Bi0matrix — Gry travels

Published: 2017-05-30 22:15:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 198; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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Description For GryAdventures  
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Bloody Martin 904
Link to the activity tracker: sta.sh/01xa0ts1wiqt
Relevant familiars, training, or applied items: None

Link to the importLumituhka 959
Link to the activity tracker: sta.sh/01xa0ts1wiqt
Relevant familiars, training, or applied items: Halla and Snowy Varma

Link to the importRegis 2112
Link to the activity tracker: sta.sh/01xa0ts1wiqt
Relevant familiars, training, or applied items: None

Starter: Rei 003

AHHHHHH DONE. I am quite happy with how this came out
I hope the image isn't too saturated.

First things first, I am very sorry for the wait. Work caught up with me before I knew it. But I was able to finish a 24 page research paper and this drawing, so I call it a success! I also apologize for the shaky lines, I have had a migraine for the past few days... which I should do something about. Unfortunately, migraines are genetic in my family

The scenery here was inspired by my trip to Bonaire, I loved the cacti looking plants and the flat landscape that I went through. Regis got his long, majestic tail in a little cactus, hopefully Lumi can help him out, heheh.
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Comments: 4

GryAdventures [2017-05-31 15:15:26 +0000 UTC]


It is okay. Sorry for my rudish comment back then. You did a great job with this and it is honestly refreshing to see Traditional art out of my kukus XD the idea is still awesome. XD I like the way how sweaty regis actually is. he knows you should not mess with Cacti.
Here is the permission <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bi0matrix In reply to GryAdventures [2017-06-04 03:00:48 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ^^
Since I was a little late with the photo, do you want to split the slot? I don't have a male to fit her with yet, but I can let you know when I do c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GryAdventures In reply to Bi0matrix [2017-06-04 14:09:43 +0000 UTC]

Well honestly I have no need for kukuris from her breedings and I honestly think you have deserved her slot as full so no need for splits. :3c 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bi0matrix In reply to GryAdventures [2017-06-05 16:54:08 +0000 UTC]

Okie dokie then, thank you very much

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