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| shanshiva
# Statistics
Favourites: 214; Deviations: 14; Watchers: 9
Watching: 46; Pageviews: 5666; Comments Made: 295; Friends: 46
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: natureFavorite movies: Parapluies de Cherbourg*the tenant*eternal sun*last tango in paris*midnitecowboy*last unicorn
Favorite bands / musical artists: john frusciante
Favorite writers: too many
Other Interests: lines,sounds,visuals,edges,people
# About me
Current Residence: tel-aviv-raanana
Favourite genre of music: alternative, indie,electro,etc
# Comments
Comments: 80
bati-b [2010-01-29 11:19:20 +0000 UTC]
DAפתחתי קבוצה לכל הישראלים ב
את/ה מוזמנ/ת להצטרף, להעלות יצירות ולהזמין חברים..
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bnext [2009-01-05 18:08:52 +0000 UTC]
אני רואה בזמן האחרון כמות הולכת וגוברת של יצירות אנטי ישראליות וגרוע מכך יצירות גזעניות!
פה בדוויאנטארט אין מקום לדברים מסוג כזה ובשביל זה קיימת מערכת דיווח של יצירות לא הולמות/פוגעות וגם גזעניות!
אני מבקש מכל ישראלי לעזור בעניין ולדווח על כל דבר מסוג שכזה ועל כל אדם שמעלה דברים כאלה.
ניתן גם לדווח על דברים שאנשים כותבים לכם בעמוד הראשי שלכם.
אם כל אחד יעזור אנחנו נמנע מאנשים כאלה להעלות חומר גזעני.
תודה מראש על עזרתכם, הקהילה הישראלית פה גדולה וחזקה ואף אחד פה לא ינסה לפגוע הישראלים בכל דרך שלא תיהיה.
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jpdelaye [2007-11-08 18:48:09 +0000 UTC]
thanks for , i used to live in Jerusalem some time ago, nice place.
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SilentScreamJud [2007-08-26 21:07:22 +0000 UTC]
You're in Bezalel right? Mor told me
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SilentScreamJud [2007-08-25 22:35:26 +0000 UTC]
Nothing much, starting learning photography in October.
What about you?
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WattsHanna [2007-08-02 19:20:20 +0000 UTC]
shalom shani!
my appreciation for the and the watch!
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EmmaMount [2007-07-26 09:35:22 +0000 UTC]
thanks so much for the fav!
if you have a mo pls vote for me...[link]
and let me know if you ever need my vote!!!
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nurse-stimpy [2007-07-19 08:29:15 +0000 UTC]
thanks dear
glad to infiltrate your subconscious
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blackFirefly [2007-07-06 14:39:43 +0000 UTC]
That's ok hon, just call me when you'll know when your'e off the hook
Good luck on everything!
I'm fine, resting a bit at my parents house, and besides the fact I barely managed to sleep the past two nights, It's actually effects my mood positively
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nurse-stimpy [2007-05-22 16:58:11 +0000 UTC]
thanks shani!
you're right, the one closer is actually inspired by karin dreijer.
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nurse-stimpy [2007-05-11 08:02:54 +0000 UTC]
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nurse-stimpy [2007-04-04 10:32:53 +0000 UTC]
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blackFirefly [2007-01-07 21:52:30 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the girl!
About what you said... about studying art in an academic institute... well, I'd love to hear what you think, since I'm planning to study abroad in about one year from now (hopefully).
Actually I do believe studing art is real important. Don't know about the academic institute part, but I never liked betzalel
+ If you know about someone who studied some where and can recommend, it's so hard to choose when you have the entire world to choose from!
I started to move my ass and look for a new job, no real success so far
I really really wanna quit being a waiter, but somehow I feel like I'm gonna find myself doing it again...
Anyways, if you hear about some cool place who's looking, let me know
and have a great week!
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blackFirefly [2007-01-01 18:33:21 +0000 UTC]
Hey buba, sounds amazing! I'm so happy for you. espcially the love part
Your'e not completely happy with school? What's your majour, btw?
I worked at "Rolladin", and just quit. I need to find a new job /:
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blackFirefly [2006-12-19 15:12:30 +0000 UTC]
היי מותק
שלומי אחלה חוץ מהעבודה המסריחה, מה איתך?
איך היה בלונדון? ואיך הלימודים?
ותודה, אכן עברתי דירה ואני אמורה לעבור שוב עוד זמן לא ארוך...
והמון תודה על המחמאה
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shanshiva In reply to nurse-stimpy [2006-11-28 16:16:28 +0000 UTC]
jerusalem is amazing.there are endless cool places here.plus im surounded by amazing people and the music n art scenes are very strong here. though i do need my fix of t.a. and some nature. actually im planning on going to the jerusalem forest on thurs instead of school
what about u? u found a roomate?
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nurse-stimpy In reply to shanshiva [2006-11-28 16:40:30 +0000 UTC]
yeah, and he's great
how are the jerusalem forests? are they big?
i'm a complete moron when it comes to jerusalem education
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shanshiva In reply to nurse-stimpy [2006-11-29 20:54:49 +0000 UTC]
well i was also totally cluless. i guess only when u live here u gain some sort of clue cuz there's too much, but then u realise u're still cluless. until a few years go by and the city makes u nautious. but u know..u never know
the forest is big btw!
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tiasm [2006-06-10 15:36:47 +0000 UTC]
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