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| TheQueenofNerds
# Statistics
Favourites: 751; Deviations: 770; Watchers: 54
Watching: 140; Pageviews: 17596; Comments Made: 4815; Friends: 140
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: Claude Monet, Thomas Kincade, Sakimichan etc.Favorite movies: Pride and Prejudice, Medea, Shrek, Napolean Dynamite, Narnia, Home Alone, Pirates of the Caribbean, Napoleon Dynamite, Rush Hour, Spider-Man, Ace Ventura, etc
Favorite TV shows: Once Upon a Time, Are you being Served?, Family Guy, Bones, Big Bang Theory, Bleach, Robot Chicken, The Simpsons, South Park, Buffy, Angel, Alias, etc
Favorite bands / musical artists: Skillet, Bruno Mars, Rihana, Beyonce, Ke$ha, Nobuo Uematsu, Yasunori Mitsuda, Michiru Yamane, "Weird Al" Yankovic, Beethovan, Yoko Shimomura, Koji Kondo, Reiko Nomura, etc.
Favorite books: Narnia, Hary Potter, Lord of the Rings, novels by Nora Roberts and ones like them, etc.
Favorite writers: Nora Roberts, etc
Favorite games: Suikoden4/5, GoldenSun TacticsOgre, StarOcean3, CastlevaniaRPGs, Zelda3/ww/ss, FFVI/IX/Tactics, DonkeyKongCountrys, DragonQuest3/7/8/9, TetrisWorlds, Columns, SuperMarioRPG/3/World/World2/3DS/wii. LegendofLegaia, GradiusIII,, SagaFrontierII, DiabloII
Favorite gaming platform: Strategy RPG, RPG, Action RPG
Tools of the Trade: Nikon, Canon PowerShot A720 IS, crappy phone
Other Interests: Nature, cats, insects, mushrooms, water, jellyfish, mermen, sexy boys, frogs, the color green
# About me
Current Residence: USA
deviantWEAR sizing preference: M
Print preference: 8x12
Favorite genre of music: Classical, techno, R&B, jazz, jrock/pop, metal
Favorite photographer: Nature photographers
Favorite style of art: Sai and Photography
Operating System: XP and 7
MP3 player of choice: sansa4gb
Wallpaper of choice: Something amazing
Favorite cartoon character: Stewie and Brian (Family Guy)
Personal Quote: Having an opinion is different than supporting oppression
# Comments
Comments: 430
red-hood-clover [2017-03-05 23:43:41 +0000 UTC]
-Boops nose- hi there! Uhm sooo... How's it goin? You seem pretty neat c: take this cake as a gift!
π: 0 β©: 1
TheQueenofNerds In reply to red-hood-clover [2017-04-11 18:07:50 +0000 UTC]
Well ty Youre pretty cool yourself
Appreciate the cake XD
π: 0 β©: 1
ingeline-art [2016-11-16 11:09:58 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much for the Llama - Β
that means so much for me!!!
Ingeline-art cologne ))Β Β
π: 0 β©: 1
deviantfemale007 [2016-06-04 21:28:05 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a lot for watching me back
thx for the Llama as well!
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TheQueenofNerds In reply to deviantfemale007 [2016-06-05 20:20:02 +0000 UTC]
llama trading is fun
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deviantfemale007 In reply to TheQueenofNerds [2016-06-05 22:08:56 +0000 UTC]
π: 0 β©: 0
Oh--Shit [2016-03-06 07:32:42 +0000 UTC]
Where the fuck are my african cats?????????????????????????????????
π: 0 β©: 1
TheQueenofNerds In reply to Oh--Shit [2016-03-25 15:14:46 +0000 UTC]
Here's some cute ones:
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NerdsEyePhotograpy [2016-01-20 04:48:48 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fave and the comment!
π: 0 β©: 1
MartinaSaviane [2015-10-20 23:12:30 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the watch!!!!Β Β Β Β
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