AlicesLookingGlass — to drown

Published: 2010-01-04 09:50:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 731; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 39
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Description Arise, adrift and roaming
Embers glow dancing in flame
As my reason for living
Returns to haunt me again
If only for a moment
Set me free from the past
Hear the words I can not say
Don't let them be my last
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Comments: 13

maniatikusjocker [2012-06-12 14:09:51 +0000 UTC]

Great Concept!,,maybe you should have better defined hair drops..any way Nice Draw!

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Daenji [2010-01-05 05:46:34 +0000 UTC]

I like mixing the elements the way that you have. Blood, hair, and webbing are very interesting together. I also like this writing. I used to write poetry quite often and it somehow reminds me of things I have written years ago.

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AlicesLookingGlass In reply to Daenji [2010-01-05 06:15:39 +0000 UTC]

thanks you.
i have to give the credit of the writing to my wonderful brother. i just tried to put his words into an image. he inspires me!

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Daenji In reply to AlicesLookingGlass [2010-01-05 07:32:16 +0000 UTC]

This is cool! I also love to collaborate with my little sister. We are both musicians and artists and it's always fun!

Please pass my compliments to your brother for me. I enjoyed reading it. Does he post his writing somewhere?

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AlicesLookingGlass In reply to Daenji [2010-01-05 12:13:17 +0000 UTC]

he is actually a musician too. his band is called The Eternal. check them out! i would liek to hear what you think.
his lyrics are always amazing. he has sooo much talent!!

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Daenji In reply to AlicesLookingGlass [2010-01-05 21:10:52 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes, thank you for the tip on his band! I am always looking for good music!

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AlicesLookingGlass In reply to Daenji [2010-01-06 07:33:52 +0000 UTC]

!!! i'm glad you liek it! yes he is the singer...songwriter...lyric guy..everything! my personal favourite is probably 'to drown' haha...that is why i uploaded that art. you should track that song down if you can, let me know what you think!

loving your work by the way.

hope you are well,

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Daenji In reply to AlicesLookingGlass [2010-01-06 09:53:34 +0000 UTC]

"To Drown" was actually the first one that I listened to because it's the first one in their list right now... and because it has the lyrics that I liked here! ^-^ It's definitely one of the best that I've heard so far. I really like a lot of their songs and I think I will order their CDs. I appreciate knowing about them. Listening to their music earlier made a great soundtrack to work on my newest painting!

Thank you very much for the compliment! I also like your modeling shots. I found you through Peter who has been in my devWatch for a long time but I also really like the shoots you've done with Shauna. I didn't know about her before and I love her photography. I showed my sister your Dollhouse shots and she thought these were really great. She said your face reminds her of classic movie actresses.

My artwork is very important to me right now. It seems like I haven't focused enough on it before so I am in a period where I am really trying to improve and explore. Right now I am having a lot of fun with that so I think I can say that I am well. I'm very optimistic and feeling driven to create. How are you?

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AlicesLookingGlass In reply to Daenji [2010-01-08 08:00:55 +0000 UTC]

i am in the same mindset. well..trying to be. finishing year 12 art made me sick of it..having to follow a course....not having the freedom to produce what i want..when i want! deadlines suck...they make me loose focus and art becomes just this thing that i HAVE to do not WANT to do.

but i am getting over that. art is becoming mroe and more important again.

how am i?
right nowww
hot, tired, headachey, sticky with glue andddddd nope thats about it. mostly negative but i'd say im about an 8 out of 10 for happiness!
how are you

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Daenji In reply to AlicesLookingGlass [2010-01-08 08:15:39 +0000 UTC]

I don't think art really works without freedom. There are things to learn and techniques to study but they are pretty meaningless if they produce something you only knew how to do and didn't want to do. I started doing some work for commissions lately and I learned this again. The work where I am free to go after my vision of the picture means a lot more to me. I am happy if I can make my clients happy but I'd rather do work that gives me the most satisfaction in my personal interest.

Okay, so... right now... I am really tired! I usually stay up quite late but I had a lot of stuff today and feeling kind of drained. I am quite happy though. I have a lot of things to look forward to in the coming days and everything seems to be going well. I've met some very interesting people recently, including you, and my optimistic feeling is still hanging in there! ^-^ I've been stuck inside mostly lately though and I am really starting to feel like going on some kind of adventure. At least, lol, I want to go do something fun! So maybe I will take a day off soon and do that. ^^

Now for nice sleep! Goodnight Alice! I hope your headache will be better and you somehow manage to grab those other 2 out of 10 pretty soon!

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Daenji In reply to AlicesLookingGlass [2010-01-05 21:09:37 +0000 UTC]

I like his music very much! This song is very good. I also listened to "Down" and "A Dream's End" so far. I really love that they seem quite heavy yet the sound is so clean that you can understand his nice lyrics. He also has a cool voice, I think. At least I am guessing the singer is your brother (?). I watched their videos on YouTube and this is the one that seems like he has a family resemblance. I bet they sound great live!

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homeinspace [2010-01-04 10:39:24 +0000 UTC]


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Sewwn [2010-01-04 09:54:36 +0000 UTC]

this is nicely done

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