akseiya — Cheesy filters explanation

Published: 2011-09-21 00:11:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 421; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 0
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Description Now for some explanation, since the ruse worked as intended.
Of course, the "real" version of this photo is .
This cheesy "vintage" postproc was a bit of a bait for the folks from a fairly large and popular group, #Polish-artists , whose photo moderators claim to care for high level of quality and artistic creativity.
Why bother? Because I'm used to stuff like #HDRoom or #CANON-DIGITAL-SLR in terms of quality and selection, that is: to seeing my shots rejected from a group due to their technical or aesthetical shortcomings*. After I joined my 'national' group I've seen a few rejects which gave me wide-eye while some photos in group's gallery strongly suggested unhealthy levels of snobbery partly substituting good taste - while at the same time, some others were really great. It's quite definitely the biggest and most popular group focused on Polish works and yes, I do thirst for fame and glory or at least some exposition, so before just leaving for pastures new I decided to make sure. First, by submitting an old HDR with bad halos and too much grain . That one ended up with me changing my mind about the photo again and resolving to actually try improving that shot one of these days, since the jury defended it with sensible and convincing arguments. Soon after, ~Isyala submitted one of her Prague shots . Before declining it, the jury tried to make her spoil it by "placing key elements in the strong points of the frame", as if the lantern was not already as close to crossing of thirds as possible and there was any more cropping to be sensibly done. With more and more clues hinting at the selection of works to #Polish-artists gallery based mostly on kitch and cheap hip with occasional great choices of obviously highest quality photos, I decided to do the ultimate test: take a fairly decent photo and then massacre it with the dreadful violet overlay and artificial vignetting, then call it "vintage" and troll it up to the group.
Result: accepted. I guess it's time to move on.

*) For example, one the Canon groups rejected one of the shots I consider to be among my best ever, The Ark . I'm almost sure they did it because of the flare which I just have no heart to remove, since in my eyes it forms part of the overall lighting concept, but is an obvious error from purely technical PoV. I haven't also seen many kitchy snaps in their gallery, so I can safely assume they know what they do.

PS.: I have an uneasy suspicion lingering in the back of my head. It's that the white flowers on vibrant green background can be dismissed as "nothing special really" while the cheesy "vintage" postproc actually does, as a side effect, put a strong focus on the crucial flower while dimming all the distractions around it.
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Comments: 12

RandomSearcher [2011-10-30 12:13:57 +0000 UTC]

I understand what you feel. I get the same with my Russian club, and not just about photography. I even suspect that the problem is all around DA

It seems to me that DA loves oversaturated stuff that looks nice in a thumb. No matter the grain, no matter the decent white balance, no matter the out of focus shots. And when I look at some choices I get the "anybody-cutout-my-eyes" feeling... I try to stay calm about it. Sometimes I ask for moderators reasoning, when they decline my works. Well... What they say really shakes my confidence, because to me it looks like nonsense. The balance between a fair and an unfair crit is shaky, and in such cases I rely rather on what my friends say, and people whom I trust to be professionals, and not on club mods.

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akseiya In reply to RandomSearcher [2011-10-31 11:41:45 +0000 UTC]

Yup, that's how it works for me as well. Although I can take oversaturated stuff, saturation doesn't break the picture all that easily, but the color overlays pretending to be cheap film issues and colour-space distorting overlays I just can't stand. Not to mention the fact about 33% of pictures featured in groups are mechanical clocks.

Well, some things just can't be helped

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el-e [2011-09-22 14:52:46 +0000 UTC]


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akseiya In reply to el-e [2011-09-22 19:30:03 +0000 UTC]

Ale... ale, ale... czy opis przeczytany?......

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el-e In reply to akseiya [2017-03-17 13:55:01 +0000 UTC]

jest po angielsku czyli nie XD leniwa jestem i jak cos jest po polsku to czytam... zazwyczaj^^'  

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chriseastmids [2011-09-22 03:30:17 +0000 UTC]

you know what ... you just take pictures of what you like and dont be put under pressure to have to alter your work ...

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akseiya In reply to chriseastmids [2011-09-22 16:51:36 +0000 UTC]

It's complicated
After long looking I begin too feel *some* overlay and a vignette would not spoil this picture if the overlay wasn't neon pink
Come on, it surely has to be the artsy angst that makes one an artist ;-D

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chriseastmids In reply to akseiya [2011-09-22 19:57:53 +0000 UTC]

oh yes i agree ... i read it that you were being put under pressure to change it from how you wanted it to look ... sorry

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akseiya In reply to chriseastmids [2011-09-23 10:56:06 +0000 UTC]

Ah, that was ~Isyala and her "Broken Glass" . She didn't like their "help" at all Fortunately the guys seem much more decided about my shots
Obviously, when the good masters *VILCO and *Kriss1983 went on in wise and appropriately vague tones of learned teachers, gently guiding the stray pupil back on the path of True Art, she just left the group. Myself I'll go for the final browse of the groups gallery, take people like ~ateist-kleranty directly on my devwatch and leave too. Bothering my better helf with useless "tips" was one step too far ;-P

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chriseastmids In reply to akseiya [2011-09-23 14:51:03 +0000 UTC]

ahhhhhh now i understand

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malaladanila [2011-09-21 15:44:06 +0000 UTC]

Very nice!

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akseiya In reply to malaladanila [2011-09-21 15:45:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much, but pls do read the description...

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