Comments: 54
ArMan2Mangaka In reply to ??? [2013-08-27 00:21:24 +0000 UTC]
now that I see it clously its true that the shading its heavy on Usui ,but all this is a learning process I was testing types of layers I never used and at first see I like the result so I dont realise that ....thank you very much for the critic , it really helps
I lauge a lot with this anime ..its one of my favorites
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Yoko-tan In reply to ArMan2Mangaka [2013-12-25 03:24:25 +0000 UTC]
you're very welcome, I have a lot of problems with shading as well, it's probably one of the hardest parts of art DX
I actually never finished the series, but I did like what I saw and I might try to watch it again if I get the chance!
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animefreekout101 [2013-07-14 22:38:25 +0000 UTC]
awww how cute this is one of my fave shows
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TalonDragon000 [2013-07-11 01:20:18 +0000 UTC]
You should add the reference used for this picture even if it was all free hand and indicate so. Just so there is no "art theft" outcry. It will save yourself some major hassle. ^^
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ArMan2Mangaka In reply to TalonDragon000 [2013-07-11 02:15:59 +0000 UTC]
in the message of the art say "fan art of Kaichou wa Maid sama" I think that should work as a reference for the original work ...but thanks for the advice.
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TalonDragon000 In reply to ArMan2Mangaka [2013-07-11 04:28:39 +0000 UTC]
If you just say "fanart" it is assumed that you are making an original piece based off of someone else's characters, but other than that, body position, pose, etc. is all your own creation.
If you reference the actual picture you used to make this then you are crediting the original artist for the image itself.
As of now, I know that this image is based off this (or a similar image to this): [link]
I don't know if you traced over the image and you are now claiming it as yours or not, but by adding the picture reference it prevents someone calling it art theft. Saying you did your work "free hand" and just used this image as a reference helps to clarify this.
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ArMan2Mangaka In reply to TalonDragon000 [2013-07-11 18:50:53 +0000 UTC]
wao !!! honestly I can only use 100 mb of internet per month so I didnt know that much !!! but dont know the law dont make the crime disappear, so its my mistake ...IM REALLY SORRY FOR THIS!
is based on a picture screen I take of the anime like a year ago ...and its really like the one in the link you give me
Thank you very much for teaching me all of this !!
dont worry next jobs will be "free hand" or else I wll refer the original.
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ArMan2Mangaka In reply to TalonDragon000 [2013-07-11 21:30:12 +0000 UTC]
thats a really good mision then !!!
do you like that anime ???
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ArMan2Mangaka In reply to TalonDragon000 [2013-07-12 00:10:00 +0000 UTC]
so that's how you found out my fanart was a scene from the anime...I was really surprised about that ...I thoug you was a police or something lol !!!
but you are a nice girl ! thanks
I like that anime too ...
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Koyukiy [2013-07-08 06:42:01 +0000 UTC]
I loved this anime! Beautiful work!
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weiyang [2013-07-08 05:17:33 +0000 UTC]
Flagged as Spam
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weiyang In reply to ArMan2Mangaka [2013-09-06 04:37:37 +0000 UTC]
This might come a little late but my account was compromised by some spammer sometime ago and I've only just gotten it back. Just to clear things up. Thanks for your understanding!
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icelovebunnies9 [2013-07-07 21:43:32 +0000 UTC]
It's very pretty! I love the additional effects! ^_^
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nozomi16 [2013-07-07 19:45:20 +0000 UTC]
is this the ending 2?
its so beautiful its a i like this anime
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ArMan2Mangaka In reply to nozomi16 [2013-07-07 20:15:25 +0000 UTC]
I like this anime too ...someone tell me that the manga is almost over.
thanks !
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nozomi16 In reply to ArMan2Mangaka [2013-07-07 21:20:40 +0000 UTC]
unfortunately I do not know if you knew that but I would like to read it but I hinders
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ArMan2Mangaka In reply to nozomi16 [2013-07-07 22:44:30 +0000 UTC]
why ?? that manga is almost complete in
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nozomi16 In reply to ArMan2Mangaka [2013-07-08 01:25:37 +0000 UTC]
yes but i dont like to read manga in computer
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ArMan2Mangaka In reply to nozomi16 [2013-07-08 01:45:35 +0000 UTC]
yea its really a pain for the eyes !!!
hablas español ?? y yo bobiando en ingles jaja ...tienes que ver quizás vendan en alguna editorial de tu país o quizás puedas conseguir los cap e imprimirlos ...un amigo mio lo hace así , en una hoja A4 se pueden imprimir 4 pag del manga por cada cara y aun así se ven perfectamente las letras, es la forma mas "fácil de hacerlo" pero va por como 90 cap así que es un trabajo largo jaja
suerte con eso !
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nozomi16 In reply to ArMan2Mangaka [2013-07-08 02:21:30 +0000 UTC]
jajaja yo tambien estaba de tonta traduciendo en google jajaja
pero no estaria muy facil imprimir tanto porque el dinero que gastaria en eso lo necesito para otra cosa(una guitarra electrica ) pero ya vere si tengo la oportunidad de conseguirlo en algun sitio como una feria
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ArMan2Mangaka In reply to nozomi16 [2013-07-08 03:13:33 +0000 UTC]
guitarra eléctrica ?? eres rockera ??
generalmente todos los caribeños escuchan regue ! ...aunque bueno yo no jaja
si esa es una posibilidad , aqui si no lo leemos en digital nunca lo vemos pero tu tienes mas oportunidades ...suerte con eso !!
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nozomi16 In reply to ArMan2Mangaka [2013-07-08 15:42:27 +0000 UTC]
pues no tanto porque sea rockera (un poco ) pero a mi no me gusta nada de nada el regue.
me gusta mucho la musica enrealidad pero es una meta dificil para mi porque es algo muy caro para mi.
pero no perdere la esperanza talves me anime lo suficiente a ver manga en internet
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ArMan2Mangaka In reply to nozomi16 [2013-07-08 18:37:23 +0000 UTC]
supongo que te sucede con la musica lo mismo que me sucede a mi con el arte digital y el comic encanta hacerlo pero es carisimo para mi , yo no tengo pc ni internet ni tableta ...todo lo hago con mause y con una pc de la univ que no es muy buena , pero resuelvo ...creo que si te esfuerzas de verdad siempre se puede encontrar una salida ...lo que hay es que ser muy inteligente en lo que haces ....como dicen los orichas "aqui no hay vida para los maria´os"
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nozomi16 In reply to ArMan2Mangaka [2013-07-09 00:43:36 +0000 UTC]
jajaja pues si algo asi porque yo no tengo problema con mi computadora aunque tambien hago mis dibujos con mouse aunque no salen muy bn.
pero no es que sea rica asi que no puedo simplemente decir mami quiero una guitarra sino que tengo que conseguirla por mi cuenta
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ArMan2Mangaka In reply to nozomi16 [2013-07-09 02:42:32 +0000 UTC]
en mi opinión así es como se hacen mejor las cosas ...honestamente no puedo entender a los niñitos de mamá y papá ...que tienen 20 años y no saben hacer nada ...yo sabia cocinar y lavar a los 9 años y podía viajar solo como lo hice a muchas competencias de artes marciales y nadie tenia que estar preocupándose por mi ...así que tranquila que desarrollarse por si mismo es lo mejor...tu veras como puedes lograrlo ...lo que debes esforzarte y ser inteligente!
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nozomi16 In reply to ArMan2Mangaka [2013-07-09 18:28:47 +0000 UTC]
es cierto esas personas no saben valerse por si mismas y dependen siempre de los demas pero uno tiene que entender que cuando ellos no esten uno tiene que arreglarselas solo.
y muchas gracias por el animo
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ArMan2Mangaka In reply to nozomi16 [2013-07-09 18:37:46 +0000 UTC]
no hay de que !! caribe pa' arriba !!!jajaja
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xXblackxdirtyxsoulxx [2013-07-07 19:05:33 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful work,you are really talented dear!~~ ♥
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ArMan2Mangaka In reply to xXblackxdirtyxsoulxx [2013-07-07 19:17:01 +0000 UTC]
thank you very much ! that kind of comments are what make me keep working ..thanks!
hablas español ??? vi tu perfil y parece que hablas varios idiomas !!!
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