aztlanwayne — Das Glasperlenspiel

Published: 2020-01-22 21:57:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 119; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 1
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Description 2009 acrylic on Bockingford paper

In the novel "Das Glasperlenspiel" ("The Glass Bead Game") by Hermann Hesse, intellectuals in the 25th century play a game in which glass spheres represent distinct works of literature, musical compositions, paintings, sculptures and the like. The way the beads are arranged delineate relationships between the chosen works. Hesse won the Nobel prize for literature for the novel. 
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Comments: 24

ToveAnita [2020-01-23 19:16:35 +0000 UTC]

Such a beautiful painting!!  

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aztlanwayne In reply to ToveAnita [2020-01-23 21:36:40 +0000 UTC]

What do you like about it?

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ToveAnita In reply to aztlanwayne [2020-01-24 09:31:15 +0000 UTC]

Everything!! The form, the motive, the colours!! I love squares and I love mosaic and I love glass beads! And I love these colours!

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aztlanwayne In reply to ToveAnita [2020-01-24 19:48:53 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow! You're really specific! Thanks for telling me why you liked the painting. I never know why anyone likes my paintings unless they tell me. I'm insecure about all my art.

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ToveAnita In reply to aztlanwayne [2020-01-24 20:10:58 +0000 UTC]

You must learn to trust us when we say your art and paintings are magnificent!! 😉


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aztlanwayne In reply to ToveAnita [2020-01-24 21:18:05 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for your encouragement. I wish I could do needlework. You'd be surprised at what I could do with a sewing machine and some rags. :-D 

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ToveAnita In reply to aztlanwayne [2020-01-25 09:37:27 +0000 UTC]

You’re most welcome, dear Wayne!   

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graffitimagic [2020-01-23 15:25:27 +0000 UTC]

I woz reading the comments below and James say it the best, wot he says ! ! does look like a city ! wud make a cool Graffiti Wall art dude !!!!!!!!!

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aztlanwayne In reply to graffitimagic [2020-01-23 19:24:28 +0000 UTC]

Thanks Magic.
You have my permission to reproduce it on the wall of your choice.
It would be easy with spray paint, just lines and dots.

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graffitimagic In reply to aztlanwayne [2020-01-28 11:36:12 +0000 UTC]

Would be cool to take dat dude thanks !

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aztlanwayne In reply to graffitimagic [2020-01-28 22:15:35 +0000 UTC]

It's yours. 

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IME-Photography [2020-01-23 10:23:19 +0000 UTC]

I see an big city in this work dear Wayne,   

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aztlanwayne In reply to IME-Photography [2020-01-23 20:13:02 +0000 UTC]

Other deviants have said the same thing. It wasn't my idea, but art is a dialogue between the artist and the viewer.

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IME-Photography In reply to aztlanwayne [2020-01-23 22:03:04 +0000 UTC]

Yes, it is indeed a dialogue between artist and viewer.
I like that , because everyone sees something different

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JamesB000 [2020-01-23 09:45:21 +0000 UTC]

I don't know who Hermann Hesse is, which i find slightly annoying with myself because i usually connect with one artist that leads to the other, in my memory thought process... so i'm going to give my own personal impression on this abstract. Now going on the glass Sphere that represents distinct works of literature, musical compositions, paintings, sculptures, looking at this abstract  really i see these little beads as individual glass spheres and then examining the abstract more, i noticed a kind of top down cityscape\Map Grid appearance, idk, maybe the Sphere's are what makes up each and everyone of us as a populous, as individuals within the Abstract.. i see different coloured spheres to denote Race, religion, Creed, maybe certain colours really do represent us and delineate which individual is a painter, sculpture, musician, Author, tinker trailer soldier sailor....i could go on..one thing is for sure, this abstract is alive to me, moving at a constant...not literally of course, it just has that vibe about it...flowing.

I like this abstract.

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aztlanwayne In reply to JamesB000 [2020-01-23 14:57:13 +0000 UTC]

Thanks James. Excellent analysis as always. Someone else just commented that she sees a cityscape, so I guess that's a proper interpretation. You know I'm fascinated with buildings and aerial shots. I used to do a lot of paintings of people when I was lonely. Now that I'm surrounded by people 24 hours a day, I don't see individuals worthy of painting, just the masses. So maybe those glass beads are people.

The premise of "The Glass Bead Game" was that in the 25th century, civilization regressed into barbarism. The powers that be decided to create a city-state called Castalia where all knowledge and culture would be preserved. Every year the best and brightest would gather to play the game, which was a kind of holographic projection, not actually using glass beads. 

Hesse was required reading in high school, particularly his short novella "Siddhartha" and his psychological novel "Damien". I've read all his books at least once.

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JamesB000 In reply to aztlanwayne [2020-01-23 17:36:45 +0000 UTC]

Ah, you're most welcome. like I've always stated, if the abstract to me has some relative content that instantly connects with my thoughts then everything has more clarity. I can see by all your artwork that you're a more than just a one trick pony !!

Yes, your fascination with buildings and aerial shots always becomes very apparent when i view your artwork and plus i am the same, I've always had a certain fascination with Ariel shots and satellite images.

Thank you for sharing the premise of,  "The Glass Bead Game"  it just gives me a better understand and i'll read more about the background of Hesse, which has slipped through my net, so too speak.

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aztlanwayne In reply to JamesB000 [2020-01-23 20:33:15 +0000 UTC]

Hesse is to literature as Klee is to art. They worked during the same period of history. You could do worse than to read "Siddhartha". It's short and very lyrical. 

You know I lived in suburbia all my life, a life full of 2 story houses and vast parking lots of big box stores. When I first visited México City, the plane flew over mountains and farmlands before it arrived in the capital and the sight of all the rooftops of the city left an indelible impression on me. 

Then when I got on the ground, the sight of all the tall buildings, even residential buildings, overwhelmed me. There were churches from the 17th century, magnificent works of art that had withstood the test of time, and commercial buildings from the 21st century that were already falling apart. 

That's my inspiration I guess. I love México City.


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JamesB000 In reply to aztlanwayne [2020-01-23 21:40:40 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for info on Hesse. i'll find "Siddhartha" out and read it, sounds interesting indeed.

your Explanation from living in Suburbia all your life to leaving for mexico, definitely reflects in your artwork. i can fully understand now your passion and love for Mexico now... no one can dispute that my friend.

Paul Simon, One Trick Pony ! Ah, i liked his music both as a solo artist and with art garfunkel. thanks Wayne for sharing this song with me.

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aztlanwayne In reply to JamesB000 [2020-01-24 20:12:36 +0000 UTC]

The purpose of Siddhartha was to introduce Europe to Buddhism. Siddhartha is an easy read, fun and full of adventure. My favorite book of all time and it even inspired me to write my novella "The Children of Joe". Hesse-Klee-Klimt-Freud, all part of the same current.

Suburbia is highly overrated. I prefer high-density living. Tends to keep people in line. Too many weird things go on in the suburbs.

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JamesB000 In reply to aztlanwayne [2020-01-24 23:59:19 +0000 UTC]

Well, as soon as i get 5 minutes spare i'm going to find the book and read it. sounds fascinating. you wrote? i told you, you weren't just  a one trick pony ! quite genius in some ways i suspect ???

Wow, i like this Painting, i'm going to take a closer look. sorry Wayne i'm a little tired. so forgive if i'm a little bland.

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aztlanwayne In reply to JamesB000 [2020-01-25 01:16:14 +0000 UTC]

No big deal.. I wish you could find the paperback of Siddhartha, but if you can read in digital form...
Yeah, I'm a genius. Thar and a dollar gets me a small  coffee at Starbucks.

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JamesB000 In reply to aztlanwayne [2020-01-25 02:03:26 +0000 UTC]

Most of those great painters\ sculptures  never made a fortune. only after they passed on, their Art became famous and made millions..so genius yes, i got a right to say that !

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luqu [2020-01-23 02:20:03 +0000 UTC]

Nice to look at.

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