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| kinga-saiyans
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# Comments
Comments: 2640
CraigClark111 [2023-11-17 20:36:19 +0000 UTC]
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CraigClark111 [2023-11-13 14:10:29 +0000 UTC]
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Tribble-Industries [2019-08-10 11:25:12 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday, sorry about the clone trooper birthday cake the fangirls hijacked it!
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kinga-saiyans In reply to analbag70 [2019-02-19 10:06:48 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, you commented Aug 27, 2017 (And you didn't replay me). How's it was... "You Hunyaks deserved your fate at the hands of the UPA.". Especially, this ideology killed also Ukrainian women and Ukrainian men because they were rescuing Polish women and Polish men subjected to extermination by OUN-UPA because all manifestations of a positive attitude toward Poles were treated as collaboration with the enemy and betrayal of national ideals.
For in light of the policy of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army almost all manifestations of a positive attitude toward Poles were treated as collaboration with the enemy and betrayal of national ideals, which called for a just and ruthless punishment. Yet the quite frequent mentions of Ukrainians being murdered by the UPA for their “sympathy” toward Poles, provision of “help” or “support” to Poles or even for “maintaining contacts” with Poles. I don't accept any kind of massacre.
Mature Content
If you don't have nothing interesting to write with arguments (besides threats and insults), leave and never come back to mine DA-profile.
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kinga-saiyans In reply to analbag71 [2019-02-20 10:45:35 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, everyone were a spies. Even old people and children. Children were a specialists in spying. They were like a 007 - James Bond or Perry the Platypus. Ukrainian children like super-spies working for Poles because they wanted to rule the whole Ukraine, next World, next the whole universe. Ask a silly question and you get a silly answer.
Find a hobby, collecting stamps, climbing or something. I have no time to read your nonsense.
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NanakoNyan [2018-08-25 13:15:04 +0000 UTC]
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el-e In reply to kinga-saiyans [2018-08-14 09:32:56 +0000 UTC]
a wakacje sie konca, a ja mam zaleglosci rozne... =='
a co tam u Ciebie?
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Ecclytennysmithylove In reply to kinga-saiyans [2018-08-12 14:59:26 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome
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NanakoNyan [2018-08-05 13:32:48 +0000 UTC]
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kinga-saiyans In reply to NanakoNyan [2018-08-05 17:00:08 +0000 UTC]
Zrobim co mogim
Hmm... więc twierdzisz, że ma mieć widoczną klatę?!
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NanakoNyan In reply to kinga-saiyans [2018-08-06 13:23:15 +0000 UTC]
No moze mam falszywy obraz o nim ale jakos sobie nie wyobrazam inaczej hahahaha xDDDDDDD
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Km92 [2018-01-24 19:31:46 +0000 UTC]
Oh wow! One more precious llama in my team! Thank you!
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monsteeRose [2017-09-03 12:22:36 +0000 UTC]
Ojej wieki mnie tu nie było (na DA i u Ciebie) hahahaaha i jak się zdumiałam, ze avatarek mój ciągle jest u Ciebie na chodzie XD Jak super! A tak w ogóle to witam hahahaha
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kinga-saiyans In reply to monsteeRose [2017-09-03 12:38:39 +0000 UTC]
No witam witam! Pewnie, że jest na chodzie! Bardzo mi się podoba i sobie go bardzo chwalę
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monsteeRose In reply to kinga-saiyans [2017-09-03 12:42:25 +0000 UTC]
Aż poczułam się jak w domu gdy go zobaczyłam i gdy ujrzałam, ze jesteś aktywna xD
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kinga-saiyans In reply to monsteeRose [2017-09-03 12:49:56 +0000 UTC]
Przypomniały się stare dobre czasy Choć nie jesteśmy takie stare co? Po prostu miło się zrobiło na serduszku, że coś co się wykonało dla kogoś nadal jest w użyciu. Obecnie nie jestem aktywna tak jak kiedyś, choć chciałabym więcej rysować i publikować ale cóż... ale za to odwiedzam DA i ze spokojem można się ze mną komunikować A co u Ciebie? Pewnie robota i w między czasie jak się uda jakiś rysunek?
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monsteeRose In reply to kinga-saiyans [2017-09-03 12:51:58 +0000 UTC]
Doskonale Cię rozumiem z tym czasem, u mnie robota, nieskończony jeszcze licencjat (zdane wszystko ale praca się robi ciągle...) no i ogólny brak powera był by cokolwiek jeszcze rysować. Teraz jakieś podrygi wykonuję i mam nadzieję, z enie umrę znowu na X czasu xD
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kinga-saiyans In reply to monsteeRose [2017-09-04 10:46:03 +0000 UTC]
Myślałam, że jednak licencjat już masz za sobą. To długo się z tym męczysz. Jeśli zależy Ci na licencjacie to powinnaś się w sobie spiąć i zabrać do roboty bo może zakończyć się jak z moją magisterką. Wszystko zdane ale praca leżała i kwiczała... no i nie mam dyplomu Co do dzisiaj jest mi wypominane w domu...
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monsteeRose In reply to kinga-saiyans [2017-09-04 11:00:40 +0000 UTC]
Znam Twój ból bo mi wszyscy to już wypominają od jakiś 2 lat XDD nawet zdązyłam wrócić na uczelnie przez różnice programowe i musiałam zaliczać dodatkowy przedmiot XD
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kinga-saiyans In reply to monsteeRose [2017-09-04 11:23:13 +0000 UTC]
Tak... gdybym chciała dokończyć pracę to pewnie też bym musiała wyrównać te różnice. Heh... i jak siebie widzisz w tej sytuacji? Jest duża szansa na dokończenie pracy lic.?
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monsteeRose In reply to kinga-saiyans [2017-09-04 20:46:55 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha szansa jest tylko ja muszę się wziąć za siebie bo we mnie jest problem. Jak mnie przycisnęli, że musiałam animacje 3D robić dodatkowo to zaliczyłam więc i to powinnam. Musze odrodzić się na nowo jako rysownik boa rty gotowe ale opisać to tez muszę być na siłach
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analbag69 [2017-08-27 08:46:17 +0000 UTC]
You Hunyaks deserved your fate at the hands of the UPA. The inaction of your appropriately named PiSS government when it comes to Ukrainian discrimination in Poland is proof that 100,000 was not enough.
The Volyn Massacre was justified, and Stepan Bandera is a hero. Deal with it.
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kinga-saiyans In reply to analbag69 [2017-08-29 16:17:08 +0000 UTC]
Comment from the ass?! Is it a reason why you write it to me? Or write you it to all random Polish people? We are not "Hunyaks". We are Poles, Lechites or as Ukrainian people called as "Lachy". We are Slavic people as most of Ukrainians.
PiS government is the most pro-Israel-USA-Ukraine political party as I have never seen. Ukrainian people are buying apartaments in Poland; Ukrainian students can live in dorm for free and get higher scholarship than the most Polish students. They can work. They have here own churches, schools, organisations etc. It's funded by Poles. It's huge topic. What is situation Poles in Ukraine? The latest example, "ukrainian" government blocked exhumations for Polish archeologists. PIS government give unimaginable amount of money to Ukraine. They will never return. Ukraine is a bankrupt. There live oligarchs (mostly non-ukrainian) but the rest of society is poor and destroyed. Just like us. "Ukrainian government" gave "Bandera cult" to the people. They are glorify S. Bandera and other nazi-stuff and in the meantime, "Ukrainian government" is selling national wealth (for example natural resource as chernozem to GMO farms), american labs with "illness" and "biological weapon" are working on Ukraine.
There is no difference between "Polish" and "Ukrainian" government. Most of them are only "Polish-speaking" and "Ukrainian-speaking" people. They don't listen Polish or Ukrainian nation. They are listening someone who is hidden. It's a bigger plan. As always Slavic people will pay for it. Ukrainian people must to understand that "divide et impera" is always use on us - Slavic people. Ukrainian people with Bandera in heart can use as weapon against Poles. Propaganda in mass-media and politics instigate normal Poles and Ukrainians. In Poland is saying "gdzie dwóch się bije, tam trzeci korzysta" (eng. when two quarrel, a third wins). But we will not glorify our "executioner". "Bandera cult" it cult of hatred to Poles and everything what is related with Poles. Poles don't agree on "Bandera cult" on Polish land. Poles don't agree on "OUN-UPA symbols" and illegal monuments on Polish land. Polish people don't agree on lies and negative propaganda.
Military alliance between Poland and Ukraine is funny. Nazi-Bandera Ukraine will never came with help to Poland. Rather they will help our invader. They will count on occupation Przemyśl and surrounding county/district. We hear it what nazi-Ukrainians says "Przemyśl, our ukrainian land". There are borders. So, we don't want foreign but we don't give our land. Polish people don't want die in Ukraine in stupid war for worldwide oligarchy "OUN-UPA lovers".
Today Ukraine is nazi-bandera Ukraine with OUN-UPA on the flags. This ideology killed also Ukrainian women and Ukrainian men because they were rescuing Polish women and Polish men subjected to extermination by OUN-UPA because all manifestations of a positive attitude toward Poles were treated as collaboration with the enemy and betrayal of national ideals.
The examples of various kinds of help recalled by witnesses and preserved in testimonies – from acts of ordinary human kindness toward victims to acts of sheer heroism – can be divided into the following categories:
1) warning Poles about an attack planned to take place at a specific time or about an attack not planned to occur at a specific time;
2) showing an escape route during an attack;
3) sheltering Poles before an expected attack, during an attack or afterwards;
4) misleading the attackers, for instance, by convincing them that the Pole they were after was a Ukrainian family member or a Ukrainian acquaintance; keeping the location of a hideout in secret; occupying the attackers, for example, with conversation or food and drink to give Poles time to hide or flee; misleading the chase;
5) transporting Poles from their hideout to a more secure place (for example, to a town) or lending them a horse or wagon;
6) provision of first aid to wounded Poles, transporting wounded Poles to a physician or hospital;
7) provision of food to survivors and provision of Ukrainian clothes to facilitate their escape;
8) informing the victims’ relatives about the circumstances of their death (particularly when those Ukrainians were the only witnesses of the crimes), showing the location of the burial place;
9) serving as messengers in contacts between Poles in hiding and their relatives who were looking for them;
10) taking care of orphans and children lost after attacks;
11) helping bury victims, particularly when this could be punished by death; taking care of graves, erecting crosses, etc.
12) failure to carry out an order to kill a member of one’s own family (wife/husband/parents/children), refusal to perform an order, escape with a Pole(s), provision of shelter to a Pole sentenced to death;
13) refusal to participate in an attack, pacification, or another act of repression;
14) public protest (during a village meeting, from a pulpit) against the murders of Poles and use of coercion against them;
15) sparing the lives of Poles during raids, of Poles sentenced to death, or found as a result of a manhunt (for example, by staging an execution, intentionally “overlooking” a person or hideout);
16) release of arrested Poles.
For you Bandera is a hero. For Poles was citizen of Second Polish Republic who was sitting in a jail and later he cooperated with Nazi Germany. Congratulate empathy and conscience that you wish somebody genocide. Since you wrote "100.000" (Leonid Kuczma said about 500.000) lives was not enough. Remember! Between Polish bodies are Ruthenian/Ukrainian bodies in "ukrainian's land". I believe that there are righteous Ukrainians (not nazi lover) as many years ago. I need them not "OUN-UPA lovers". I want talk and cooperate with them not with "OUN-UPA lovers". Less hate more knowledge!
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Ecclytennysmithylove In reply to kinga-saiyans [2017-08-12 01:07:14 +0000 UTC]
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sen22 [2017-08-10 15:55:37 +0000 UTC]
Wszystkiego Najlepszego! Hope that you have an amazing day!
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sen22 In reply to kinga-saiyans [2017-08-12 10:52:16 +0000 UTC]
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kinga-saiyans In reply to NanakoNyan [2017-08-11 15:47:01 +0000 UTC]
Za bardzo to nie szalałam ale z mamą zrobiłyśmy sobie deser: lody czekoladowe z bitą śmietaną i malinami i borówkami
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NanakoNyan In reply to kinga-saiyans [2017-08-14 11:07:03 +0000 UTC]
Mmm, pychaaa!!
Tez sobie wczoraj wcinalam troche lodow, mimo ze mam chore gardlo... Bo nie bylo nic innego slodkiego, a ja tak sobie lubie po objedzie X´DDD
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kinga-saiyans In reply to IriskaArt [2017-08-11 15:27:31 +0000 UTC]
Dziękuję bardzo! Jakie apetyczne ciacho!
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