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| raulex
# Statistics
Favourites: 683; Deviations: 65; Watchers: 481
Watching: 456; Pageviews: 107055; Comments Made: 11235; Friends: 456
# Interests
Favorite bands / musical artists: mukeka di rato# About me
Current Residence: na roça
Operating System: leopard
# Comments
Comments: 971
Kottylingual [2017-09-24 23:22:50 +0000 UTC]
Ni oi ma , raulex so do you always have watched Lilo & Stitch series so do you know this Chinese spin-off came out just last March the 27th a new girl named fully Ai Ling in a place of Lilo only in a place of China instead of Hawaii, here is the picture of them img07.deviantart.net/e86d/i/20… isn't Sparky and that new little girl adorable and perfect?
If your interested in them the Chinese girl and you should, already know that Chinese dragon-like experiment alien, could you draw them of Sparky eating Chinese noodles in a Chinese noodle box or a Chinese noodle bowl and Ai eating a tanghulu a Chinese red dumplings on a stick, please?
So if you don't know what tanghulu is, it's this that appeared in this Chinese show c1.staticflickr.com/5/4300/363… of Sparky meeting his own partner in China, but there was no Chinese noodles seen in this show or could you draw them in a Chinese festival wearing these outfits, a Chinese gate called a Paifang in the background for them, drumming Ai is doing in that pretty China flag colored Chinese qipao outfit and Sparky wearing this cool outfit like a monkey king sort of having these antennaes on the cap and some Chinese warrior outfit matching for the Chinese festival it looks like to me, a stick and a lantern stick carrying with him as Ai carrying a drum celebrating in that street in China so here are they to copy their outfits and the background with the Paifang for the street Ai's Chinese outfits festival or Sparkys outfits so which one you want them to do in or would u like to do them both to draw in 2 drawings in 1 sheet of paper?
I love looking for someone from Brazil to draw it for the newly Sparky and Ai fans in your own style of art cartoons.
Ni oi ma is a mix of Chinese and Portuguese of hello/hi, ni hao ma + oi = ni oi ma.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
raulex In reply to Yuka143 [2013-04-23 21:08:03 +0000 UTC]
muito obrigado
fico feliz q tenha gostado
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
metralhas [2013-04-14 01:20:41 +0000 UTC]
n consigo pagar mano só tenho 17 anos , era se vc me pode ajudar
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metralhas [2013-04-10 21:11:39 +0000 UTC]
mano tipo eu gravo filmes de comedia e presisava de um personagem para representar os meus videos desenhado por ti de comedia e humor mano, tu és uma pessoa super boa pessoa... obrigado
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raulex In reply to metralhas [2013-04-13 04:39:57 +0000 UTC]
ilustrar e meu trabalho , se vc quiser me envia um email com o briefing certonho q posso te mandar um orçamento
meu email raulexxx@gmail.com
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metralhas [2013-04-09 22:05:23 +0000 UTC]
ola mano desculpa, mas eu cria sua ajuda e muito sou youtuber e presisava de um personagem vc me pode ajudar a criar um?
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raulex In reply to metralhas [2013-04-10 04:09:18 +0000 UTC]
posso ajudar sim
mais preciso saber noq exatamente
e no q vc esta pensando
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raulex In reply to metralhas [2013-04-09 02:57:39 +0000 UTC]
opa fala ai se der eu te ajudo sim
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darkshadow29 [2013-04-02 20:38:41 +0000 UTC]
irei ser sua watcher pq tua arte é incrivel vey
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raulex In reply to darkshadow29 [2013-04-03 12:57:55 +0000 UTC]
fico mto feliz q tenha gostado...mto obrigado
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
LuizHNLorena [2012-08-15 03:55:16 +0000 UTC]
Fala mestre João. Gastei um pouco de tinta na catwoman que fiz hoje a tarde. [link] Abraço
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FalseProphetX [2012-06-24 17:51:14 +0000 UTC]
parabéns!Felicidades,paz,mutos presentes e bolo pra vc
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Adhago [2012-05-03 19:42:49 +0000 UTC]
Opa, divulgamos seu trabalho no www.facebook.com/brasilART
Parabéns, ficou muito show
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Adhago In reply to raulex [2012-05-09 15:43:06 +0000 UTC]
tamos aí,
ajuda a gente a divulgar o www.facebook.com/brasilART
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FelipeCagno [2012-04-20 22:02:00 +0000 UTC]
E ai cara, tudo bem contigo? Eu queria dar um pulo aqui e te convidar a participar do Lost Kids Art Contest.
Temos otimos premios em dinheiro e os vencedores ainda terao suas artes publicadas nas capas dos quadrinhos da mini-serie The Lost Kids.
Segue o [link]
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raulex In reply to FelipeCagno [2012-05-09 14:07:15 +0000 UTC]
opa valew o convite mano
as coisas tao bem corridas por aqui bicho
mtooooo trampo
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FelipeCagno In reply to raulex [2012-05-09 14:28:41 +0000 UTC]
Ahh beleza, sem problemas, mas se por acaso rolar um tempinho ai no meio do caminho, a nossa data final eh dia 15 de Junho, ou seja, mais de mes ainda
Espero q vc possa participar, sua arte eh fantastica!
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ZombieCorpseCarnage [2012-03-21 01:55:39 +0000 UTC]
hi I was wondering if you could put this in your favorites? [link] favs count as votes and I'm in a contest so I need some more votes. but if you dont like it, Im sorry I bugged you ^^
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raulex In reply to lufreesz [2012-02-16 23:40:13 +0000 UTC]
mto obrigado
fico mto feliz q tenha gostado
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Tsukiiyo [2012-02-02 20:52:39 +0000 UTC]
Very nice gallery!
I would like you to come join me in my group [link] to share your wonderful creations.
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dnlko0 [2012-01-13 21:14:56 +0000 UTC]
Eu sei que é feio falar palavrão e talz, mas falar que seus desenhos são "belos" é pouco, a palavra correta pra definir seus desenhos é "foda". hahah'
+watch com certeza!
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raulex In reply to dnlko0 [2012-01-20 00:08:44 +0000 UTC]
porra velho fico mto feliz q vc tenha gostado
valew mesmo
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raulex In reply to PlayDesigner [2011-12-16 19:22:01 +0000 UTC]
valew mano, e sempre animador saber q o pessoal esta gostando dos trabalhos
valew a força
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