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| omnivore7
# Statistics
Favourites: 122; Deviations: 41; Watchers: 610
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# Comments
Comments: 231
RedWolf5207 [2021-07-04 16:10:33 +0000 UTC]
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CrescentNubila [2020-11-03 02:08:31 +0000 UTC]
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omnivore7 In reply to darksitesm821 [2019-01-30 00:16:56 +0000 UTC]
I was curious what it was you were thanking me for.
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omnivore7 In reply to DarthWill3 [2018-12-31 02:51:15 +0000 UTC]
You are most welcome (in spite of rooting for Skeletor....!)
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canadacat144 [2018-03-04 22:08:14 +0000 UTC]
Loved your Aleena and Altair story for RedWolf - so well-written and engaging!
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FoxWriter2 [2018-02-18 11:13:27 +0000 UTC]
The deed is done.
Would you like any changes? I didn't think clouds would have been necessary, the gradient made more focus for me, haha!
Also I've never drawn swords before, I hope this doesn't resemble a toothpick...
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omnivore7 In reply to FoxWriter2 [2018-03-05 03:30:18 +0000 UTC]
Oh my - the deed is done indeed! Thank you greatly for this - I knew that you could do it (and, no; it doesn't look like a toothpick.....) You even got the size of the Sword relative to Orko right - and I love the steep angle of his ascent - and the brilliant gradation of the sky. And I agree about the clouds.
There are, I think, two small changes to make. I will probably darken the overall image slightly (without losing the gradient's subtlety) to match the overall serious tone of the tale; this versionis perhaps a little too bright and cheerful for the subject matter. The other change I need you to do; it's simple enough.... Eternia has TWO moons! They match in their phases and are actually twins, but one lies further away than the other, so they overlap and one of them always appears larger, so I'd be glad if you could add a small moon to the left of the first and partly hidden behind it (t doesn't much matter if some of it is cut off by the left hand edge of the image; it's just a token to show that we are on Eternia.)
And again - many thanks! Again you impress me.
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FoxWriter2 In reply to omnivore7 [2018-03-05 12:11:08 +0000 UTC]
I thought you were going to disappear just as I had finished xD
Thank you, I'm happy you like it!
Of course, I don't mind should you wish to manipulate it in any way. I have added the moon in this version here
I thought Eternia had 2 moons but I didn't think they were twins and so close to each other. Well I learned that, and Saturn has 62 moons. Interesting. The Knowledge I will probably not need to survive in this planet! Maybe someday I'll become a space-time-travelling Doctor with a British accent.
I often wonder what sort of shenanigans Adam and Eve had in Eden... were they trying to fly to the moon too? What if they did? The fact that Eve was made from a rib because Adam was lonesome, did that mean being alone was fair before?
Anyway, thank you! I'm glad you like it, and I hope I'll find time like this again to draw. I guess I enjoyed it? Weird, drawing something other than me... almost all the time.
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omnivore7 In reply to FoxWriter2 [2018-03-05 21:40:39 +0000 UTC]
Well - I did... but only for a while...
I like it very much, thanks; and thanks also for the 2nd moon - that is just perfect! Yes, that is the case with Eternia.
A space-time travelling British doctor... Who?
Ah, no - alas. Adam and Eve tried something altogether more prosaic - and much, much more damaging when in Eden. And it caused their expulsion. With a sword of flame....
I am glad that you enjoyed the drawing; maybe you will do another one later in the story, if you can find the time? And - thank you! I hope to post Part 23 tomorrow.
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FoxWriter2 In reply to omnivore7 [2018-03-07 11:00:59 +0000 UTC]
One gets used to it xD
Thank you, and yes, a Doctor. Doctor Foxkins. And I specialise in time travel, backbones and jetlags.
So they ate an apple? But fruits are healthy... when was there ever a sword of flame? I didn't know that.
Wonderful, I look forward to it. I will find time for you to draw if you need me to again in the future.
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omnivore7 In reply to FoxWriter2 [2018-03-08 02:32:13 +0000 UTC]
I try not to .. but....
The thanks are all due in your direction, my dear Dr. Foxkins.
But do you know what the apple meant - what it betokened? That was why they were expelled from the garden. The sword of flame was wielded by an angel.
I would like that; I shall be thinking up ideas.....
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FoxWriter2 In reply to omnivore7 [2018-03-08 12:46:49 +0000 UTC]
Sometimes these things do happen, and it takes far longer here. That I understand, there are similar principles with the family religion.
Don't thank me, thank the online certificate in forgery.
The apple was the knowledge on creating life. There wasn't anything about a flaming kebab, at least what I recall.
Very well then!
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omnivore7 In reply to FoxWriter2 [2018-03-09 03:59:02 +0000 UTC]
One can only ever do one's best. That applies to all, great or small.
I'd prefer to thank you, Doctor!
Not exactly; the apple was the knowledge of good and evil - which was the required understanding for free will. Before the apple was taken and its flesh consumed, then mankind was in complete innocence and thus happy, though ignorant and unreasoning, as children are. With knowledge came wisdom "And in much Knowledge is much Sorrow." Free will was thus a part of mankind thereafter - and that is the freedom to choose - and some choose to do ill and to give themselves to the Darkness and do harm to their bretheren. And there is irony in that the angel who expelled them from the garden with his sword of living flame wept for them even as he did so, foreseeing the travails that lay ahead and the bitterness of it. For the angels then were perfect, and had no knowledge of anything but their Father's Will. But one among them was malcontent that mankind should have a gift that he had not (if gift it was..) and that was the cause of rancor and of the rebellion and of strife that tore creation asunder, and of which the consequences linger still. Well did the angel with the sword to weep. Well indeed.
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FoxWriter2 In reply to omnivore7 [2018-03-10 04:25:43 +0000 UTC]
I see that.
The Doctor doesn't do much!
Then isn't it weird that I want to discover the unknown? For me it is about the experience of doing many things like outdoor sports and adventurous things, but it's all as well for discovering first-hand for mankind about something.
Doesn't sound well to me that the sword would rather not destroy, either. Well nothing's ever that perfect, and I see that now, but still it shouldn't have happened. I mean if I put it in something practical in the everyday, and saw people breaking the law, I don't have said sword to set things right. And the right itself, to be doing such a thing, had the right had a choice would it do the same?
It makes God feel like a law, no offence. Maybe there is a reason I do not see yet about it being better or worse. There was a time it felt like heaven wasn't open for me. Now I see it was a choice to walk through the door.
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omnivore7 In reply to FoxWriter2 [2018-03-11 00:44:14 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I think that you do.
The Doctor? Who?
No, not weird at all; human. That is what knowledge IS - to search for things new. Humans are a curious race - and that is only right in so wonderful and strange a world.
It was fated, I think. The sword was not used; it was symbolic of the Wrath - but they were spared. The burden fell in other ways. And the angel pitied their fall from grace and saw how it might end. He would have had things turn out otherwise - but had himself to obey. It seemed incomprehensible - then - that humans would want free will when all was made perfect for them in the garden. But - that desire then spread to the angels themselves; the Bright One became obsessed by it - even to seducing his bretheren and making rebellious war on his Lord. And still he will not repent. But it was not mankind who caused the Fall of the angels. The fault was their own. And must be atoned for, even now. And what better way than to seek to mend the damage that was done - is done still? And, in the end, even the Lightbringer himself will repent - and return to the heart that bore him: and there will be no more Darkness.
God is not a law: God is The Law. But He is much, much more than that. Always.
Not open? Little one, little one - there is no being ever created to whom that door is closed. Not a single one - ever. Not even the Fallen Ones. One day they will repent and be received back and enter again into Light and Love. It is only their pride that prevents it - and their shame at what they have done. It is a choice for us all.
What do you think lies beyond the far mountains, east of all moons, west of all suns and at the back of every wind?
What else?
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FoxWriter2 In reply to omnivore7 [2018-03-11 05:23:01 +0000 UTC]
I am a licensed doctor, not to be confused with Doctor Who.
But if humans always had it in them to search for new things and gain knowledge, then wouldn't that make them eating the forbidden apple a perfectly human thing? And if God didn't want them to do it, he wouldn't leave it in the garden in the first place. He could have controlled it all the way he wanted, so why bother giving them a chance?
If it truly were free will that Adam and Eve desired before the curiosity got to them to try the fruit, in order to seek and gain knowledge, then what did angels want? Surely if the angels desired free will, there must be a reason for the motivation. Did they want more power, more recognition?
I don't know about that one, I still have doubts. But there is light, and in light I will trust for the better of people.
If time were a concept of forgiveness, then what are punishments for? Sometimes I wonder if I died and went to somewhere afterwards at all, would I be cut to pieces and dragged across a floor of knives for the things I did? Yes, I did wrong things, yes I realise they are wrong and I'm doing my best to atone and repay. Still it did not change the fact that I have done wrong, and the law will distribute its punishments to criminals. I wonder as well, if heaven itself is just a mirage for those who have sinned, wondering if there is even forgiveness at all. The time frame of a human lifespan and the time in the entire universe is vast. What is a mind and a concept in all that time?
Or is this the part where everything I think about is illegal up there? It scares me that thinking about it might even be wrong. You said before it isn't but what if it is??
I am not allowed to look into that. I am a creature made to be where I am placed. It is similar to the garden, I am simply a thing. The saying animals were made from dust applies to me. My purpose is to breathe the life once lost back into things and people there. In return I am given a place of peace and happiness.
I've often compared myself to a messenger with wings. I am not like you, or your kind, and I am afraid they will look at me as a beast, some ugly thing, with a past of wrongdoings, imperfect to be there among the purest. I am happy with being just with you in the garden to play. Maybe that's just how it is made to be. And hopefully, eventually, it will be a lovely memory photographed for the rest of time.
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omnivore7 In reply to FoxWriter2 [2018-03-12 01:22:29 +0000 UTC]
Dr. Fox; licensed to thrill (the 007 of all vulpine graphicists...)
Isn't that odd? Your reaction was the same as mine was, all that time ago; how can it be fair for God to set up mankind to fail? It upset me a lot, that thought. And got me into trouble, because I listened to those who whispered dark reasons as to why it had to be so; because mankind was unfit to be given life or freedom - even to exist. That he was a rival, a usurper, unworthy. That he had proved this by his own downfall. It was a long, long time before I saw the truth of it. It's complicated, and I'm not sure that I ought even to be telling you. But I reason it that, once the choice was made, then there can be no going back. Not for any of us. At least not in this world. You see, little one, mankind were not sheep; they were in perfect bliss and all was well - but the seeds of curiosity and the need to seek, to know, were already within him. Mankind was created that way; he could never have been curious about the apple otherwise, could he? It was fair, both the nature he was given and his punishment for disobeying. He was given choice - and the RIGHT to choose. And chose rebellion - without understanding the true consequences. But - like his elder bretheren, he was led astray - persuaded into the act by lies and blandishments. Was it thus unfair that he was expelled from the garden? I do not think so, no. But, then, I have reasons to sympathize with him, and an understanding of his fault, since it is one which others have shared. He needs help to return to his rightful place in creation; help against those who hate him and wish him destroyed. And yet in the end he will be redeemed; each and every last one. And - at the very End - even the proud prince of the rebels, the light-bringer, the beloved, he who rose, who hated what he feared and envied - even he will return to the Heart, the Source, the Light - and be received. So it shall be. But not yet. Not yet. The Purpose is still to be worked out as it has been ordained, with toil and sweat and cost. But also with hope.
Oh come now! What is this of knives and punishment? And fear? Whence comes that? Not from anything I know, nor yet from truth. Your wrongdoings are venal things, tiny in the balance, almost without weight. If the Fallen can be forgiven - even the Proud One himself, then what makes you think that you cannot? Do you think I would lie to you? That perfection alone was sufficient? Hear what I say: each and every last one. Listen, it's an act of misplaced pride to make your sins out to be greater than they are. Yes, we all do wrong things (why, only yesterday I lost my temper and terrified some poor little man who had only been silly and greedy; he was so afraid that it restored my senses and I remembered what it is that I am seeking to do - and what I have NO right whatsoever to do, too.) We transgress; but if we are sorry and we try to do better and we seek to atone by helping others, then we will not fall. Everyone is allowed to stumble; I DO know about this, you know....... I have had a long, long time to think about it - and to learn. So; no knives, hmmm? And no fear.
You are partly right - though, as usual, you underestimate yourself. Tell me, what do you think that the garden is? And as to the rest, you have seen the mountains, eternal under mantles of white snow, their peaks sharp and bright under heaven. It is all one. All one.
Ugly? A beast? Hah! Only a fox, maybe - and there is room in the garden for foxes - as you well know. But enough of this; come to meet me there - I can show you far better than I can explain.
And the garden IS the rest of time.
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jazz316 [2018-01-30 08:43:17 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for adding me to your watch list
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omnivore7 In reply to jazz316 [2018-02-01 01:09:35 +0000 UTC]
That's fine - and I hope that you had a good birthday.
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omnivore7 In reply to jazz316 [2018-02-09 01:53:09 +0000 UTC]
You've gone quiet - all's well I trust?
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jazz316 In reply to omnivore7 [2018-02-09 10:39:03 +0000 UTC]
Hey buddy. Sorry I haven't spoken for awhile. Im just in the middle of getting my very own home. My head spinning from all Im doing to get all that I need to officially own my first house. You would not believe all that they want and ask for when it comes to getting the paperwork they request or I would sady "Demand" which is some are the most ridiculous. Not only that but also the packing can be a great hassle as well. But thankfully most of it is all done and I just have to wait. So im finally able to get back on here for awhile.
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omnivore7 In reply to jazz316 [2018-02-10 20:24:25 +0000 UTC]
Don't you worry - I was just checking that all was well with you; and it sounds as though it is - merely busy with minor things like getting a roof over your head!
I know what you mean about paperwork and red tape; it keeps bureaucrats in business (and this may not be a good thing...) Still - you'll get settled in the end - and I wish you all the very best with doing so.
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jazz316 In reply to omnivore7 [2018-02-10 20:25:50 +0000 UTC]
I appreciate that, my friend To say im defiantly going to have a lot of time tomorrow so ill be able to read the next chapter to your story then and I can't wait to do so
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omnivore7 In reply to jazz316 [2018-02-11 21:02:22 +0000 UTC]
Then I hope that it meets your expectations.
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Give-a-little [2018-01-20 16:15:21 +0000 UTC]
Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to join a challenge? It is where you post motivation pictures and quotes at least once a day! You don't have to post everyday, but as often as you can! If you want to, post in on the comments on my sight!
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hernesoak [2017-11-29 03:08:38 +0000 UTC]
It looks like you've been away again as well.......
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omnivore7 In reply to hernesoak [2017-12-07 01:29:27 +0000 UTC]
True.... But now I too am back.
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hernesoak In reply to Tigrator [2016-08-22 20:24:50 +0000 UTC]
It's been a while now...........
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omnivore7 [2016-01-22 15:16:01 +0000 UTC]
Well, I'm back from my travels and in one piece - more or less. Sorry to have been so slow with posting anything - it's been a while - for which I can only apologize; there was not much choice involved.
I hope to put that right - starting immediately!
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FoxWriter2 [2015-11-19 12:59:31 +0000 UTC]
It has been a while omni,hope all is well with you
I've been seeing eagles everywhere lately,sorry I wasn't able to get into contact,school has been a massive pain in the ass -.-
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thaneangbor In reply to mariska333 [2015-09-29 21:27:00 +0000 UTC]
Yes - soon would be good!
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damelax In reply to thaneangbor [2015-10-20 00:31:29 +0000 UTC]
I'm getting withdrawal symptoms........
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wolflarsonfan [2015-09-11 00:06:04 +0000 UTC]
Loving your He-Man stuff - simply loving it!!!
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rideatiger [2015-06-27 14:30:59 +0000 UTC]
Yout tale just gets better and better - I love it!
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