1997kid β€” Animated Atrocities: A Mine Is a Terrible Thing

Published: 2014-12-08 03:30:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 1767; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 0
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Description This episode was just a bit too much for me, and there was not a lot of progression overall. Not only did it start and encourage the Dakota-fucking-zoid storyline, but we had the double elimination of people (or at least Brick) who should have stayed to make things interesting, and was overall a lackluster episode.

I am going to do an Admiration on a TDPI episode in the first half, and I think I will move on to some Disney films, and other projects for a month or 2 before doing the Admirations and Atrocities for the second half of these TD seasons.
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Comments: 21

BFDICloudy [2019-11-08 23:13:21 +0000 UTC]

Well, Brick got Punished for Sympathy by getting voted off because he helped his old team from the Gophers.

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Muggle-Gem-Princess [2014-12-13 03:21:29 +0000 UTC]

I agree with you, this wasn't a bad episode but seeing how Chris put them in a mine was a horrible idea and Dakota becoming bald WAS NOT FUNNY! IT WAS CRUEL!Β 

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1997kid In reply to Muggle-Gem-Princess [2014-12-14 22:52:40 +0000 UTC]

It really was. ROTI took things too far.

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Muggle-Gem-Princess In reply to 1997kid [2014-12-14 22:56:22 +0000 UTC]

While I prefer it a bit over PI, what it did to most of the cast was extremely wrong and poor.Β 

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JohnMarkee1995 [2014-12-09 00:20:43 +0000 UTC]

This is one of the better episodes from this half of the season as well as one of the last good ones of the entire season since the whole thing pretty much begins to fall apart starting afterwards.

However, I will say that the episodes does suffer from setting up the piece of shit that came right after this, the beginning of Chris' fall of no longer being a human being, as well as being tainted by some behind the scenes info that I can't talk about in public.

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1997kid In reply to JohnMarkee1995 [2014-12-09 14:52:35 +0000 UTC]

This episode is definitely not as bad as the shit that would be the next episode after this, and the stuff afterwards, though still better than episode 8. Your last sentence is almost the sole reason I had to write an atrocity on this. Behind the scenes info.......interesting.

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JohnMarkee1995 In reply to 1997kid [2014-12-09 16:52:52 +0000 UTC]

I heard it from ttowen but as I said I can't talk about it publicly. Note me if you want to know what it is.

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justinizbored In reply to JohnMarkee1995 [2014-12-16 23:55:12 +0000 UTC]

Same hereΒ 

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BeekerMaroo777 In reply to JohnMarkee1995 [2014-12-10 01:38:10 +0000 UTC]

Could you please note this info to me? I'm that kind of person who investigates certain things. I promise to not let anyone know.

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SoldierBoyXIII [2014-12-08 15:12:18 +0000 UTC]

Brick is probably one of the most respectable characters in the series... and his teammates just sh*t on him all the time

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Acid-Notta [2014-12-08 11:49:58 +0000 UTC]

For this stupid espisode I HATE MIKE ZOEY AND CAMERON since this Β 
Where were "Vito" or "Manitoba" and defeat the big mutant thing!? where was "the super strong evil Zoey?
Writers: Oh, Time to get Brick's ass out if the show and he'll never come back who agree?
No more Brick?
He's the best character ever made for some fans (And I saw some tops, Β he was in the top 10)
but no Writer's logic = Β "genius"

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1997kid In reply to Acid-Notta [2014-12-08 12:03:16 +0000 UTC]

Pretty much. We did get the introduction of Manitoba Smith in this episode (which I could care less about). Strong Zoey didn't appear until her second last episode in this season, so she was ridiculously weak around this time. I am glad she did not do much in this episode.

He should not have been eliminated this early, especially in the place of Zoke and Cameron, but at least they gave him a goodbye that is filled with dignity.

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Acid-Notta In reply to 1997kid [2014-12-08 22:25:35 +0000 UTC]

I miss the cadet, he was awesome

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TheDipDap1234 [2014-12-08 04:34:38 +0000 UTC]

I'm pretty sure you only hate this episode because of Anne Maria's elimination..

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1997kid In reply to TheDipDap1234 [2014-12-08 11:42:43 +0000 UTC]

No.....not at all to be honest. I actually barely mention her in this. And to be honest, I do not really hate this episode. I do think it is the most lackluster of the first half, which is why it is on here.

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TheBlackHoodedGamer [2014-12-08 03:54:28 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Commenter

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1997kid In reply to TheBlackHoodedGamer [2014-12-08 11:45:59 +0000 UTC]

I think he should have stayed much longer, and would have been an interesting choice for the merge. He could have had stronger interactions with the trio, Scott, and Jo, but for some reason........Lightning was the better choice.

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BeekerMaroo777 [2014-12-08 03:43:18 +0000 UTC]

At the time this came on, I was very happy that Anne Maria quit because I hated her so much.

Now, I wished she was voted out instead of quitting and to at least help Zeke a little.

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1997kid In reply to BeekerMaroo777 [2014-12-08 11:44:43 +0000 UTC]

She did need to go, I have to admit. I think my biggest issue with her elimination is that it was a leeway for Dakota-fucking-zoid to take place. I would have preferred her be voted out normally, and have the triangle concluded in Treasure Island of McLean than have Dakotazoid take over, but it was time for Anne Maria to go.

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GundamSamuraiAkira [2014-12-08 03:32:42 +0000 UTC]

Not the worst, but certainly lackluster as you said. And looking back, the season really could've benefited from more engaging characters like Brick, Anne Maria, and Dakota sticking around longer.

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1997kid In reply to GundamSamuraiAkira [2014-12-08 12:00:25 +0000 UTC]

I have heard that many have had an issue with the elimination order, and some retweeking. his episodes biggest issue is definitely it being lackluster more than being bad per say.

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GundamSamuraiAkira In reply to 1997kid [2014-12-08 19:31:17 +0000 UTC]

True that. The elimination order of this season definitely could use some retweaking. By far the most popular and potential-laden characters were the ones who went too soon.

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