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| Stock-Secrets
# Statistics
Favourites: 18; Deviations: 341; Watchers: 27
Watching: 4; Pageviews: 9121; Comments Made: 247; Friends: 4
# About me
Noob photographer ^^
Current Residence: Your Mind
Operating System: MAC
# Comments
Comments: 17
mariokoller [2012-11-27 21:52:04 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the stock.
Used this is image here: [link]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Stargalaxyblack [2011-08-03 10:41:41 +0000 UTC]
Hello there,
I've been having a hard time reaching you, did you read my E-mail yet ?
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Stock-Secrets In reply to Stargalaxyblack [2011-12-12 12:17:33 +0000 UTC]
I have not received any emails sorry.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
LissyH [2011-01-03 15:38:38 +0000 UTC]
wonderful stock photos come and enjoin my group stock-photos 1
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
rameexgfx [2010-11-05 15:05:42 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the member of now you can explore & submit the art work
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kitiekat4U In reply to Stock-Secrets [2010-10-27 13:44:21 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
kitiekat4U [2010-10-18 02:31:38 +0000 UTC]
hello i used one of your stock photos here [link]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
C0NT1NUUM [2009-12-23 14:17:39 +0000 UTC]
Hello, ill catch you while your on, do you recon i could modify one of your pictures and then post it on my acc?
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Stock-Secrets In reply to C0NT1NUUM [2009-12-23 14:45:46 +0000 UTC]
Sure, just be sure to put a link to the original in the comments,
That's what a stock account is for
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
maddy89 In reply to Stock-Secrets [2009-12-21 23:21:12 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
C0NT1NUUM [2009-11-23 08:57:55 +0000 UTC]
Nice work, i had not realized that you where such a keen photographer, as you said you wanted constructive cristizim here is some.
You have some really good shots, but i think that you need a better camera, ether that or keep the pictures smaller, the tend to be very pixely, and you need to be more careful about where the sun is in the picture, as the glare in some of the pictures mark them down (decrease their quality) i believe, and lastly, i don't know if you wanted it to appear this way but, i think that you (mostly with the pics of Your sis's) you tend to have other things like buckets, chairs and stuff in the picture, an i think the pictures would be better if that was not so.
Any way, i love the work that you have posted, and also, on a different note, i'm going to be uploading some anime that i drew soon. look out for it.
angain, great work
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Stock-Secrets In reply to C0NT1NUUM [2009-11-23 09:10:17 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, I wanted a natural air to some of them, make them seem more home like.
I was aware of the sun not being my friend with all of the photos and figured I can photoshop the lighting till I get better at choosing it straight out.
Thank you very much for the criticism, I shall indeed take it all into consideration.
I actually have a decent camera, but I was using a video camera for the still shots as my normal camera was charging the battery and I wanted to take the photos then and there.
Thank you also for the
I look forward to seeing your new work and will probably fave some of it from my normal account (I am saving this account strictly for my stock images )
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