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| Snow-Machine

Snow-Machine [7519706] [2008-06-07 03:30:35 +0000 UTC] "Portrait of A Monster" (United States)

# Statistics

Favourites: 1497; Deviations: 9; Watchers: 518

Watching: 79; Pageviews: 91907; Comments Made: 6917; Friends: 79

# Interests

Favorite movies: Princess Mononoke
Favorite bands / musical artists: Portishead/A Perfect Circle/Tool/Queen Adreena
Favorite writers: Ray Bradbury/Philip K. Dick
Tools of the Trade: A word processor and lots of music
Other Interests: Writing, books, martial arts, bad horror movies

# About me

"Perhaps the artist is nothing more than the personification of this universal maladjustment, this universal disequilibrium." - Henry Miller

Current Residence: Texas, United States
Favourite genre of music: Trip-hop/Electronic/Alternative
Favourite style of art: Philosophical, Horror & Macabre
Operating System: Windows Vista
MP3 player of choice: Ipod
Shell of choice: This skin
Skin of choice: Blood and Fiber
Personal Quote: "The truth is outside of all fixed patterns" ~ Bruce Lee

# Comments

Comments: 1830

hell-on-a-stick [2024-08-14 02:54:19 +0000 UTC]

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hell-on-a-stick [2015-02-28 03:34:09 +0000 UTC]

Ye still existe? que bueno. 

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zezephotography [2014-06-23 05:16:43 +0000 UTC]


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Snow-Machine In reply to zezephotography [2014-07-01 21:32:26 +0000 UTC]


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SophieKoryn [2014-05-19 22:27:47 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much for the fav!!!!

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Kezzi-Rose [2013-08-30 23:41:44 +0000 UTC]

You've been given a DeviantART Compliment ! ♥

Have a wonderful day

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ScorpionHoliday [2013-04-28 00:45:38 +0000 UTC]

hey there! long time fan, I'm not sure if you remember me.

I just wanted to say that I love your work and I'd love to ask for some advice. how did you begin to write the way you do? you're amazing. it's always so inspiring to read your work.

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Snow-Machine In reply to ScorpionHoliday [2013-05-26 19:10:40 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I'm glad I could inspire you. I'm not around Deviantart much but it's nice that people still remember me here.

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Lacewinged-Beauty [2013-04-02 00:34:03 +0000 UTC]

Hello! A fellow deviant suggested I read your piece The Swan and the Minotaur but I cannot seem to find it. Is there anyway you could help?

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Snow-Machine In reply to Lacewinged-Beauty [2013-05-26 19:11:10 +0000 UTC]

I'm sorry, I've taken down that piece quite a while ago. If you want to send me a message at axtian@gmail.com, I could send it to you.

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MisfortunesLady [2013-02-03 04:37:12 +0000 UTC]

Maybe you've said this elsewhere, but I noticed you mention how you don't update here much and was wondering if you have somewhere that sees more love? Your writing is beautiful, I hope you never lose your spark.

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Snow-Machine In reply to MisfortunesLady [2013-02-05 19:52:22 +0000 UTC]

I'm a bit inactive on the Internet in general these days, but you can find me on tumblr: [link]

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MisfortunesLady In reply to Snow-Machine [2013-02-06 01:54:50 +0000 UTC]

I forgot I'm following you on there XD haha

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PoetryOD [2013-01-19 02:58:38 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for faving with a whisper,
I'm really glad you enjoyed it and I appreciate
the support a lot so thanks. - Kate

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PoetryOD [2013-01-16 00:43:50 +0000 UTC]

Hey, okay, prepare for a really random comment, but I wrote a poem partially inspired by you here . You don't have to look at it, fave it, or anything, just wanted you to know it exists. *Runs away*

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Counselor-Vidkun [2013-01-13 02:33:19 +0000 UTC]

correct me if i'm wrong, but did you once write a story about a man with an umbrella? who was a really strange man. I don't remember much about the story, but all your old stuff is in storage. I just was curious. If it wasn't you, sorry for the mistake.

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Snow-Machine In reply to Counselor-Vidkun [2013-01-13 22:32:22 +0000 UTC]

I could have love, but it's not something that I can recall. Sorry I'm not much help!

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Counselor-Vidkun In reply to Snow-Machine [2013-01-14 00:54:03 +0000 UTC]

it's ok! when i first discovered you it was when i was going through my serious reading phase on dA. I read a LOT of different stories from a lot of different writers. I also mold a lot of things together

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Counselor-Vidkun [2012-11-23 05:37:51 +0000 UTC]

"the crooked god machine"

when buying that book on amazon, are you buying an actual book or is it for the kindle or nook? because i'd love an actual copy of the book. (I understand this is probably a very weird question, but I'm just curious.)

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Snow-Machine In reply to Counselor-Vidkun [2012-11-26 00:36:23 +0000 UTC]

Hey lovely, it's for the kindle. If you want you can download an app for your phone or computer to read it. I'm working on getting a physical copy made so people can have it, since there have been lots of requests. Much love.

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Counselor-Vidkun In reply to Snow-Machine [2012-11-26 19:29:49 +0000 UTC]

c: ok i'll have to download an app for it!!

or just force my friend to let me borrow her tablet. heehee.

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YouInventedMe [2012-11-01 20:53:22 +0000 UTC]

happy birthday!

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Ellenoric [2012-05-18 04:02:03 +0000 UTC]

Recently finished reading both of your books, keen for more

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Snow-Machine In reply to Ellenoric [2012-05-21 17:36:20 +0000 UTC]

Thank you love, this means a lot. I have 2 more releases planned for this year, I'll let you know.

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Ellenoric In reply to Snow-Machine [2012-05-22 09:13:01 +0000 UTC]

Awesome i'll get hem as soon as they're out,your writing style is so captivating!

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GDeyke [2012-04-02 12:08:22 +0000 UTC]

Came to your page via Little Owl, found it excellent, inspected the rest of your gallery and found that ALSO excellent. Keep it up.

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Tsukiiyo [2012-04-02 11:42:53 +0000 UTC]

I love what you do. So if you're not in my group, I invite you with pleasure : [link] .
It'd be great

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JaniceDuke [2012-03-18 23:28:57 +0000 UTC]

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shackell [2012-03-07 12:58:14 +0000 UTC]

Glad to see you still at it.

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Snow-Machine In reply to shackell [2012-03-13 10:48:37 +0000 UTC]


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Counselor-Vidkun [2012-02-11 21:16:52 +0000 UTC]

"the dog that bit her" was haunting, horrifying and memorizing. I couldn't take my eyes away from it. Every detail and aspect, all the emotion and trauma. It was all so vivid and brilliant. I could picture the scenes in my head so clear as I read. It was amazing!!!

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Counselor-Vidkun [2012-02-11 03:40:41 +0000 UTC]

D8> aww maan Tuesday was adorable!! ajfwdo that story was good though!!! I was hoping she wouldn't die, but I sort of knew that she would have to. The story led up to her death being an important event. 8D it was a great story!! and that frigging prophet >8l psychotic freak. People like scare me. they make the most horrifying characters, speaking of Gods and saying their actions were for Gods. And Bill was a great character, man. he was very Human. I love those types of characters, the skeptic human ones who give you a sense that they could very well be real. it makes the story more real I suppose.

Augh the ending, it was so sad, but at the same time, I don't think it could have ended differently. sjdflsk All of your writing is amazing!

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Counselor-Vidkun [2012-02-11 03:08:49 +0000 UTC]

Just wanted to tell yah that I got your email and I've already started reading your short stories!! The promised Dreamless Death oh WOW it was so good!! aaadskljerwoi I loved the way you ended it and just wejkflsd SORRY my words are so unpoetic haha. I am going to read more now!! It's not every day you get to tell the writers of some of your favorite stories how you feel about their work so this is just....me being a silly fan. haha I hope it doesn't bother you too much!

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YouInventedMe [2011-11-01 16:19:24 +0000 UTC]

happy birthday!

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HaveTales-WillTell [2011-10-19 08:35:12 +0000 UTC]

Just wanted to give you a heads-up that To Be A Writer has been featured in my current journal.

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sC-facTion [2011-08-07 23:07:31 +0000 UTC]

You put He Whispers Like Flowers in storage, didn't you? I loved that piece. I went to look at it and it said file not found. I was really sad. I hope you'll put it back up sometime. Along with the other works you put in storage.

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Snow-Machine In reply to sC-facTion [2011-08-12 13:37:45 +0000 UTC]

I rarely use Deviantart anymore, but you can come find me here. [link]
I placed my stories in storage because I'm trying to sell them, but send me an email at axtian [at] gmail [dot] com and I'll send the story to you.

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sC-facTion In reply to Snow-Machine [2011-08-12 21:20:33 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I hadn't noticed you had a Tumblr.
I wish you luck with selling them! If you're trying to sell them, I don't feel right asking you to send me any of them, but thank you very much for the offer

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Snow-Machine In reply to sC-facTion [2011-08-13 02:09:16 +0000 UTC]

No, I don't mind at all, I give them to anyone who wants to read them.

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betwixtthepages [2011-07-20 04:45:01 +0000 UTC]


You've been featured here--


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summernightangel [2011-07-02 02:47:46 +0000 UTC]

hello beautiful. i'm looking forward to you posting something; as every single thing you write is of constantly amazing quality. all your writing literally picks me up and takes me out of this world and into another, and i really want to escape these days. you don't need to reply, i'm going through this phase where i deal with my pain by wanting to give some sort of pleasure to others. i hope you know how gifted you are, you inspire me, and i hope your summer is full of monsters in the closet and blood and bottomless lakes and other beautiful things <3

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Snow-Machine In reply to summernightangel [2011-08-12 13:37:59 +0000 UTC]

Come find me [link]

I miss your beautiful face.

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Elmara [2011-03-31 11:27:31 +0000 UTC]

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ThisBonelessOne [2011-02-17 22:46:27 +0000 UTC]

I had a dream about you before I went into treatment. Oh gosh, I sound like such a crazed fan, i'm really not, i just like your stories.
Anyways, I saved you from your mother's house, I kidnapped you away from her. I had butterfly earrings on and I wanted to give them to you so I did. You needed help piercing one of your ears so I did it for you, your ear started to drip with blood and I laughed,
"It reminds me of the title, butterfly red, butterfly black."

Then you lead me into a beautiful nightmare.

Odd days.

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ThisBonelessOne [2011-02-06 19:33:14 +0000 UTC]

Hello dear, I am going to treatment and I was wondering if you had any other short stories taht you would like to share with me, that would be very awesome. Thank you for the last two you sent me, i showed them to some of my friends and they loved it.

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hell-on-a-stick [2011-01-14 17:05:13 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the favorite on [link]
glad you made it to the gate
glad you didnt stumble.

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jackiewelles [2010-12-25 17:22:13 +0000 UTC]

Merry Christmas!

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ThisBonelessOne [2010-12-10 19:50:35 +0000 UTC]

again with the deletions, I was just about to print off your stories/journals and put them into my new green binder (i lost my purple binder) but its alright, I hope you are well beautiful~

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YouInventedMe [2010-11-13 01:18:45 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the on peapod !

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Jenu1 [2010-11-02 05:35:24 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday, beloved one.

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