this little part of the internet that'd wind up being a lot of my life. And I really hope she's doing well. I tend to brush off these things and move on now, but if anything horrible'd happened to her I would be pretty damn sad.

Maybe if I wasn't a child, then. Who knows? What-ifs have very little purpose, but they're fun.

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Sifl-senpai In reply to dekw [2012-11-26 05:58:57 +0000 UTC]

I would like to preface this by saying that while I had no internet but had the computer, I replayed and beat Mother 3.

The fact that you object to my statement now is like the best news I've heard all week. And I've heard a lot of good news! I take it you don't hate the "self" guy, at least not as much??? Because I liked/like you!

I think she was nice 'cause she liked you but then automatically assumed after a short time that you'd understand certain things about her instinctively because y'all were friends (which is nigh impossible for just about everyone, ESPECIALLY on internet-based stuff.) Also tensions ran high on her end from life and pressures in general, and so any sensitivity she had was amplified. The constant contrast of the two- you fighting to be somewhere on the sorta-optimistic side of being in the stable reality and her hoping to ascend to the consistently idealistic, uninhibited.... place/state of being/nirvana(?).... where she could be free to be herself (which are both legitimate things to pursue) kinda clashed. You were blunt and she didn't need that at the moment whereas she was like a storm and you didn't need that rapid unpredictability. It's still upsetting that you were both after something so similar, in a way, but the ways you both needed to go about it weren't aligned enough to mesh.

Part of that, I think, comes in part from how different y'all's personalities are. (And also it was a learning experience if nothing else. Though I must say this "cynicism" springs from you earning stability so I can't say I don't condone it from what I'm gathering.)

I think the best thing to do is move on like you are, but the fact that you'd care enough to be sad if something bad happened to her shows that you aren't an insensitive, unfeeling husk or anything. That would be bad. And personally, I've always thought you were more considerate-if not kind- than you let on to be. I've got no idea how you present yourself now, up there in university-Canada-land, but I hope people can see that in you now. A shame if they don't.

Gosh, I hope she's doing well, too. (I sometimes wonder if I should find someone to finish her story out of respect, but I feel like she might take that as DISrespect. It's hard to do something nice for someone who isn't within a reasonable distance of you and even harder when there's no contact. I still write independent EB/Mother oneshots on her birthday in her honor, though.)

To be really blunt myself, I think that you were probably both a little childish, though I don't know all the details. But more importantly, what-ifs have the purpose of letting you look at a situation and learning from it. And yes, they are fun! But don't let them drag you down too far or hold you back.

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dekw In reply to Sifl-senpai [2012-11-27 07:21:39 +0000 UTC]

I'm self-neutral and a little deprecating nowadays, but deprecating in fun, for the most part.

...Jaaaackie. I told you I was aspergers. That means I'll NEVER automatically understand these things. But I guess frustration is not a rational thing, so I can't expect it to work that way. I never was understanding enough -- I couldn't be, really -- to get what she meant, often, and she would just get frustrated because it was so OBVIOUS to her; it's basic social skills. And then conflicting personalities.

I dunno, it makes more sense now than it did. I still don't get the ascension aspect of it; I'm pretty free to be myself right here, because who cares about other people. Actually, that annoyed her too. The vast differences, you are making the obvious that I never quite figured out obvious. Thank you.

I don't think anyone could finish her story. It was hers, it was very stylstically hers, and I think it was at least somewhat personal.

I'm considerate because I don't know things, and I don't like assuming. I'm not kind, per se -- I don't care by default, but I'll take requests and the like -- it makes me seem both cold and kind at the same time, as I'll just "ignore" issues sometimes, yet help total strangers if they ask. How people see me, I don't know, I don't really care! I'm pretty happy as is.

What-ifs don't drag me down or hold me back. They're not really what-ifs then, they're "why-nots". "Why not" is an importantly different phrase, as it carries the implication (in the word why) that it should have been different. But what-ifs let you play through a situation (with incomplete data) from a different point of view, without investing your WANTS in them.

And rambling like that begins to remind me of mom's livejournal, which has numerous posts and a lot of wisdom. Also a series of posts on raising me as a young aspergers child. I can link that sometime if you like, if you'd feel too intrusive then I don't have to (because I don't care but you can totally still feel intrusive)

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Sifl-senpai In reply to dekw [2012-11-30 00:23:01 +0000 UTC]

I remember that you are aspergers. What I'm implying is that Jackie expected a little much of you even if you weren't.

Heheheh. "Who cares about other people." That sentiment was actually the crux of my initial college philosophy in a nutshell except a bit more cutthroat in implications. Can't say I held to it.
Uh also glad I could help in any way? Hahaha.

Yeah, her story was toooooooootally personal in just about every way and that's part of why it's so sad it's unfinished. I mean, we all know what happens to Ness and company, but I guess we'll never know what happened to Jackie.

Well I guess if you are happy and it ain't hurtin' nobody... okay. And actually it's generally a good thing when you aren't motivated by keeping up appearances.

Now you've got it!

If you are willing to show that livejournal to me, I'm not sure how I can feel intrusive. I was invited. So here's a better question: do you want to show me? If so, sure! If not, that's okay too. Can't promise I can read all of it, like, RIGHT THIS SECOND, but I'll certainly take a look.

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dekw In reply to Sifl-senpai [2012-12-01 01:32:59 +0000 UTC]

I thought that part of normal socialization was expecting too much of peoples' social perspective, so I kinda just chalked that up under normal expectations.

I don't fundamentally understand how to care about other people's opinions as opposed to the logic behind them, so I don't think I'm ever going to change this philosophy. I don't hate people, though, although saying I do is a helpful shorthand. (It's more like I dislike the presence of people)

I wanted to see Giygas and what she did with her own thoughts at that point. I figured it'd go on when I was gone, but I guess it stopped going on some time.

If it's hurting people they are free not to associate with me, which is often my preference in many cases!

Now I do have it xD

Oh, right, the livejournal is at [link] . The tag for posts regarding my raising are "Aspergers Child" I think, but all of the posts are funny and insightful in some way. So yeah, feel free to check those out xD

And how's your own life been, anyways?

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Ceirrin [2012-09-17 11:14:32 +0000 UTC]

Hm. You got a Tumblr yet?

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Sifl-senpai In reply to Ceirrin [2012-09-17 22:36:54 +0000 UTC]

...Yes. Why?

I'm stupidsifl on tumblr. Do... do you have a Tumblr and... is it "sfw" versus "nsfw"?

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Ceirrin In reply to Sifl-senpai [2012-09-21 22:45:58 +0000 UTC]

Welp, I'm guessing everyone has their NSFW moments, but it's usually not straight up porn, aha...
But yeah, I have a Tumblr. And it ate my life.
Have you escaped that fate? HOW?

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Sifl-senpai In reply to Ceirrin [2012-10-02 21:02:08 +0000 UTC]

I'm MAGIC!!!!!!!

No, I escaped tumblr because my computer...

...won't load it usually.

so it's like I'm in forced rehab????

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Ceirrin In reply to Sifl-senpai [2012-10-04 05:52:22 +0000 UTC]

I'ma go with the first one because I need more hope in my life.
Forced withdrawals are tough, man. I start to get the shakes if I'm away for more than three days. All that runs through my head is, "What if I miss a VERY SIGNIFICANT post that could have changed my virtual life oh god I'm a failure it'll take me years to filter through this dash."
I have a problem, but thankfully you seem to have escaped the downward spiral that oh-so-many of us are headed on.

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Sifl-senpai In reply to Ceirrin [2012-10-05 00:34:32 +0000 UTC]

Awwwwwwwww well, you DO know... what they say in Homestuck... about... magic... errrrrrrr. Anyway.

No but I miss "important" posts all of the time. It actually really does bum me out, honestly. (So I guess I think you are lucky. :/)

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sweetcreep [2012-09-03 09:33:04 +0000 UTC]


look who's back!

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Sifl-senpai In reply to sweetcreep [2012-09-04 05:01:21 +0000 UTC]



FOR FAKE GAMES hfeiofgriygrgbfghfhgug

THis is exciting.

How did you find out????

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sweetcreep In reply to Sifl-senpai [2012-09-04 05:03:50 +0000 UTC]

I follow Liam Lynch's twitter! 8) I must draw more fanart.

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Sifl-senpai In reply to sweetcreep [2012-09-04 22:49:23 +0000 UTC]


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ashenwater [2012-08-03 07:31:21 +0000 UTC]

Hey. Hey. Guess what.

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SugapieIsSoFly [2012-08-01 16:11:58 +0000 UTC]

So I know it's still pretty early to be thinking about the con of next year hehe
But I wanted to throw some ideas by you. Considering the volume of people that go to Otakon and the number of good artists as well, we were wondering if you would mind going with us there instead of the Georgia con. It would be great if we could have about a week of hanging out, so perhaps split a hotel?
This con would be in Baltimore, so it's far for you and incredibly far for me haha. But I still think it'd be amazing to be in a completely new place.
Let me know what you think! I'd like to put together a price estimate for travel fare and other costs so we can start saving c:

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Sifl-senpai In reply to SugapieIsSoFly [2012-08-02 01:12:13 +0000 UTC]

I am assuming "we" is you, me, n' Cmoon.

And I
actually really like that idea. Like, really like that idea. Cmoon and I could potentially carpool. I'd be willing to drive. I need to look at the dates- and I assume you mean the 2013 one versus the 2014 one, yeah?

Also, what if *we* tried to get an art table? Is that kosher up in Otakon? (Heck, Hussie might even go to that con. As the days go on I get a little bit curiouser and curiouser as to what he's like, just to behold in real life. A normal dude, but is he nice? Shy? Condescending/CONdescending/CONDESCENSION? Outgoing?)

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SugapieIsSoFly In reply to Sifl-senpai [2012-08-02 01:53:02 +0000 UTC]

Yes, all three of us cx
Oh my gosh awesome! I wish I was closer to you guys, I have no choice but to fly ;;
Yes, the 2013 one.
Hmmm.. those are expensive to get, aren't they? I wouldn't mind getting one though if I got a chance to cosplay the same day, that'd be cool exposure!

I've seen videos and he seems to be a mix of condescending and shy haha. Mostly flustered at the sheer volume of his fans. I can't blame him for the shock.

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Sifl-senpai In reply to SugapieIsSoFly [2012-08-02 05:12:49 +0000 UTC]

It's in the summer so I'm confident I can do that. It'll be quite a drive, but I think having a car'll be worth it. (Also I'll probably hafta pick you up from the airport if you do fly, I'll bet.)

At AWA, they judge the art table-desirers submit and give tables on a first-come, first-serve basis after they approve the quality of the art. Dunno what they do in Maryland.

"Condescending and shy"... 'bout what I'd expect. Ha ha!

I dunno. When I first read Homestuck, I was like, "So a guy named Mister Andrew Hussie does it. Cool. Don't have a huge desire to meet him, but I like this!" (I'm from the South. He's older than I am and I don't know him on that more personal "we're equals/ we casually refer to each other" basis, therefore he gets the "Mister" which I realize makes a sorta-stripper name- Hustler -> Hussie -> Mister Hustler -> Mister Hussie) versus Matt Stone and Trey Parker (who would re-earn "mister" if I ever met them, but more out of sheer respect and awe) make me go starry-eyed by thought alone and even though I REALLY wanna meet 'em I don't know what I'd say to them!!!!


Now that I've read Homestuck and more of the things that Mister Hussie has written (that aren't necessarily Homestuck-related), I've come to the conclusion that I *think* he would be a decently nice guy, even under the condescension. Slowly but surely I'm starting to want to meet him but not really to talk about the webcomic. I know exactly what I want to say to him and I feel like I wouldn't have much trouble saying it- "Hi, Mister Hussie! It's nice to meet you. My name's *censored for internet* and I really like your webcomic! It's really nice that you are always patient with obnoxious fans like us who like to get overzealous and you strike me as a really nice guy. I know you're busy and this is going to mean, like, absolutely nothing to you besides seem a little odd, but I think I would like to get to know you and be friends! Now, what's your favorite color? And No, this isn't a ploy to try to delve into some weird-@$$ analyzation of your comic. I actually DO NOT CARE about that right now. We can talk about that if you want but that's sincerely not my intention here! And because you're a MOTHER series fan, can we talk about that??? Or food. I like to talk about food. And movies. And the weird names of ingredients on soda bottles."

And I realize that this would creep the poor guy the heck out. But it is actually legitimately innocent and the sincere expression of my feelings. That and "please don't work yourself to death over getting things out on a daily basis. It's awesome you update so fast but if you go to sleep with your eyes bleeding from hours on photoshop every darned day and fun things you may have wanted to do undone- more than in just moderate amounts- you need to slow the heck down. And also it'll make the comic last longer and therefore the profit you make will last longer. Stock up updates or something."


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SugapieIsSoFly In reply to Sifl-senpai [2012-08-02 05:36:44 +0000 UTC]

Well I already did some calculations, seems like if we book decently far in advance, we can find a hotel that's about $58 a room per night, so if we're staying a full week, then it'd total out to about $155 per person for the week. Con tickets usually run between $50 - $100 but for this guesstimate I'm gonna mark $100.
I'm not sure how to calculate gas money for you.. from Atlanta to Baltimore is basically 700 miles and about a 12-14 hour drive, so you'd have to drive a full day.. I guess if your car was like mine and you got about 20mpg on the highway, you'd probably have to fill up at least 4 times.. mine costs $45 to fill.. yeah, I'd say bank for about $250 for gas just to be safe and if you and Cmoon split it you know $125 per person there.

So let's see:
Con tickets - $100
Gas - $125
Hotel - $200 (to be safe)
= $425
+ estimated food costs +$200 per person (This is a really large estimate, I'm taking in possible eating out, a more realistic number would likely be if we all spend about $50 on groceries we'd be fine for the week)
= $625

Yeahhh this is gonna be fucking expensive haha, my total bill will be worse because of the plane jesus help me

I'm not totally sure about an artist's table yet, maybe we just think about it. I think I'd rather wander around at this point - I don't think anybody'd buy my art XD

You do have a job, yes? O.O You can afford this?

I could definitely come to similar conclusions. Though I most certainly would also want to meet Matt and Trey more (Given, I'd quite honestly probably stammer because of being star-struck and being rather confused at anything happening), Hussie would be fun to meet. Judging by the videos, he's kind of adorable. Sometimes makes sassy comments, but otherwise friendly. I've no doubt that he's shy and this kind of exposure would be absolutely overwhelming to him, but from the humor in the comic he's probably really interesting and fun once you get to know him. I'd like to talk to him about movies specifically. See if he's legitimately into Nic Cage like that or if it's all ironic XD

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Sifl-senpai In reply to SugapieIsSoFly [2012-08-02 05:55:25 +0000 UTC]

*Bites nail in concentration* I do have a job- in fact, I've got two at the moment, but they're both part-time and I *might* still have one of them once school starts. This is not definite, but probable. School in and of itself is expensive, but yes, I think I can save for this.

Also if it helps I can cook. Like, casseroles, frequently with chicken. If y'all are down for having kinda repetetive meals I can prooooobably figure out how to best budget meals. (Meaning- if I make the casseroles beforehand and bring them up with me in a cooler/cooler bag, all we'd need is an oven. Actually, a microwave would be fine. I realize most hotels don't have ovens and this is only me brainstorming.)

Holy bejesus yeah planes are expensive. :/

Also artist's tables are expensive and I dunno if people'd buy my stuff either. :/ I should probably offer commissions pretty soon not only to make extra money but because it's good experience. BUT I think people'd buy your stuff, 'specially, like, buttons and stickers.

so it's our pet semi-joke goal that if we meet Hussie that we make friends with him. And if he has an entourage we make friends with them, too. So that $200 meal thing now also goes to the unofficial "chilling with Hussie" fund. XD HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

ALSO I FIND IT INCREDIBLY FUNNY YOU DESCRIBED HIM AS "SASSY". Buuuuut yeah I'd wanna meet Matt n' Trey more.
Also, have you yourself ever *seen* Con Air? Because it's honestly funny even without Homestuck's help.

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SugapieIsSoFly In reply to Sifl-senpai [2012-08-02 06:12:04 +0000 UTC]

Ahh good good! Well what I told Cmoon was (because she's very stressed, her job situation has not been at all steady lately) was that if it gets toward the end and there's a lack of funding, I'll be able to help - I'll be getting about 50 hours every two weeks in for two jobs, not to mention I'll be working breaks which is more money - I still take commissions, and I have a way to make an extra $50 a week (though I prefer not to simply because it's donating plasma and though it doesn't hurt at all, needles make me shiver and the scars make me look like a heroin addict XD)

I am basically incapable of cooking real meals. I can do shit like waffles and bake cookies, I will be exceedingly helpful in this endeavor.

I kind of have a feeling Hussie doesn't have an entourage, probably a body guard to accompany him in huge places like cons but otherwise maybe like.. 2 really close friends haha. Does that make sense? As opposed to having a larger group of friends.
"Andrew, as much as I value your opinion, I think Nicholas Cage sucks balls and eventually I will get you to admit that."

I actually kind of liked Con Air, but I can't tell if it's in an ironic way or not XD Cage's acting wasn't so good.. but Steve Buscemi always always entertains me, that fucking creepy smile/general face, loved him in The Big Lebowski - all these little roles that he plays but they never fail to be memorable. And he just ate up this psychotic role, it was great.
"PUT THE BUNNY BACK IN THE BOX" that's the quote that everybody remembers?
Jesus christ, thinking of Cage with that god damn hair, holy shit

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Sifl-senpai In reply to SugapieIsSoFly [2012-08-04 04:32:20 +0000 UTC]

I'll tell her about the driving thing myself because that still does cut down on travelling expenses for both of us. (Yeah I don't talk to Cmoon as much lately and I have been assuming it is because she is busy. :/ I hope she's okay.)

WAIT WHAT donating plasma from blood? I don't want to get into a political debate when I use this comparison (I'm just trying to, like, get a basic understanding), but it's kind of a similarish (in that you go to a clinic and sign up and get approved) procedure/deal to selling unfertilized eggs, right? And it scars? Geez, how big IS the needle, then? :/

Hey, waffles and cookies are totally legit. Don't even.

...........where would Mister Hussie have found a bodyguard? On Craig's List???? "MAN LOOKING FOR MAN... to keep me from being molested/killed by a hoarde of rabid nerds painted grey and/or dressed like Dave Strider". Was that the ad????

Please do tell him the Nic Cage thing. please. I want to see how this would play out.

I liked Con Air for ironic reasons and also because I thought it was straight-up hilarious (also attributed from the irony.) Ha ha, yes, Steve Buscemi was ACTUALLY quality. And I also really enjoyed John Cusack's character. Also, I never saw The Big Lebowski. Guess I should. XD
I actually thought the most memorable lines for me were most of Cage's OTHER one-liners: "On any othah day, Ahh'd have thawt this strange" or how weird the delivery of "I'monna save the F***in' day" was.

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SugapieIsSoFly In reply to Sifl-senpai [2012-08-04 10:03:34 +0000 UTC]

Oh, well it's not so much that she's busy as her internet is absolute crap haha. She gets about enough time to maybe post something quick really late at night and then it's gone - if she ever is online, it's because she's at a restaurant or at a hotel and can't stay long. Both of us were curious though if we could maybe exchange phone numbers with you..? It's up to you though! D: It'd make it easier to get a hold of you haha .We won't be offended if you say no though!

Well the procedure is for a really good cause, it goes to looking for cures for diseases because plasma is a really untapped resource as of now. Cancer specifically. It's not the same, really. While plasma is a part of your blood, it's not nearly as controversial as selling unfertilized eggs haha. It only scars if you do it a lot, and I did it for almost an entire year, so it's no wonder I have scars XD There were only a couple bad incidents while donating, but not quite enough to completely deter myself from it.

I have no idea oh my god, "I need someone to hoard off the masses but they're not your typical threatening masses" XD

I like how you actually typed out his drawl haha, good lord

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Sifl-senpai In reply to SugapieIsSoFly [2012-08-05 01:07:33 +0000 UTC]

Waaah bad signals. But phone numbers? For y'all? Yes. I'll send you a message on DA real quick in just a second. also I don't do booty calls. *snaps fingers in Z formation*

Ohhhhhh, nonononono the whole "controversial-eggs-stem cells-borderline abortion issue" thing was what I wanted to get disregarded in my terrible alikening- the fact that the eggs thing was the ONLY semi-kinda-maybe similar thing I could pick out showed that I'd never heard of people doing that kind of thing outside of something similar to a paid blood drive. I didn't realize they were doing heavy duty research on just plasma for plasma's sake (although I guess it would make sense in helping leukemia and possibly diabetes too since it's a close proximity to the issue, logically, but you've specifically mentioned cancer so whatever. This is me, trying to apply plasma in loose layman theory. Whee.) Anyway, I actually think that sounds rather neat.

...In fact, I wonder if they could engineer the blood's plasma to be created with some kind of enzyme that had a similar effect to HIV that the actual HIV drug in that it keeps the disease from activating within the cell and attacking white blood cells, except applied to keeping cancerous cells from constantly duplicating itself like crazy, thereby either slowing the cancer or eradicating it by causing that particular mutated source cell to die because it wasn't regenerating and passing on its faulty DNA... but how would they do that without keeping the rest of the cells in the body from in unreplicating stasis as well??? What a conundrum!


Ohhh ohh ohhh, but if he had made that Craig's List ad "I need someone to hoard off all the masses, all of them" he would have either gotten THE MOST dedicated guard or the exact opposite of what he was looking for. Heh heh heh heh.

Oh, the Nic Cage drawl? It's like typing out ebonics- it MUST BE DONE otherwise it just doesn't have the same effect. Glad you appreciated it. XD XD

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Synxthe1st [2012-07-25 03:12:02 +0000 UTC]


And here it is! I arranged your art in a manner so that it felt like Link was going through several hhardships, collecting the masks, up until he battles Majora's Wrath. The effect was quite nice.

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Sifl-senpai In reply to Synxthe1st [2012-07-26 00:00:01 +0000 UTC]

Ah, wow- you, like, used Eeeeverything! And it did come out really nice... I can't give a lot of constructive or insightful comments about the remix, since that isn't my forte, but it sounded nice!!! And I'm flattered you used my stuff!

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Synxthe1st In reply to Sifl-senpai [2012-07-28 04:45:01 +0000 UTC]

I am honored to have been able to use your artwork.

The whole song was made in Mixcraft 6, while listening to the Orchestrated (did I spell that right?) version of the Song.

Didja hear the heartbeat in t background? I used that to emphasize "Healing".

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Sifl-senpai In reply to Synxthe1st [2012-07-29 01:47:12 +0000 UTC]

Awww, you flatter me way too much. XD

Yes, that's the right spelling, so far as I can tell. XD

I DID! I thought it was a neat touch!!

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Synxthe1st In reply to Sifl-senpai [2012-07-29 01:57:47 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!!

Also I learned something odd today about LoZ MM. Did you know that it was the by-product of boredom/lack of will to work/laziness on LoZ OoT Master Quest?

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Sifl-senpai In reply to Synxthe1st [2012-07-29 02:21:58 +0000 UTC]

You are welcome.

And yes, I did! Ha ha ha! Miyamoto really did us a favor by saying "yes" to letting the MM year-long challenge!!!

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Synxthe1st In reply to Sifl-senpai [2012-07-29 02:54:14 +0000 UTC]

Best discovery of my day.

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Sifl-senpai In reply to Synxthe1st [2012-07-29 05:29:13 +0000 UTC]


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Electrosa [2012-07-22 09:16:26 +0000 UTC]

Boo! Hey Sifl! Remember me? Man it's been forever. I was just lurking around and thought I'd say hi again. How've you been?

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Sifl-senpai In reply to Electrosa [2012-07-22 17:20:49 +0000 UTC]

Oh, hey!!!! Yeah, I remember you, silly! Thanks for stoppin' by! I'm doing great!! I'm still doing fun Majora's Mask fanart and sometimes Mother stuff, as always (now with added Homestuck).

But how ARE yoooou???? Your new icon is ADORABLE, by the way.

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Electrosa In reply to Sifl-senpai [2012-07-24 10:41:56 +0000 UTC]

Aw, hahah, good to hear! I really need to art more but my pace is dismally slow as always. It doesn't help that my main schtick is gijinkas now and all of my designs are HILARIOUSLY COMPLICATED.

I've been pretty good! :D I started at a new school this year and that's going pretty nicely. Thanks for the comment about the icon - a friend made it~ It's a character from the Kirby series (which is my current major fandom, as you may have noticed, ahaha).

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