Blue-Milk95 — Her World

#background #fairytale #mermaid
Published: 2017-03-29 13:50:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 439; Favourites: 57; Downloads: 2
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EDIT: I was talking to Mintnadt about the composition and we realized that some changes would make it better.
Previous image to compare: Her World v2

Still not happy with the result... Why can't I draw properly ;-;

Same theme: (I' using this theme to train backgrounds)

More book Illustrations: blue-milk95.deviantart.com/gal…

Thank you for looking 

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Comments: 11

Mintnadt [2017-04-06 20:32:00 +0000 UTC]

yey, the eye can't escape anymore

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Blue-Milk95 In reply to Mintnadt [2017-04-06 21:33:21 +0000 UTC]


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Mintnadt [2017-03-29 17:37:00 +0000 UTC]

I think there is something missing in the left corner btw at the end of the tree row. And because I read a tutorial a few days ago: the eye doesn't know where to look because of the tree row. My eyes wanted to look at the interesting and beautifull drawn couple scene (by the way love her dress) but they were drawn away by the trees. I don't think that you can't draw.the only problem here is the composition. I think I have zhe tutorial somwhere in my favs

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Blue-Milk95 In reply to Mintnadt [2017-03-30 01:06:18 +0000 UTC]

I agree with you. Since the eye enters the image from up left end exits on down right, the direction of the trees make the eye turn around and leave the drawing before it could see the rest. I was really hesitant in posting this image in this direction instead of this: Merm Tela 4.2  I only posted the way it is because the drawing I made before also had the amount of details  in the same place as this one so I didn't want to repeat a composition, but I guess I should choose the better
And thank you! I'd love to see the tutorial if I find it^^

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Mintnadt In reply to Blue-Milk95 [2017-03-30 04:55:33 +0000 UTC]


I forgot to fav it but here it is.

Yes this direction.is much better than before. But I think it could be even better if you add something that catches the eye at the end of the tree row and keeps it in the picture. Another idea could be to add some foreground stuff pointing to the couple. It's also in the tutorial

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Blue-Milk95 In reply to Mintnadt [2017-03-31 13:36:06 +0000 UTC]

This tutorial is really good, thank you^^

I'll come back on this image to add things, I really liked these ideas, I think they'll improve a lot the drawing!

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AlwysbCreative [2017-03-29 14:00:15 +0000 UTC]

This is gorgeous! It looks like it belongs in a children's book! 

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Blue-Milk95 In reply to AlwysbCreative [2017-03-29 16:50:53 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I love children's book illustrations ^^

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AlwysbCreative In reply to Blue-Milk95 [2017-03-29 17:05:28 +0000 UTC]

You are so welcome!  I do as well!  

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abigaia [2017-03-29 13:59:23 +0000 UTC]

Why aren't you happy with it?! These paintings look gorgeous, in my opinion! I think the style fits perfectly with the vibes I'm getting from each of the scenes, and the color palettes are wonderful. Would still love to see more! ;v;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Blue-Milk95 In reply to abigaia [2017-03-29 16:52:46 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!! ;v;
I guess it's because I can see the mistakes but can't fix them, it bugs me a lot

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