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| VitaeFetan
# Statistics
Favourites: 1096; Deviations: 329; Watchers: 64
Watching: 72; Pageviews: 18363; Comments Made: 2632; Friends: 72
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: Jcamelo, Endo-K, Miccool, Lf2Master, Terkoiz, Jartemius, Tman, Hyun and other guys <3Favorite movies: Nine!!
Favorite bands / musical artists: "Value of "Favourite band or musician" too long ¬_¬"
Favorite writers: Too many to choose.
Favorite games: "Okay, let's make a benzol molecule from six students."
Tools of the Trade: Touchpad, media tablet, gel ink pen, pencil, 4-all marker, camera, MS Paint, Paint.net
Other Interests: Snowboard, roller skating, reading, drawing,music, horse-riding, volleyball, animating.
# About me
Current Residence: Echo world, definitely.
Favourite genre of music: (...)-rock, (...)-metal, acoustic, cardio-wave
Favourite photographer: Too many to choose
Favourite style of art: Animation, digital art, traditional art, poetry, prose (but oh well, I'm lame)
Operating System: Windows XP
MP3 player of choice: Now - iPod Nano
Wallpaper of choice: Something by meh
Favourite cartoon character: Stickman
Personal Quote: If somebody is really following you - it's not a paranoia any more ._.
# Comments
Comments: 961
audreycat [2012-04-27 18:46:48 +0000 UTC]
Russia it's your birthday today so I'm so writing happy birthday, see just like that. Happy happy, you are happy right? be more then happy.
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audreycat In reply to VitaeFetan [2011-12-15 23:03:02 +0000 UTC]
Where you been all my life? BI I can't stay mad at you <3
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VitaeFetan In reply to audreycat [2011-12-18 20:10:11 +0000 UTC]
Maaan, I work so hard I've never thought I would! xD Seriously, I haven't been on internetz for fun FOR AGES
How are yooouuu?
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
audreycat In reply to VitaeFetan [2011-12-19 14:32:20 +0000 UTC]
I'm everything. Why do you work so much, your like all grown up. How you been other wise, god you ain't married yet are you? Why so silly?
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VitaeFetan In reply to audreycat [2011-12-22 13:57:13 +0000 UTC]
It's just that, training for a doctor is really difficult and time-consuming xD
And lol no, I'm not married, why would I be? xD
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audreycat In reply to VitaeFetan [2011-12-22 23:54:55 +0000 UTC]
I donno, we don't talk as we use to, though its nice to hear from you sometimes, its Christmas dude. Kinda. you don't really have it but..-glomp and tackles- Anything new and awesome?
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EvilTie [2010-12-27 18:48:30 +0000 UTC]
Why are you inactive in MSN? ;-;
May I add your skype?
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VitaeFetan In reply to EvilTie [2010-12-28 10:58:29 +0000 UTC]
Oh snap, I forgot to announce I'm not using MSN anymore, my apologies xD
Sure you may, I'm vitaefetan there as well
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aka1239 [2010-11-20 14:19:27 +0000 UTC]
So ! long time !
whats new ? haha
see your improving in flash =o OMG
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VitaeFetan In reply to aka1239 [2010-11-26 14:44:50 +0000 UTC]
wow, hello there! : D
well, i'm now bugged by hell of work due to finals this year xD
other than that, i'm pretty fine.
how are you? ;D
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VitaeFetan In reply to Banshee-Tao [2010-09-18 06:32:51 +0000 UTC]
Не за что! Обожаю Ваши работы. Как ни зайду, все время что-нибудь очень вкусное нахожу <3
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
audreycat [2010-09-17 12:19:44 +0000 UTC]
I might not be on the computer today. umm tomorrow I came back.
I found out some stuff that I have to do something. It's soo weird I was soo ttly gonna ask you something but I forgot. you can yell at me later for teasing you.
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Joe-4-Kerr [2010-09-13 19:24:18 +0000 UTC]
Сейчас тестирую jabber. Ты получила мой запрос авторизации в MSN?
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KineticSquirrel [2010-09-04 13:41:49 +0000 UTC]
After several trillion years, I finished your prize. [link]
Hope you like it.
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Draginmastr [2010-08-08 20:09:49 +0000 UTC]
Congratulations on winning Squirrel's contest! You did a really great job.
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VitaeFetan In reply to cretsya [2010-08-05 16:46:16 +0000 UTC]
my pleasure! it is an amazing pic, don't delete it please~
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VitaeFetan In reply to Banshee-Tao [2010-08-04 19:36:31 +0000 UTC]
Ne za chto. You are very welcome
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Joe-4-Kerr [2010-08-02 21:39:57 +0000 UTC]
What kind of thing should I do to get premium myself? XD
Я вернулся.
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VitaeFetan In reply to Joe-4-Kerr [2010-08-02 22:38:58 +0000 UTC]
Не знаю, попасть на какой-нибудь лажовый контест, где даже у таких, как я, есть шанс победить
Welcome back.
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audreycat In reply to VitaeFetan [2010-08-02 18:35:02 +0000 UTC]
//hides in a bush how about now?
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VitaeFetan In reply to audreycat [2010-08-02 18:42:35 +0000 UTC]
//starts searching
gotta find you!
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VitaeFetan In reply to audreycat [2010-08-02 19:35:41 +0000 UTC]
mnwah, i'm leaving this saturday for neraly a month, but i believe we'll be able to rp and stuff before i go :3
see you.
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Jartemius [2010-07-26 16:31:33 +0000 UTC]
"Favourite artist: Jcamelo, Endo-K, Miccool, Lf2Master, Terkoiz, Jartemius, Tman, Hyun and other guys <3"
Wow, thank you a loooooot for putting me! I don't think I diserve it, but still thanks! ;D.
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VitaeFetan In reply to Jartemius [2010-07-29 17:36:18 +0000 UTC]
Oh well, I still think you do deserve ;D And you are always welcome.
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WolfyWardark [2010-07-21 19:52:28 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the favourite on my Kenny Collection photograph! :3
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VitaeFetan In reply to WolfyWardark [2010-07-22 09:42:22 +0000 UTC]
You are very welcome! And thank you so much for the watch! :33
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