Baeyah — MMD Hetalia :: Canada noticed?

Published: 2011-08-30 21:52:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 3683; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 143
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Description I got some MMD models, and I love Hetalia.. But I don't have Prussia, France, or Spain yet. So this is what comes out of my boredom!

Canada: Are you s-sure I should do this, eh? *worry worry*

Greece: I promise it will be fun.

Canada: O-okay..


Canada: H-hey Turkey! *sticks tongue out, eyes closed* N-nyeh!! >//////<

*Greece laughing in the background*

Turkey: *irritation mark!* You put him up to this.. brat?! *not amused*

Greece: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAAAA!! *forever amused!!*

>w>; Hehe.

I believe these are some of Hana's models? I'm not sure, but I know that these were free-to-download models. ;A;
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Comments: 11

PrincessAeritha [2013-07-25 06:12:34 +0000 UTC]

Greece, when did you paint your nails pink? This doesn't fit you...

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Baeyah In reply to PrincessAeritha [2013-07-25 06:21:31 +0000 UTC]

.. LOOOL. They do look a little painted, don't they? /snrk

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PrincessAeritha In reply to Baeyah [2013-07-25 06:22:34 +0000 UTC]

If they didn't, I wouldn't write that... x3

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Baeyah In reply to PrincessAeritha [2013-07-25 06:28:45 +0000 UTC]

I guess I just have a practical mind in where I see that it's just a lighter skin tone as per usual with nails.
(That's just me, but seeing someone point out that it looks like polish just makes me laugh.)

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PrincessAeritha In reply to Baeyah [2013-07-25 06:36:19 +0000 UTC]

I notice things like that, of course! I'm more awesome than Prussia the awesome after all >:3...

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Baeyah In reply to PrincessAeritha [2013-07-25 07:02:46 +0000 UTC]

Nah, nobody can be more awesome than Prussia. He's escaped death so many times, after all.
His title is very well deserved. > v >

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PrincessAeritha In reply to Baeyah [2013-07-26 05:38:49 +0000 UTC]

Would you ask your daughter to be your girlfriend? That's NOT awesome. Prussia did that. And I AM more awesome than Prussia. And he escaped death because he didn't meet my tries to kill him. I'm to busy to think over a plan to get rid of (hard to say for me) F-F-France, blah.
Prussia the Awesome, Arianos the Most Awesome. OwO

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Baeyah In reply to PrincessAeritha [2013-07-26 06:47:52 +0000 UTC]

Prussia: Vhaaaat kind of me have you been meeting?! Zhe Awesome Prussia vouldn't stoop so low as to ask his daughter out! And vhen did I even have a daughter?! Und vhat's zhis about France? I'm confused, because if you're saying somezingk about him like all zhe ozher jerks - about zhose rumors of him being a rapist - zhen you've got anozher zhought coming! France is vone of zhe nicest und most loyal countries zhere is, und he's a great father, too. He gets a little eccentric vith his seduction und flirting, but he'd never force somevone. So if you vere saying somezhing about him like zhat, zhen just get zhat idiotic zhought out of your mind! Und nobody is more awesome zhan me. Zhat's just a fact of life.

(Oops, I went into character, sorry ;n; My Prussia side is very voiced about his opinions and I apologize if I(he) said anything to offend you. *covers face*)

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PrincessAeritha In reply to Baeyah [2013-07-27 12:33:00 +0000 UTC]

Hallo, Gilly The Not-Awesome. *Gilbird sat on my head* Hi Gilbird :3. *again at Prussia* Y'now, Gilly, I don't like the way you act. However, you are awesome only in look. That's not awesome, Bruder. Truly awesome people are awesome in heart, stupid jerk. And France is a prverted ugly gay. HE FORCED IGGY-ONII-CHAN TO MARRY HIM!!! I'm awesome in heart and that makes me more awesome than you. *took Gilbird from my head to hand and petted it*


(Haha, no prob, I love rp ;3)

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Baeyah In reply to PrincessAeritha [2013-07-28 01:29:30 +0000 UTC]

Prussia: Vone, nobody is allowed to call me by zhat name unless I give zhem permission. To you, I am Gilbert. I don't know you, und you can not call me 'bruder' since I have no idea who you are. I act just zhe vay I need to act. I tell vhat's on my mind, I tell zhe truths of vhat I think. If you don't like zhat, zhen it's your problem, und not mine. You don't know me eizher, so shut zhe hell up and sit zhe fuck down. France may be a pervert, but his is neizher ugly nor gay. If you're getting your information from zhat schwachsinnig(idiotic) show zhat supposedly shows how ve act, zhen you're not getting all zhe facts. Name calling is childish - oh und he didn't force him to marry him. It vas a contract of alliance zhat vas less zhan vanted, but he signed it in zhe end. You have a lot of miscalculations about us, und you are just anozher vone of zhose trolls who claim to know anyzing und everyzing about us even zhough you're all just children who get zheir facts from a stupid show. Und you have no right to be touching mein awesome Gilbird. *snatches the bird away and sticks him in his hair* You have royally pissed me off, und you are very very far from awesome. Try doing some actual research - especially on France. He's zhe damn country of LOVE, you dummkopf! Vhy vould he ever force someone into anyzing?! I am so sick und tired of people saying he's a rapist! Especially people as ignorant as you!! You have no right to talk about any of us! Good day to you. I'm not going to talk to someone as cruel as you again. Oh, und drop zhat veird 'onii-chan' crap. Ve don't all speak Japanese, so zhat's a stupid zhing to say to a Prussian. *turns and walks away with his Gilbird*

(Yeah, um.. that was actually a lot of my thoughts in there. If you really think that way about France and Prussia and them.. you need to watch further into the series and do some actual research. Sorry, but I can't really 'roleplay' with someone who thinks so little about my favorite characters with no real reason to act that way.)

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nipper102030 [2011-08-31 06:00:19 +0000 UTC]

Greece's expression @ last panel is priceless!
And btw Greece & Turkey are modeled by Kanaha, and Canada is modeled by Zeze

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