AliceTheKiller13 — Prince : Drift in the sea.

#homestuck #originalcharacter #violetblood #homestuckoc #homestucktroll #homestuckfantroll #fantrollhomestuck #trollhomestuck
Published: 2015-05-25 20:50:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 583; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 0
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Description ====> Be the Hydra like Prince

your are now DRAKON KOOKEA

you have a variety of interests such as SCALES, MAGIC and MEDICINAL SHIT. you like MAKING MEDICINE but its usually only FOR YOU. and by scales we mean the MEDICINAL kind.

you are really UNUSUAL. you have THREE EYES unlike most trolls. however the one ON TOP is stitched CLOSED because of some PAST THAT YOU'VE HAD. sooner or later, you'd TELL SOMEONE. just not right now. you wear SHADES that COVER all your eyes by the way. 

you are very CONCEALED and DONT TALK MUCH. you like to watch things FALL APART and when you're ANGRY you make all this MEDICINE that you sell and it POISONS people. you think its because of how your lusus watched your life fall apart. 

 other then you being an asshole you are CALM and VERY SARCASTIC. sometimes people say you're so sarcastic people dont know if you're telling the TRUTH or not.  
you are also very  ALONE because you live in the DEEP PARTS of the SEA to feed your LUSUS, HYDRADAD. you two DONT QUITE GET ALONG. he himself WANTS TO EAT YOU. and you've become VERY RUDE BECAUSE of that. 
you don't mean to but, you've WANTED HIM TO UNDERSTAND YOU for the SIX AND A HALF SWEEPS you've LIVED. but he NEVER DID. 

you dont make a lot of friends, you usually spend the day feeding your lusus and then going up to the shore to rest. nothing much. 

surprisingly you do have quadrantees

you have a CHILLAX moirail. he's cool and he's the only one who knows the backstory of your STICHED EYE. his name is ZLANKI POLTAR
you have a flushed crush. Quite shameful, to be honest. 
you're in a KISMESISTUDE with the PISSBUTTS of PISSBUTTS. you hate his lowblood ass. Ugh you think his name is...SULLEN TEAKER
you currently dont have an auspice. h. 

you are VIOLET on the hemospectrum and you SECRETLY HATE LOWBLOODS. and well, EVERYONE sometimes. 

your strife specibus is MULTIKIND. its kind of a can with multiple uses. One part is gas, the other is something to ignite the gas and the other is a blade. 
your modus is TRIPLE MODUS in which everything is MULTIPLIED by THREE and you have to figure out which one is the REAL ITEM

you are the PRINCE of LIFE and you're trollian is caligniousDoctor you're typing quirks is in all lowercas3 replacing 'e's to '3''s and wh3n using sarcasm you us3 muuuulllttttiiipl3 l3tt3rs. 

Zlanki and Sullen © NoodleIsAGhost  

'Flushcrush' © LunaticxLana  

Lunast and Kuubik © me
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Comments: 11

NoodleIsAGhost [2015-05-25 21:43:45 +0000 UTC]

hgtwushuhewjfnbngh hooooollyyyyyy shit this looks great omg

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AliceTheKiller13 In reply to NoodleIsAGhost [2015-05-26 03:09:16 +0000 UTC]

aaaa thank you!!! 

and omg your icoN ITS A NOODLE GHOST HAHAH 

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

polyatomic-irony In reply to AliceTheKiller13 [2015-05-26 03:15:52 +0000 UTC]


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AliceTheKiller13 In reply to polyatomic-irony [2015-05-26 04:13:00 +0000 UTC]

hahah it  looks so cute hehe

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

NoodleIsAGhost In reply to AliceTheKiller13 [2015-05-26 03:14:03 +0000 UTC]


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AliceTheKiller13 In reply to NoodleIsAGhost [2015-05-26 04:11:20 +0000 UTC]


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NoodleIsAGhost In reply to AliceTheKiller13 [2015-05-26 04:13:05 +0000 UTC]


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LunaticxLana [2015-05-25 21:32:07 +0000 UTC]

Asdfhjkl- This is really nice ^ ^ I love the shading 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AliceTheKiller13 In reply to LunaticxLana [2015-05-26 03:09:33 +0000 UTC]

aaaa thank you so much <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LunaticxLana In reply to AliceTheKiller13 [2015-05-26 03:12:17 +0000 UTC]

Np ;v; Your painting skills are really nice.. mine are so lazy when somethings lineless lmao xD 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AliceTheKiller13 In reply to LunaticxLana [2015-05-26 04:13:31 +0000 UTC]

aaa haha ouo i know the feel dont worry huhu

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