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| zhenyab
# Statistics
Favourites: 841; Deviations: 70; Watchers: 408
Watching: 117; Pageviews: 16986; Comments Made: 1117; Friends: 117
# About me
Just a girl trying to spot the nice and beautiful, dark and dangerous, strange and different things in this world.
Whoever you are, whatever you do - make the best of every single bit you create.
Even if it's just to take another breath, for one more day.
Love, always.
# Comments
Comments: 488
iZzzyXD [2017-04-02 06:20:17 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the many faves it really means a lot to me.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
MooseBag [2016-06-11 13:40:52 +0000 UTC]
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag,
da nicht so ganz klar ist, wer von Euch beiden heute Geburtstag hat,
auf jeden Fall euch beiden einen wunderschönen Tag im Kreise eurer Liebsten,
ein gesundes, zufriedenes, spannendes, ereignisreiches, glitzerndes, sexy, kreatives und erfolgreiches
neues Jahr und schöne und ausgesuchte Geschenke
Eure Kunst ist inspirierend und wunderschön anzuschauen.
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IntermissionNexus [2016-04-27 16:26:43 +0000 UTC]
Amazing light painting, I'm in awe of photos like these!
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iZzzyXD [2016-02-12 15:57:51 +0000 UTC]
*whisper* Hey... Heey... HEY. Thanks for the fave, haha.
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Estheryu [2016-01-20 10:36:24 +0000 UTC]
very nice gallery!
nice to meet you here!
have a nice day!
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abbeysonic [2015-12-28 05:42:50 +0000 UTC]
Wow I gotta deviantart surf more often; this is some awesome stuff I've been missin out on for far too long
Thanks for the badge!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
zhenyab In reply to abbeysonic [2016-01-18 09:11:09 +0000 UTC]
My, my... Thank you for being this enthusiastic!
You're very welcome, of course.
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zhenyab In reply to HalfFormedThoughts [2015-12-03 07:56:58 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome!
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zhenyab In reply to HalfFormedThoughts [2015-12-01 11:34:49 +0000 UTC]
As always it's my pleasure.
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PasqualeDemattia [2015-11-30 23:56:08 +0000 UTC]
Your photo shots really caught me! Keep up the good work and please do even better!
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zhenyab In reply to PasqualeDemattia [2015-12-01 11:34:23 +0000 UTC]
Thank you, I really appreciate that. Going to try to exceed your expectations, then!
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zhenyab In reply to HalfFormedThoughts [2015-11-30 19:24:59 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome, as always.
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Daemare [2015-11-05 21:07:31 +0000 UTC]
I love your light painting. I'm trying to get more into it and seeing work like yours really inspires me.
Also, welcome to CRPhotography!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
zhenyab In reply to Daemare [2015-11-05 21:22:34 +0000 UTC]
Aw, thank you! Just commented on your profile as well, thanking you for the watch, haha.
But I'm really glad we could inspire you to do great things.
And thank you for the warm welcome!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
nadjasybill [2015-11-02 23:26:03 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for joining CRPhotography ~ the central heart of the Photography Gallery on DeviantArt!
To help you get started with the group, please check out our Important Information box to find out how we can help you, including submitting your photographs into the group, receiving constructive feedback, promoting your photography contests and more! Find out how you can submit your work to the group here .
We also have a lot of things happening at the moment:
Our monthly Photography Newsletter contains a lot of news covering a wide range of photography categories.
Monthly Theme Shenanigans focusing on Macro!
Check out our latest 52 Week Photography Challenge for a chance to win !
We also have a Monthly Contest on Macro.
We hope you enjoy the group!
~ CRPhotography
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zhenyab In reply to nadjasybill [2015-11-03 12:07:32 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a lot for this warm welcome.
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zhenyab In reply to fexblackstone [2015-11-03 12:05:18 +0000 UTC]
Aw, thanks a lot! Also for the watch!
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Panorama152 [2015-11-01 01:01:35 +0000 UTC]
Since I first saw your work with light painting, I have been meaning to make a comment about it. In the performing arts, we have the thrilling (and sometimes risky) opportunity of performing in front of a live audience. Every performance is honest and unique, and it is impossible to go back and correct flaws. Photography tends to capture periods of time that are so brief that the viewer believes time is frozen. These frozen moments can also be altered afterwards. In your light painting, I feel that I am witnessing the photographic equivalent of a live performance, with a temporal progression embedded in the static image. As a performer, I greatly appreciate that.
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zhenyab In reply to Panorama152 [2015-11-02 08:19:17 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for sharing those thoughts. That's actually a really nice way to see it and totally converges with my view on light painting. Or rather, I approve of your description of light painting as what it really is - a performance. Every scene we're creating anew needs a plan beforehand, a choreography. It's almost like a dance where you carefully choose every step so that in the end it becomes something beautiful and peerless. In this instance the camera only represents the audience, yet it is as relentless for it shows every flaw and imperfection in your work. And since we don't edit our photographs afterwards we need to start all over. Over and over again, until we get it right and the audience is pleased.
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zhenyab In reply to HalfFormedThoughts [2015-11-02 06:03:31 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome as always!
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MajorTOMTOM [2015-10-31 14:03:06 +0000 UTC]
Danke für deine Unterstützung!
Das bedeutet mir sehr viel!
Wie geht's?
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zhenyab In reply to MajorTOMTOM [2015-11-02 06:02:51 +0000 UTC]
Bitte bitte. ^^ Wenn mir etwas gefällt, dann zeige ich das doch gerne.
Arbeitsreiches Wochenende hinter mir, ansonsten gut. Und selbst?
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