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| werewolf2993
# Statistics
Favourites: 538; Deviations: 103; Watchers: 42
Watching: 39; Pageviews: 38629; Comments Made: 4926; Friends: 39
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: martywolf92, tigerlova187, AgeausFavorite movies: MAMMA MIA: The Movie
Favorite bands / musical artists: ABBA, Anthony Callea, Tim Campbell, The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Split Enz, Ricky Martin
Favorite writers: J.K Rowling, Christopher Paolini, Darren Shan.
Favorite games: Anything to do with Mario and Pokemon.
Favorite gaming platform: Nintendo Wii
Tools of the Trade: My derwent pencils, greylead pencil and fineliner.
Other Interests: Letting my imagination go where it wants to go. Getting to know people, playing music on piano.
# About me
Current Residence: Melbourne
Favourite genre of music: Listen to a range of different styles from different eras.
Favourite style of art: Male TF Photomanipulation
Operating System: Windows 7
Shell of choice: Conch Shell
# Comments
Comments: 393
Endromida In reply to werewolf2993 [2011-04-05 00:10:49 +0000 UTC]
welcome sorry for the late reply i've been having issues with dA
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Togeto In reply to werewolf2993 [2011-02-14 22:19:50 +0000 UTC]
I'm fine too
If you ever want a manip you can ask.
I improved a little since the last time ^^
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werewolf2993 In reply to Togeto [2011-02-17 22:16:37 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, I'll let you know. Yes you have improved a lot.
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Martywolf92 [2010-04-21 07:17:35 +0000 UTC]
omg look at this drawing. It looks exactly like Ashley!! O_o [link]
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werewolf2993 In reply to Martywolf92 [2010-04-22 08:08:41 +0000 UTC]
Hmm not quite, maybe the eyes and the lips though. Ashley showed me today lol.
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Martywolf92 In reply to werewolf2993 [2010-04-22 08:43:53 +0000 UTC]
yer, i think nearly everything is similar. ahahaha
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bobtf [2010-04-16 03:46:04 +0000 UTC]
I'm sorry I've been so bad at responding >.< Hows life going buddy?
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werewolf2993 In reply to bobtf [2010-04-16 05:30:16 +0000 UTC]
Haha don't forget we do have email to reply to each other, I check my email every day. My life is going alright right now, I'm just trying to get through this horrible year that is the last year of high school, all this homework and study is driving me up the wall. Thank goodness I only have seven more months of this and then I can move on and do other things with my life.
How about you? What's going on in your life?
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bobtf In reply to werewolf2993 [2010-04-17 19:11:33 +0000 UTC]
Haha, yeah, I need to e-mail you very soon ^^
Well I've just been busy with so much church activity stuff and a hell of a lot of school work. I'm like you, I cant wait till its all over because I honestly think I'm gonna leave the church and I cant wait for school to be over lol X3
But otherwise, life's going pretty good, I have a boyfriend and I've been having some fun here and there so lifes okay but hella busy.
But I'm glad to hear from you ^^ once I get things sorted out I will talk so much more, especially over summer, I'm just always so busy and its annoying >.<
But yeah, enough of my bitching lol, tell me more about the school year or friends or relationships, idk, anything ya want, I've just missed talking ^^
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werewolf2993 In reply to bobtf [2010-04-22 08:04:51 +0000 UTC]
On my end, life's a bitch for me right now. I'm so bored, and I've got a travel bug, huge ambitions and just want to experience the world. Right now I've got this crazy idea of living in Europe, especially Italy and Spain. HAHA!
OMG, you have a boyfriend! Send me a photo of him through email. You're so lucky, I'm yet to find someone special in my life, not for the lack of trying though, I've had two potential dates, one who last year found someone else before we got a chance to meet up and one who decided he wasn't "ready" for a relationship. All of the crushes at my school are no gos, because they are either taken, or aren't gay. This applies to girls and guys, about 2 guys and 2 girls within the last two years actually. It's annoying me, I think I've practically decided to try my best until I'm 25, if nothing happens I'm going to use dating sites as a last resort. Everyone is so afraid of getting hurt, this is probably why no-one has even considered me. GAH!
Right now, I'm trying to cope through this year, after all this is said and done I'm going to get myself a job, start with my car licence and take control of my life (more freedom).
Lol I think I'm the one that's been bitching here. HA! I've missed talking with you too, my email hasn't changed so, email me anytime.
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bobtf In reply to werewolf2993 [2010-04-24 05:10:38 +0000 UTC]
Oh cool ^^ You think you might try and go to college in Europe ^^?
Sure, I'll send ya a pic ^^ Hehe, and yeah, I kinda have to thank you for that, you were one of the reasons that really helped me to come out and be comfortable ^^
I'm sorry you havent been able to find anyone, I'm sure there's someone for ya ^^ Your for sure cute enough ^^ But I hope you find someone :3
So hows getting a car and job going then? I hope its going well
And dont worry buddy, your not bitching, I love hearing what you have to say ^^ And I will definately send an e-mail this weekend ^^ I'm really happy to be talkin to you again too its so much fun ^^
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werewolf2993 In reply to bobtf [2010-04-25 07:52:50 +0000 UTC]
Haha maybe. Hey no worries about the coming-out thing, I feel honoured that I had something to do with you feeling comfortable about yourself.
Well getting a car, I first need to get something that's called a Learners Licence, I have to clock up around 120 hours of driving, then I go up to my Probationary Licence Level 1, do that for a certain amount of time then I get Probationary Licence 2, then after that I get my full licence. I'm hoping to get my L's after I get out of school and that goes the same with a job.
Do you have a job or a licence?
I'm really happy that I'm talking to you again, we've known each other for 3-4 years now, OMG! It's like we are old friends catching up!
I check my email everyday so I'll definitely reply, I don't use my hotmail account much so you would be better off sending it to my optus one.
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bobtf In reply to werewolf2993 [2010-05-01 15:23:05 +0000 UTC]
Hehe, thank you very much btw ^^
Oh sweet, hmm, that sounds so much more difficult then how we get licenses, but that's probably because every other country cares more about who's driving on their streets, America is just lazy lol.
But no, sadly I have neither. I'm not allowed to get a job because of our money situation (as weird as that might sound lol) and I'm not allowed to get my license until I get my Eagle Scout >.<
Haha, I know right ^^? I love talking to you again too, sorry this message was so delayed >.< I've been busy getting ready for this mormon dance thingy, ugh haha.
But I do love catching up ^^ and I will try to send you an e-mail today ^^ I promise you I'll keep in touch more.
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werewolf2993 In reply to bobtf [2010-05-02 09:19:28 +0000 UTC]
That's alright, life is always busy, there's never enough time is there?
Will be looking forward to that email in the near future. Money situation? Not enough money, or too much money?
We have scouts here but I don't think it is as important as it is where you live.
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bobtf In reply to werewolf2993 [2010-05-08 14:54:28 +0000 UTC]
Haha, nah, there never is, and I'm so not looking forward to next week >.< AP tests and stuff. life keeping you busy?
Hehe, and yes, Sunday I will send you an e-mail because I really miss talking but today I am gonna be like non stop busy with a mormon prom thingy, being mormon keeps me so busy lol
And actually, scouts is only really important to my parents and, mormons lol, usually scouts is kinda laughed at over here by a lot of people, but if you get pretty far in it it makes you more likely to get a job which is a good head start
So yeah, I promise to get an e-mail to ya this weekend. ^^ ttyl buddy
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werewolf2993 In reply to bobtf [2010-05-09 01:17:14 +0000 UTC]
Yea life is keeping me pretty busy, maybe a bit too busy for my liking.
Scouts to me seems worthwhile, it teaches you life skills, definitely something you don't learn at school. I had this ADVANCE program in year 9 and we had to go on a camping trip to Halls Gap, a very cold area of Victoria. It was a lot of fun, even though most people complained but I really enjoyed it, it's good just to get out in nature and away from the hustle and bustle.
Alright then, until then take care of yourself. ^_^
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bobtf In reply to werewolf2993 [2010-05-20 19:53:10 +0000 UTC]
Damn, I'm so sorry its taken so long >.> I really have missed talking to you while I've been gone *hugs*
But thats cool ^^ random idea, wanna try and go camping sometime together before life ends ^^?
And btw, I gots a PHONE NOW I'll e-mail u the number later ^^
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werewolf2993 In reply to bobtf [2010-05-22 12:49:33 +0000 UTC]
Yea we got another good 70 or so years in us I reckon, surely 70 years is enough time to meet up and go camping whether it's in your country or mine. HAHA!
Coolies, looking forward to it.
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SkyJaguar-TFproject [2009-11-18 05:19:05 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for faving my Off The Leash pic!
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Martywolf92 [2009-10-20 05:10:58 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fav City Chat
Much appreciated. haha i like to make links it sometimes gives my work publicity.
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werewolf2993 In reply to Martywolf92 [2009-10-21 03:46:22 +0000 UTC]
More publicity for your works is good!!!
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werewolf2993 In reply to Martywolf92 [2009-06-21 02:23:51 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for that, he is awesome.
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Martywolf92 [2009-05-13 07:10:53 +0000 UTC]
hehehehe. (erm why am i laughing).... Thanks for the favs on Rolling and Ink Experiment . Much appreciated
When is your exams? Any subjects your worried about? How is the homework load? See you soon.
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werewolf2993 In reply to Martywolf92 [2009-05-13 08:01:42 +0000 UTC]
No problem. I'm not thinking about exams right now, one thing at a time. My maths I'm definitely worried about because I hardly understand anything. I'll probably pass but don't think I'll do well. Thank god I'm changing to General Maths next semester!
My homework has been OK this week I suppose.
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Martywolf92 In reply to werewolf2993 [2009-05-13 12:19:31 +0000 UTC]
So any work that is due? How are you feeling this week? Because i am having a roller coaster of a week; it is fun. Normally when im doing good you seem to be the opposite. So im wondering. lol. Im thinking of one thing at a time too. I got a few things to do but i'll get it done. I've had spares but i've stayed at school and did the work during lunch times and last period. I think i'll be staying in at lunch tomorrow. Dont worry about anything. Just think positive and say you will pass and do great and you will! I may change Biology to Literature. It means more reading, analysing and essay stuff but i dont mind that. But it depends how i go on Biology Exam.
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werewolf2993 In reply to Martywolf92 [2009-05-14 06:07:58 +0000 UTC]
Well let's put it this way on average I'm bringing 3 subjects of homework/assignments in a night. I have 5 subjects of homework/assignments to do right now. I only have one spare a week cos I get to go home early on Tuesday and start late on Thursday.
Start of the week was good, end of the week is going to end badly at this point.
By the way are you busy Sunday?
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Martywolf92 In reply to werewolf2993 [2009-05-14 09:40:07 +0000 UTC]
Oh okay. My homework load ain't too bad. On the top of my head I've got 3-5 things to do. Tomorrow i will be getting another sac. This week has been fast for me. Seems that way...
Probably homework but i think we are coming over sunday. Not sure.
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