"Morning came quickly, the sun rising before Dovian even made it to his bed. The crisp, pinkish-orange light crawled over the tallest peak of the skyscrapers, shining across his pale face. Slowly opening his heavy eyes, the new day left an unsettling sensation deep within the man’s gut. He heaved a sigh, feeling exhausted yet incapable of sleeping a single wink–not like he would have the opportunity now if he even wanted to. Rising from his chair, he grabbed his staff, watching the pulsating colors of the rising sun meld with the grays and reds of the city. He spun, his scarlet cape fluttering behind him as he took quick, large strides to his door."
- The Esoteric Design, by A. R. Crebs (Me)
- Photoshop CS3
- One of my few attempts at trying to paint a city/landscape. Much to learn!
- For more information on The Esoteric Design, go to: