BrandonScottPilcher — Crocodile Head

#animal #crocodile #crocodilian #drawing #reptile #sketch #wildlife
Published: 2021-06-20 22:37:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 9075; Favourites: 68; Downloads: 1
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Description This would be a small, fast sketch of a generic crocodile's head. I really ought to draw these magnificent reptiles more often, especially since they would have coexisted with both the dinosaurs and the ancient Egyptians (two of my biggest passions). I love how the bigger crocs in particular are capable of preying on other apex predators (e.g. lions and tigers) that wander too close to their watery domain. Even tyrannosaurids and other carnivorous dinosaurs probably had to fear the same thing from the gigantic crocs of their age.
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