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| anamakiu
# Statistics
Favourites: 69; Deviations: 1; Watchers: 161
Watching: 51; Pageviews: 9591; Comments Made: 218; Friends: 51
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: Feng Zhu, Android JonesFavorite TV shows: Game of Thrones
Favorite bands / musical artists: Broken Iris, Parov Stelar
Favorite games: Skyrim, Dishonored, Journey, Assassin's Creed, Bastion
Favorite gaming platform: PC, PS3, PSP
Tools of the Trade: Photoshop, Wacom
Other Interests: Piano
# Comments
Comments: 58
cmaguilera [2021-07-06 07:44:59 +0000 UTC]
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ThatThieff [2015-10-29 21:55:10 +0000 UTC]
... Wh-.... Β ...wh---.... where'd "Cry" go...?!.... Β What'd you do with the pirate...?! WHERE'D EVERYTHING GO...?! ...
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anamakiu In reply to irriKUN [2014-01-02 16:02:09 +0000 UTC]
I'm so glad you think so. Thank you very much! *_*
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anamakiu In reply to leargini-diablo [2013-12-22 06:18:08 +0000 UTC]
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RaevnEldaer [2013-11-23 14:08:03 +0000 UTC]
Great work man. How long have you been studying? In my first year now, and truly hope I can achieve such clean good style like you keep it up
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anamakiu In reply to RaevnEldaer [2013-11-25 15:47:57 +0000 UTC]
Hey thanks!
I've been studying for a year now, though I have to say that my painting skills are mostly self-taught. Still, I'm nowhere near where I want to be, but you just have to work hard and practice a lot to improve, I suppose. I'm sure you'll reach that point someday, your gallery definitely looks promising!
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PurpurNaschvogel [2013-11-21 20:35:36 +0000 UTC]
Hey, du hast aber auch eine sehr schΓΆne Gallerie mach weiter so
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CharmKwon [2013-11-19 22:19:11 +0000 UTC]
you got style my friend! Keep up the great work!
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BrendaVV [2013-11-13 22:34:26 +0000 UTC]
hey ^^
after you commented on my pic I was curious after what kind of artist you were and I can honestly say I'm impressed!
you really have a nice gallery^^
I suggest you join many groups related to your art so you can show your art to as many people as possible c:
also, I see you are new here?
so welcome to deviantart^^
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anamakiu In reply to BrendaVV [2013-11-14 04:03:20 +0000 UTC]
thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad a talented artist such as yourself thinks that way about my work, though I still have a lot to learn and improve. Thanks again!
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EffervescentElixir [2013-11-12 18:33:04 +0000 UTC]
Welcome! Thank you so much for joining !
We hope you have an awesome time with us!
If you have any questions, queries or issues feel free to talk to any of the admins at #Art-Zone, we are more than happy to assist you!
Kind Regards,
Admin of #Art-Zone
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Nyamesiss [2013-11-09 13:59:23 +0000 UTC]
very cool style and welcome to DA
hope to see more of your stuff ^^/ +watch
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anamakiu In reply to Nyamesiss [2013-11-09 16:06:16 +0000 UTC]
thank you so much >o<
browsed through your gallery, your environment drawings are amazing!
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Nyamesiss In reply to anamakiu [2013-11-09 18:23:14 +0000 UTC]
QuQ uwah so kind of you
I'm just starting in enviro art though ahaha TuT still a bit difficult to get used to~
I liked you little abandoned city picture too
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anamakiu In reply to Nyamesiss [2013-11-10 14:17:57 +0000 UTC]
I totally understand you. I only ever did characters but I really want to learn how to do environments now, but it's so hard T_T and I'm so bad at perspective. Hope I'll be able to do them soon, though. ;>
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Nyamesiss In reply to anamakiu [2013-11-10 21:19:04 +0000 UTC]
hehe sure thing uVu I guess we're in the same boat on this stuff then yeah :S
and yeah perspective can be quite the b*tch :T I'm thinking of using some construction lines in future works xD though rocky surface is easier to cheat on haha`
I kinda learned how to draw backgrounds from FZD (feng zhu design school) on youtube
he's a really cool guy and his vids are quite useful. Maybe you'd like to watch some of them? ^^b
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anamakiu In reply to Nyamesiss [2013-11-10 23:30:19 +0000 UTC]
yeah I know feng zhu, such an amazing artist! I absolutely love his tutorials and learned so much from him already. *_*
I've actually started to make a 3D base for environment sketches, it's really fast and I don't have to figure out the perspective when I'm drawing (cause I'm kind of too lazy to make a proper lineart beforehand xD).
But I still want to be able to do that without a base and be as fast es feng zhu someday. >o< would be really useful to be able to quickly scribble some thumbnails for game concepts and ideas.
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Nyamesiss In reply to anamakiu [2013-11-10 23:43:08 +0000 UTC]
aww man cool that you know him too and yes I learned a bunch from his vids too ^^Β
Cool, so you kinda use a 3D grid for your perspective lines? that's really useful (I should figure out how to do that kinda stuff too >:T)
feng is just a real master already ;U; eheh we still have a long way to go I guess to catch with him x3
:T I guess practise is the only key to success eh OTL so keep going ^^/
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anamakiu In reply to Nyamesiss [2013-11-11 19:27:55 +0000 UTC]
yeah let's do our best and help each other on the way! I'm sure we'll improve a lot!
For a 3D base I use Sketchup, it's really easy to learn and you can quickly model some buildings and then export it as a 2D png and paint over it. Really useful, you should check it out!
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Nyamesiss In reply to anamakiu [2013-11-11 22:42:46 +0000 UTC]
Yeah cool Β
If you ever need any help/advise I'll be here o3o/ though I'm no expert either haha we should just go for it >3
I remember using sketchup pretty long ago (when I was 13 or something) so it must've been pretty easy yeah ^^
Do you also make all the windows and that stuff in sketchup or is that all handpainted?
(I'll just creep over to google and download it hahah~)
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anamakiu In reply to Nyamesiss [2013-11-13 00:31:05 +0000 UTC]
I don't really do a lot of details, just what is needed to help me through the painting process. Windows are useful though, since they offer some extra perspective lines, so I usually add some, but without any details. Hope that helps.
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Nyamesiss In reply to anamakiu [2013-11-13 21:36:18 +0000 UTC]
yeah I thought so with windows since they're kinda neat shapes?
details like cracks or brick are indeed a lot more irregular and nicer to add in the painting/photobashing stage
gonna start figuring out how to get some interesting comps with this stuff ^^ its so easy to use better than I remember haha
just didnt find time to work on overpainting it yet :T and I want to get some interesting shapes too (now I only have random blocks hah)
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anamakiu In reply to Nyamesiss [2013-11-13 21:47:13 +0000 UTC]
I'm so glad I was able to help! >o<
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Nyamesiss In reply to anamakiu [2013-11-13 23:03:32 +0000 UTC]
yes thank you so much ^U^/
I'll be bach when I get some work done with this :3
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Sealkittyy [2013-11-08 13:28:20 +0000 UTC]
Wow! You're really talented!
I really need to work on concepting. I especially have trouble drawing buildings ;__;
I hope you livestream, post time-lapse videos or tutorials someday.
I'd love to learn from you
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anamakiu In reply to Sealkittyy [2013-11-08 14:10:19 +0000 UTC]
thank you so much for these kind words! Though I'm not sure I deserve so many compliments Actually I'm still in a learning stage myself, there's just so much I can't visualize yet. :/
drawing buildings... yep, that's my weak point as well, though I kind of have to draw them now since I developed the concept for our current game project and it's setting is an abandoned city, but it's so frustrating at times!
I'm not so sure about doing tutorials, since there are already so many good ones, but if you have questions or need some tips you can always message me, if you'd like. :')
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Sealkittyy In reply to anamakiu [2013-11-09 02:14:53 +0000 UTC]
I understand how you feel :3
I'm a concept/character designer/texture artist for my team.
I'm still a newbie and I need to learn so much more about design to make it worth their while in putting their trust into my art directions ;__;
And thank you very much! You are too kind. I look forward to seeing all your future works
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anamakiu In reply to Sealkittyy [2013-11-09 16:08:58 +0000 UTC]
I'll do my best, thanks! :')
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MitchellTummers [2013-11-08 12:53:09 +0000 UTC]
I see you're currently studying Game Desgin, Me 2! I haven't uploaded proper work yet, Cause i'm busy working in a game company xD You know the game Reus?? It's about civilization and Giants.
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anamakiu In reply to MitchellTummers [2013-11-08 13:35:24 +0000 UTC]
hey! A fellow game designer, how nice. And you're already working in a company... I'm envious haha. It's still going to take a while for me to actually start working. What do you specialize in? I don't know about Reus but it looks pretty cool. Did you work on that?
We are currently doing our second game project in university, so I know how busy that can get...
oh and thanks for the watch.
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MitchellTummers In reply to anamakiu [2013-11-08 19:07:18 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome first of all! (*v*)
Yeah I worked on Reus, concept art and Assets etc.
What year you're in? you're not busy with interships yet?
I specialize in 2D concepts. I also like to 3D sculpt in Z brush.
What kind of games you're working on? if you may tell...
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anamakiu In reply to MitchellTummers [2013-11-08 20:46:03 +0000 UTC]
It would be really awesome if I could do concepts for official games one day :'D must be pretty cool^^
I've started my third semester last month and we start doing internships a bit later. But for every semester we get a new assignment to make a game in small groups. Last semester we did a 2D platformer/sidescroller and now we're moving to 3D and have to make a game in first person perspective, which I do the concepts for. It's a really good experience for me. :')
Though I'm not really good with 3D yet ;..; It's kind of frustrating sometimes.
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MitchellTummers In reply to anamakiu [2013-11-08 21:08:57 +0000 UTC]
You also make the 3D for the FP shooter?Β Concepts + doing 3D is a lot of work
Yeah, it's really cool, BUT SOMETIMES PAAAINN xD
You keep making concepts over and over again about 1 idea. Satisfy the lead designer. It's like.. Okay i've got this idea.. and wrote something about it. Here you go, figure it out. The more you do this, the faster this go. But from start.... hehe.. ouch xD
and A LOT of communication
In the end it's really rewarding work On every piece I work I improve. People like it and they say wow or awesome and use it. Gives me such a motivation boost (*v*).
What keeps you motivated?
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anamakiu In reply to MitchellTummers [2013-11-09 17:46:50 +0000 UTC]
yeah, I'm kind of the "lead artist" in our group and have two members helping me on the designs, though I do the main concepts and they give me feedback or have other suggestions on different ideas. It's pretty cool and you get a lot of great ideas in the team.
I'm kind of the only one that has at least some experience in 3D, so I'll help the others and we'll do the models together, I hope. xD I really don't want to model and texture a whole city by myself haha ^^
But you're right. The more you work the more you improve and it's really helpful if you get some feedback on your designs. That's actually the reason I joined deviantart. I get really motivated if I get a watch, it shows me there is someone who likes what I do and it makes me want to get better, since I'm usually pretty lazy. xD
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TheJoanaPADJ [2013-11-08 12:00:31 +0000 UTC]
Hello and welcome to
Please don't forget to read the rules and if you have any doubt or question just ask us, and we will try our best to help you.
Other than that, we hope you have fun and that you fight the laziness!
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anamakiu In reply to TheJoanaPADJ [2013-11-08 13:24:51 +0000 UTC]
thank you! this is such an amazing group and I'm glad I can be a part of it. It really motivates me to actually go and do something haha.
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TheJoanaPADJ In reply to anamakiu [2013-11-08 13:26:07 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! ^^
Well, that is our goal! We are glad that this group motivates you!
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