Comments: 13
chunkyturtle [2006-05-17 06:28:52 +0000 UTC]
been along time since i played sonic. i wish she had been in my versions. i would still be playing probably.
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AdamTheSkunk In reply to chunkyturtle [2006-05-17 12:56:21 +0000 UTC]
Yeah me too. I don't compulsively play the new sonic, it's not nearly as fun as the older ones. If anyone thinks otherwise, then they arent' a sonic fan. It's a rule of thumb. You should get to play the newer ones sometime. They are ok, but nothing special.
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lagNthewagon74 [2006-05-13 04:18:05 +0000 UTC]
Yes!!! I am glad that you posted this when I first saw it I knew that you should. WOO!
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Subway-Sandwich [2006-05-12 12:03:03 +0000 UTC]
Pffft. Tails is better. <33
xD No erasing? Holy sheista. I wish I could do that.
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AdamTheSkunk In reply to Subway-Sandwich [2006-05-13 00:34:26 +0000 UTC]
Eh, i just did the circle for the head, and ovals for the chest and waist, and went from there. You just start lightly, and build from there. so that way if you mess up, its really lightly.
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RoseRose16 [2006-05-12 06:58:10 +0000 UTC]
Dang, that looks good!
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princessrei [2006-05-12 05:41:23 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 1