niC0ras [2016-10-28 15:30:46 +0000 UTC]
You're correct ! Let's get some serious leadingstring, before all Hell breaks loose !?
And remember not to panic ; only dragonfire burns that hot, the cool flames in HEYLAL (Venus - the Morning Star - Lucifer) may also serve as guiding lights through the nights of the dead that n○w will follow ...
i speak of Hallowe'en and its lost heroes (that seem to me "Will-o'-the-Wisp" and "Jack-o'-Lantern", of which the saying goes that the Devil himself feeled for them such caressing, that he donated to them a glowing coal to light their dark pathes of fortune !
Love your dragon in style and pose so much. Beginning this day, i had submitted according to your scaled force of elementairs its perfide TwiN ! i gave id a questioning title :
"Capricorn or Dragon ?"
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