AimaiLeafy — Himitsu no Mahou

Published: 2014-04-21 15:59:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 1630; Favourites: 74; Downloads: 13
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Description Tekuu and PKD123 somehow requested that I should upload this here, so...

...huge, huge, huuuge picture coming Biggest picture I've ever drawn: 258,8 centimetres, filled with 133 characters and places of my Fantasy-Epos Himitsu no Mahou ♥

I've drawn this monster of a picture with color-pencils (Polychromos; Faber-Castell) - everything on this is done with traditional media. The whole picture took me 6 month to finish and I spend 200 hours on it, lost many pencils, destroyed my hand... and other stuff. But I love it ♥

You can see the process of the picture here: espiritoudelaire.tumblr.com/po…

Enjoy ♥

All Characters (c) Himitsu no Mahou / Me
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Comments: 51

Cadycassy [2019-08-06 03:33:36 +0000 UTC]

just wuow :0

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AimaiLeafy In reply to Cadycassy [2019-08-06 08:12:55 +0000 UTC]

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Blue--Lan [2015-03-19 02:15:03 +0000 UTC]

How do you scanned that monster? D: 

Anyway, your colored style is amazing!

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NormaLeeInsane [2014-05-12 12:52:13 +0000 UTC]

You did a great job drawing so many characters.

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Solkatt [2014-05-08 13:44:01 +0000 UTC]

And I struggle with getting ten characters into one picture....
I must say I am amazed!
To make a picture this big and with so many characters, elements and feeling of movements is impressive to say the least!

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Liketheisland [2014-04-25 19:21:45 +0000 UTC]

Dayummm you clearly put a ton of work into this, and it makes me curious as to what this story's actually about. Looks like we've got angels, demons, people with headsets, Paris, schoolgirls...lotsa neat stuff. I'm guessing the guy and girl at the bottom are main characters who maybe don't like each other at first but must team up to save their world with the help of Magical Wand Girl? Just speculating, of course.

If I had one criticism, I'd say that the characters have some "sameface syndrome" and lots of very similar body types. More variety there would make it easier to distinguish between characters if we saw only their silhouettes (I mean, the demon silhouettes here have some nice variety, but you may want to try that for the other characters at some point). Other than that, the coloring technique is incredible, and you managed a good flow in the composition. It's hard to draw a piece with so many characters without making it look cluttered, so kudos. Good luck fleshing out so many different personalities; I know that can be...daunting. A hierarchy helps, for sure.  

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Ginryuzaki [2014-04-25 12:54:00 +0000 UTC]

Great work. The effort you spent to finish this piece is admirable.

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chococustard [2014-04-25 11:30:53 +0000 UTC]

omg it's lovelyD=
the lines the poses the coloring omg epic<3
133 characters how-

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LyrykenLied [2014-04-22 23:36:22 +0000 UTC]

OMFG This piece is so...Infinite *-* I love it!

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AimaiLeafy In reply to LyrykenLied [2014-04-25 03:07:38 +0000 UTC]

Hihi, infinite is a good word for it, thankyou >w< ♥

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LyrykenLied In reply to AimaiLeafy [2014-04-25 14:54:18 +0000 UTC]

Hahahaha I guess it also seemed infinite for the time it took to complete it XD

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LAN0RA [2014-04-22 22:47:51 +0000 UTC]

is this one sheet of paper or several sheets taped together?
this is an amazing art work!

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AimaiLeafy In reply to LAN0RA [2014-04-25 03:08:34 +0000 UTC]

These are four sheets of paper taped together :> I dant buy such huge paper where I live xD
Thank you for your kind words ♥!

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SergietsDmitry [2014-04-22 20:00:24 +0000 UTC]

Eeeeeeeeeepic for paintin on the highest building's wall)))

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AimaiLeafy In reply to SergietsDmitry [2014-04-25 03:08:45 +0000 UTC]


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rapid-steel [2014-04-22 11:41:45 +0000 UTC]

Großartig. Wenn ich richtig verstehe, ist es Charaktere deiner Geschichte? Du hast große Phantasie. Und du hast große Geduld auch. Ich traume schon für lange Zeit, etwas groß und episch mit meinen Charakteren zu zeichnen, aber ich kann ein Zehntel von dem Werk nicht machen, das Du machtest. XD Färbung ist sehr schön (Farbstifte, ich werde euch immer lieben) und Komposition ist wunderbar. Ich schaue dieses Bild schon halbstunde an, und es ist sehr interessant. XD
Kann ich irgenwo über deine Charaktere lesen? : )
Verzeihe mich, wenn es Fehler gibt, Deutsch ist nicht meine Muttersprache, aber mein Englisch ist noch schlechter. XD

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AimaiLeafy In reply to rapid-steel [2014-04-25 03:18:02 +0000 UTC]

Wow, vielen dank für dieses tolle Kommentar und dass du dir die Mühe gemacht hast es auf Deutsch zu schreiben! Ich finde dein Deutsch gar nicht so schlecht - ich konnte es ohne Probleme verstehen :>
Ja, es ist ein Tribut an meine Charaktere, die mich schon 10 Jahre begleitet haben; deswegen habe ich auch so ein großes Bild gezeichnet, das hätte ich normal nicht getan xD Aber es hat auch Spaß gemacht!
Es freut mich, dass dir das Bild gefällt (und auch andere meiner Gallerie, denn ich habe die Favoriten gesehen, vielen dank!) und dass die Geschichte, Himitsu no Mahou, dich interessiert ♥ die Geschichte hat ihre eigene Homepage: himitsu.judgement.at/ da findet man die Kapitel, Bilder und Charakterbeschreibungen UwU


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leprincexD [2014-04-22 04:53:28 +0000 UTC]

So cool~!   

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AimaiLeafy In reply to leprincexD [2014-04-22 06:29:57 +0000 UTC]

Thankyou soooo much >w< ♥ ♥ 

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leprincexD In reply to AimaiLeafy [2014-04-22 06:32:25 +0000 UTC]

No prob~!   

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Lutih [2014-04-22 03:19:15 +0000 UTC]

really reallly AWESOME!!
I can't say anymore

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AimaiLeafy In reply to Lutih [2014-04-22 06:30:28 +0000 UTC]

Thankyou! I'm glad that you seem impressed

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PriestNeftis [2014-04-22 02:53:09 +0000 UTC]

SIMPLY STUNNING GIRL *v* awesome job!!!!

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AimaiLeafy In reply to PriestNeftis [2014-04-22 06:31:49 +0000 UTC]

OH YES IT'S SUPER HUGE. I will never draw something that huge again, it killed me - yet it was fun! 
Thankyou for your kind words >w< and your inspiring art! I just went through your gallery... it was been a long time and you improved a daaaaaaamn lot! Loved to look through it and can't wait for more

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PriestNeftis In reply to AimaiLeafy [2014-04-23 04:10:35 +0000 UTC]

ahahaha I can imagine!!!! x3333 well still your stuff is great so, the size won't matter *v*
you're very welcome!!! c: can't wait for more n3n
OMG oAo and I've just seen all your faves my my thank you so much ;A; SO glad you think so aksjfalkjsdalkas

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Gender-Ninja [2014-04-21 23:51:01 +0000 UTC]

I must say I'm very impressed with the way you formed this piece's composition.  There is beautiful balance, symmetry, and contrast.  I love the use of both profiles and background silhouettes.  The colors and gradients add a great dynamic with showing the viewer where to look. I as a fellow traditional artist applaud you on your patience for blending and layering.

That said, I feel there are two things glaring at me that could use improvement. 1) Anatomy and 2) differentiation of characters

It could be mostly a choice on style but I think the "tea-cup" face for the side profiles distracts me from enjoying the characters.  Noses and lips/chins don't jut out so dramatically usually (some characters maybe based on a unique design).  Also, hands are hard--let's face it even I struggle with it. I say keep practicing with the grasping poses because those seemed to need the most work.  Another anatomy issue are the body positions and form. There were a few awkward poses and "clumpy" torsos or awkwardly squished facial profiles, both usually from the 3/4th or side-view.  This of course can only be remedied by studying and practicing. You're well on your way though.

Differentiation of characters is more than changing the hair color, style, or clothing/accessories.  In the part with all the silver/white characters for example... yes I can tell they are probably different characters but if you change their clothes and make it monochrome it'd be very difficult to tell.  Characters need distinguishing elements such as facial shape, body types/builds, and even textures.  This is a huge thing that even I am still developing. I'm mentioning this because it was mentioned to me as a critique. Right now, your characters are marvelous but.. a bit generic. They have a lot of similarities. I'd suggest trying out and experimenting with nose, lips, eyes, face shapes, and even the less lovable characteristics like blemishes, scars, etc to match the personality of that character.

P.S. I know, long comment is long but.. I had to add--I loved, loved, loved the character line-up silhouettes in the dark purple section. Great attention to detail.

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AmicusAnimalibus [2014-04-21 23:40:30 +0000 UTC]

So amazing...  

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AimaiLeafy In reply to AmicusAnimalibus [2014-04-22 06:31:59 +0000 UTC]


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AmicusAnimalibus In reply to AimaiLeafy [2014-04-23 00:29:01 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome.   

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epicShadowdragon [2014-04-21 22:46:44 +0000 UTC]

Wow. It's so epic and so big.

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AimaiLeafy In reply to epicShadowdragon [2014-04-22 06:32:31 +0000 UTC]

I feel super honoured that you call it "epic" ;w; thank you!

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epicShadowdragon In reply to AimaiLeafy [2014-04-22 06:34:48 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome

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JadeOwleh [2014-04-21 21:59:38 +0000 UTC]

This is absolutely BRILLIANT.

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AimaiLeafy In reply to JadeOwleh [2014-04-22 06:32:43 +0000 UTC]

Thanks u////u ♥

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NannaSkytte [2014-04-21 20:27:34 +0000 UTC]

wow. nice work!!

Det har du virkelig gjordt godt. kan godt li din komposition og farve sammenhæng/skift gennem plakaten.

Vildt stort projekt! sejt at du har brugt så lang tid på det uden at køre død! Den er vildt flot. Du må være stolt

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AimaiLeafy In reply to NannaSkytte [2014-04-22 06:34:32 +0000 UTC]

Hihi mange tak for de rar ord ♥ det er altid sejt at få et dansk kommentar... det får man ikke ofte, hehe xD 

Jeg må indrømme, at jeg faktisk frygtede at køre død.... men jeg VILLE bare se billedet færdig og denen tanke var en go drivkraft

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NannaSkytte In reply to AimaiLeafy [2014-04-30 23:28:00 +0000 UTC]

Hehe jah. skriver også som udgangspunkt på engelsk herinde, men jeg så dig værk gennem den danske gruppe. så derfor tænkte jeg hvorfor ikk. hihi.. ej seriøst synes det er godt gået. og hvilken fed plakat det blev til  

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Tulpen-Teufel [2014-04-21 20:07:28 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow, das ist mal ein Projekt! D:
Klasse, dass du etwas so großes fertiggestellt hast, ich bin sehr beeindruckt vom bloßen Umfang!

Gerade die aufgereihten Silhouetten vor dem lila Hintergrund sind sehr cool.
Ich kenne leider die Hintergrundgeschichte nicht, aber es ist klasse wie viel Zeit und Arbeit du hier reingesteckt hast. o0
Wirklich inspirierend!

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AimaiLeafy In reply to Tulpen-Teufel [2014-04-22 06:35:51 +0000 UTC]

Vielen, vielen dank für dieses liebe Kommentar u///u ♥ es freut mich, dass dir das Bild so gut gefällt! Besonders über das Lob wegen der Silhouetten freue ich mich, denn ich mag die auch und fürchtete schon, man würde sie im Endeffekt gar nicht mehr sehen können xD 

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Tulpen-Teufel In reply to AimaiLeafy [2014-04-22 06:42:26 +0000 UTC]

Scrollen hat mir schon lange nicht mehr so gut gefallen.

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AimaiLeafy In reply to Tulpen-Teufel [2014-04-22 07:08:08 +0000 UTC]

Nyaaa ;w; das hast du aber nett gesagt u/////u

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Tulpen-Teufel In reply to AimaiLeafy [2014-04-22 07:11:05 +0000 UTC]

Haha, aww. x)

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IP-Freelee [2014-04-21 19:52:21 +0000 UTC]

That's some piece of work!

Very Nice.

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AimaiLeafy In reply to IP-Freelee [2014-04-22 06:36:01 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much ♥!

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BioDreamland [2014-04-21 19:33:37 +0000 UTC]


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AimaiLeafy In reply to BioDreamland [2014-04-22 06:36:11 +0000 UTC]


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Supa-Syrex [2014-04-21 17:10:15 +0000 UTC]


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AimaiLeafy In reply to Supa-Syrex [2014-04-22 06:36:36 +0000 UTC]


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FragmentsofMagic [2014-04-21 16:43:54 +0000 UTC]

This is totally amazing <3 Wow~! Great work you should be really super proud of this!

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AimaiLeafy In reply to FragmentsofMagic [2014-04-22 06:37:04 +0000 UTC]

Thankyou very much! u////u ♥ *hugs*  

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