AtmaFlare — Asura, the enraged ones

#characterdesign #deva #digitalart #folklore #mythology #persona #shinmegamitensei #supernatural #buddhistmythology #atmaflare #ashura #asura #buddhism #creaturedesign #daeva #demigod #hinduism #hindumythology #monsterdesign #preta #shura #titan
Published: 2019-10-07 23:06:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 8796; Favourites: 177; Downloads: 48
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Description It's like a cross between Anger from Inside Out and a Pillar Men from Jojo.  

-Asura, the enraged ones-

Powerful demigods of asian lore. In Hindu mythology, the Asuras are demon-like entities, that while not entirely good or evil, are obsessed with violence, materialism and pleasure, opposing the more benign and divine Devas. They are portrayed similarly in Buddhism, a rebirth as an asura being considered one of the four unhappy births (together with rebirth as an animal, a preta, or a being in hell). A human is able to be reborn as an Asura by their excessive pride in life, solving their problems with violence and harming others. Even though they experience a much more pleasurable life compared to humans, they're constantly plagued by their negative emotions, living an unhappy existence. Their world, said to be in a constant state of strife, is said to be located at the ocean floor. In Buddhist art they are depicted with fiery hair, six arms and three faces, each one with an unpleasant expression such as anger or pain.

My first mythological drawing this year since the whole Irish project I did in college. Feels good having some kind of control over the drawings again, it's a weird feeling.  

He represents a generic member of the Asura as a species, not any particular individual from any story. As such I tried to keep on the simple side for him, mostly using it as an excuse to experiment with the new coloring style.  

Well, hope you all liked it, and until next time!   
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Comments: 25

Icyshadowlord [2020-02-29 14:32:28 +0000 UTC]

Very badass drawing. Aren't there also tales of some exceptional asuras managing to quell their rage and reach enlightenment? Of course they'd be the exceptions, just wondering if I am recalling right or not. XD

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AtmaFlare In reply to Icyshadowlord [2020-03-26 05:58:06 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! 
Yes, of course, not all of them are angry all the time. Virochana is an asura king who did just that, but even if not all of them reached enlightment there also asura princesses, architects, and so on.   

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Rose-Hunter [2019-10-08 19:25:13 +0000 UTC]

sucks to be them I guess

cool work and info

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AtmaFlare In reply to Rose-Hunter [2019-10-09 06:30:48 +0000 UTC]

Oh, the deserved it. 
Glad you liked it, thanks a lot!   

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Rose-Hunter In reply to AtmaFlare [2019-10-11 15:23:08 +0000 UTC]

I'll bet

and you're welcome

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YumeQueen [2019-10-08 13:32:24 +0000 UTC]

Muito foda,ei cara tive uma ideia de tu fazer um dos deuses que criei,quer tentar?

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AtmaFlare In reply to YumeQueen [2019-10-09 06:33:29 +0000 UTC]

Haha, brigadão! 
Desculpe, mas a esse ponto eu já estou com as mãos cheias de comissões e outros deuses pra desenhar, terei que passar!   

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YumeQueen In reply to AtmaFlare [2019-10-09 15:35:20 +0000 UTC]

Ta ok

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JokuSSJ [2019-10-08 11:09:09 +0000 UTC]

It looks amazing, I wish people knew more about the Asura besides the game Asura's Wrath.     

Also, it does look like like a Pillar Men from Jojo's. XD

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AtmaFlare In reply to JokuSSJ [2019-10-09 06:36:48 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a bunch, I'm glad you liked it!  
Me with every mythology ever basically, it's so frustrating. 
Ayayayayyyy ゴゴゴゴゴゴゴ

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DoctorChevlong [2019-10-08 06:12:47 +0000 UTC]


Seriously, he looks really nice ! You're getting really good at doing flames and golden stuff digitally I also like the broken "halo" behind him, and how you referenced "Asura's Wrath" in the heads' design ! The only thing that could have been better to me, is the position of the legs But he's globally good nonetheless

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AtmaFlare In reply to DoctorChevlong [2019-10-08 06:24:41 +0000 UTC]

Glad you liked it! 
I swear these are taking much more time than what I would've took traditionally because I'm having to relearn so much stuff. Glad it still looks nice nonetheless!  

Yeeeah... His anatomy is complete disaster in general beyond just the legs, it's been tormenting me all this time. The more time I spent finishing him the more I wanted to scrap it all...
I'm happy just to have finished this one as it is...  
....But it does leave a strong bitter taste in the mouth though...  

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DoctorChevlong In reply to AtmaFlare [2019-10-08 07:02:31 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, personally, even if I started constructing my characters with dummy-like structures before learning morphology at my art school, it still was weird when I think about it Learning proportions and how bones and muscles work together really helps, even if I still draw too big hands, and too small feet, sometimes

Yeah, I know that feel... I'm seriously thinking about completely remaking my Golem when I'll be done with all of these... As for Seth, I'm not sure anymore I'll also blur the shadings and lights of my first designs, and increase some contrasts...

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AtmaFlare In reply to DoctorChevlong [2019-10-09 07:30:56 +0000 UTC]

I never had anatomy classes or the sort and I'm in dire need of it. I'm paying more attention to it more than ever, but... Stuff like this still happens because a lot of it still don't make much sense to me.

There's quite a lot of stuff in my gallery I don't like anymore.  
Sometimes I do think about redoing some of my old stuff, but it feels like rethreading old ground, and these drawings take me so long to finish... 

I think them both still look quite good! 
Maybe you can still reuse some of the lineart and just add or modify over it? A new paint job could be interesting as well, just like Kaneko did for for some of those Devil Summoner demons in Soul Hackers. A lot of those linearts were from the SMT2 days after all, and it sure doesn't seem like it!  

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DoctorChevlong In reply to AtmaFlare [2019-10-09 17:20:09 +0000 UTC]

I often "cheat" by basing myself on Kaneko's demon posings, still, while you're not But yeah, observation of reality is key ! If you have enough spare time, you should try and do quick sketches of naked models, with a time limit if you want, I think it really helped me to improve my style, when I was at my art school (Croquis Cafe is quite practical for this exercise !)

Even if your "human" characters are not that realistic about proportions, they're still very inspiring and pleasing to the eye, like your less human creations (again, your celtic water horse - I forgot the name - was flawless to me ). Personally, I can appreciate original/clever design elements even if the technical aspect needs improvement

Yeah, I thought about these Devil Summoner designs reusing old lineart too Anyway, I'll do my best to make these blend with the more recent designs

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AtmaFlare In reply to DoctorChevlong [2019-10-10 07:18:25 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, that's the kind of stuff I need to start practicing. Thanks a lot for the tip! 

Enbarr is one of the few ones I'm actually proud, even though I'm really not looking too fondly back on that project as a whole now. He was actually my cover for the thesis presentation!  
But thanks a lot, that's really kind of you. 

Yup, let's do our best!  


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DoctorChevlong In reply to AtmaFlare [2019-10-10 17:25:28 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome buddy !

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Misty15ARTS97 [2019-10-08 04:21:39 +0000 UTC]

I'm more thinking of a certain other Asura.

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AtmaFlare In reply to Misty15ARTS97 [2019-10-08 06:26:42 +0000 UTC]

A certain... Videogamey Asura?   

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Misty15ARTS97 In reply to AtmaFlare [2019-10-08 06:42:02 +0000 UTC]


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PrimordialKnight In reply to Misty15ARTS97 [2019-10-08 14:02:49 +0000 UTC]

AKA the best dad in gaming.

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Misty15ARTS97 In reply to PrimordialKnight [2019-10-10 06:08:45 +0000 UTC]

"I will never....forgive you...FOR MAKING MY DAUGHTER CRY!!!"

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AtmaFlare In reply to PrimordialKnight [2019-10-09 07:51:08 +0000 UTC]

Pretty much  

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PrimordialKnight [2019-10-07 23:14:27 +0000 UTC]

That's hot
Also, it looks a lot like Agni, the Hindu God of fire, but that's just me.

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AtmaFlare In reply to PrimordialKnight [2019-10-08 06:32:38 +0000 UTC]

Makes a lot of sense, the iconography is similar, Asuras aren't commonly seen with so much fire around them... I was thinking the same while drawing this. 
Since Asura already looks like this if I ever get to Agni I would probably draw him as a more of a glutton type character though.  

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