Bysthedragon — The Wheel of the Sun

#alchemy #anima #animus #arcane #bones #calander #density #dragons #dreams #energy #fission #god #gods #gold #holy #magic #mana #mars #neptune #planets #powers #saturn #solar #sun #swarm #uranus #wheel #alternateuniverse #armament #armaments #conjuration #divination #earth #enchantment #goddess #holyfire #illusion #jupiter #mercury #pheromones #solarsystem #superpowers #tranquility #twilight #venus #weapons #sacredfire
Published: 2017-11-05 14:40:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 70443; Favourites: 534; Downloads: 181
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Description (Well this took about twice as long as it should have because somewhere in the middle of writing the description I saved it to work on it again later, but then at some point it didn't save and I lost everything I wrote...damn it. Note to self: Next time you write a long description, save the text in a second place in case this ever happens again...If it does happen again I am going to be very cross)

I mentioned in the description of Adaamaa the Dragon Sun Goddess that she is just as powerful as her husband the King God Atarau if not even more powerful like a Queen in Chess to the King piece, the Queen is the strongest piece in the game being able to move in any direction to any distance, but the king is the most valuable because if he fall then it's game over, so she protects Atarau and he distributes his power to all dragons in the world, so if Atarau were to fall then there would suddenly be no more dragons with elemental powers, the entire dragon society and culture would collapse, eventually the other races would discover this sudden weakness and then take advantage of this.

Originally I was going to give her all the same powers as Atarua but that didn't feel right, they are regarded as Lunar powers but she's a being connected to the sun so I had a brilliant idea that ties back to the inspiration of Alchemy! The Azoth, the essential agent of transformation in alchemy, is often either depicted as a Lion and a Phoenix around a sun and moon or a wheel with the face of a man and forming a triangle around him are the symbols of a Sun, Moon and Prism! After this you can expect one more group of powers from me centered around a prism. In Alchemy the Moon is associated with Silver, Cycles, and Change, hence why in the center of the Lunar elemental Calendar is the Yin and Yang. Silver and is also second (or third if you count Platinum, which I do but Platinum is not involved here so I'll just hand wave it to the side) most valuable, and most pure/holy metal next to gold which is associated with the Sun, Perfection, and Power. To the perception of a planet the sun doesn't move (it actually does through the galaxy and it looks like from the ground that it moves across the sky but if the moon represents cycles and change, the sun) represents consistency, so at it's center is unified power. Lets have the Lunar powers represent Elements and natural forces while Solar powers represent refined forces, not objectively better than natural powers but it's like the difference between a branch of wood and a plank of wood, they are different in form and in use. It took a little bit of thinking but unlike the moon the sun does not have 8 phases to connect to it's powers, but it does have 8 of something else, Planets! Planets are also important in alchemy!

Side note: I will still refer to the planets by the names we know them as for this but because this is an alternate universe with dragons then they probably wouldn't name their planet after the Roman gods, so I will instead associate each planet with one of the dragon gods.
Without further introduction here are the 16 powers of the Sun!

-Mercury: Domain of Tukauati the Wind God. Mercury is the planet of restless activity and quick thinking, because Mercury is the closest planet to the sun it appears to move the fastest. The Greco-Roman god Hermes/Mercury is the patron of Financial gain, Messages, Communication, Travelers, Boundaries, Luck, Trickery, and Theives.

  • Density: Density gives the use control over the negative space between atoms within their own body or things that they come in contact with. By decreasing the negative spaces the user's body becomes more dense, heavy, and difficult to penetrate. Likewise by increasing the negative spaces, the user's body becomes less dense, lighter, and easier to penetrate to a point where the could phase through physical attacks like a ghost but the magic involved in keeping the body together at this point is not inexhaustible so if the user runs out of energy or their magic is disrupted then their body will disperse as a gas and they will die immediately. Theoretically in an alternate universe where dragons got their powers from the Sun and Planets, Density Dragons would probably look like a hybrid between an Wind and Earth Dragon with heavier armored plating than a Wind Dragon and larger wings than an Earth Dragon, they can control their density for defense or flight.

  • Conjuration: Conjuration or Summoning allows the user to mark a being, an object, or a location and then teleport it to their location or teleport to that location. Objects are the easiest to teleport because the generally don't have free will so you could have an armory of marked objects such as weapons or other miscellaneous tools at the ready to be summoned. Summoning living beings is a little more tricky because they either have to let you summon them or you have to overpower their will, if their will is stronger than yours then it is usually not worth expending the energy to try to over power them. If you leave the mark on a solid landmark then instead of teleporting it to you, you will be pulled to that location. Theoretically in an alternate universe where dragons got their powers from the Sun and Planets, Conjuring Dragons would be unpredictable in a battle in a battle because you don't know what they could summon, but they would be best for quick full scale infiltration and retreats. I imagine that they would etch marks into their own scales and horns.

-Venus: Domain of Roshna the Goddess of Light. Venus is the planet of light and love, while Mercury is closer to the sun but it's so close and small that the sun basically blots it out of view, Venus on the other hand is in the right place to be the brightest planet in the sky as the sun's light reflects off of it's dense gaseous atmosphere. This gives Venus the nickname Morning Star/Evening Star because in the hours of twilight of dawn and dusk, it is the first  and brightest astral body seen in the sky. It is also similar in size and chemical makeup of the atmosphere to the earth, in fact there is a layer of venus's atmosphere where the climate is mild enough to sustain life. The Greco-Roman goddess Aphrodite/Venus is the patroness of Love, Beauty, Desire, Sex, Fertility, Prosperity and Victory. There is another deity who is a personal favorite of mine who is associated with Venus and love, Quetzalcoatl the Aztec Sky God, but unlike Venus who is all about Eros "Sexual, Passionate love" but in greek there are many different words that mean love but represent a different kind of love. The kind that Quetzalcoatl represents is more like Agape which is considered the highest form of love, it means a "Love for everyone, Selflessness, and Empathy". 

  • Pheromones: Pheromones are often thought of as a smell that makes creatures want sex, but it's a lot more than just that, Pheromones are a chemical message that can obtain any number of behavioral responses, from Lust to Calmness, Tiredness, Joy, Laughter, Aggression, Fear, etc...Being able to control how someone will respond in a situation can be very useful and can make the people more suggestible to think or do something but it can not force someone to do something they don't want to, it can take some smooth talking manipulation but if you can get them to think that want to do something then pheromones will drive the rest of their actions. Theoretically in an alternate universe where dragons got their powers from the Sun and Planets, I imagine Pheromone Dragons might still have a sensual appearance with slim, slender bodies, pronounced curves, smooth scales and silky wing membranes like a veil. Perhaps they are born hermaphrodites but as they grow they develop their gender.

  • Twilight: Twilight also knows as Dusk/Dawn power is an otherworldly power that is hard to understand for most because it seems to contradict possibility, Twilight is the unification and balance of contrary forces; Light and Shadow. Because it is so strange to earthly perception it is often hard for the eyes to make sense of, different people may see it it differently, some have described it looking like a glowing darkness, an obscuring light, the colors of sunset, feelings of loneliness or melancholy. Twilight requires a balance of light and dark so it can be disrupted by the presence of too much light or dark. Theoretically in an alternate universe where dragons got their powers from the Sun and Planets, Twilight Dragons would probably look as otherworldly as their powers, they display heterochromatic eyes, one that is better at seeing in light and the other is better at seeing in darkness so they can see the twilight clearly as it truly is, and dualistic wings, one side absorbs light, while the other side reflects light.

-Earth: Earth does not nessisarily correspond to one god, but if I had to pick it would be Poiahia the Goddess of Wood, because the most unique thing about the Earth in comparison to the other planets in our solar system is it's Biosphere.

  • Anima: Anima literally translates to "Soul", in this case referring to the connection between souls, one to another and to animal spirits. Anima gives the user the power to reach out and empathize with another's soul, with a sufficient understanding the user can imitate the skills and abilities of another soul, this mainly applies to imitating the abilities, traits, and behavior of another animal making the user very adaptable to new situations. Theoretically in an alternate universe where dragons got their powers from the Sun and Planets, Anima Dragons would be born looking very plain and basic with little to no defining traits of their own, then as they grow they develop an attachment to a certain animal and start to show traits of that animal creating the largest variety of biodiversity." 

  • Mana: Mana is often misinterpreted as another name for magic however this is not entirely accurate, Mana has a very has a very important cultural role in Polynesian beliefs. Mana means "Power, Effectiveness, Prestige," it is a semi-sentient living spiritual energy, mana is formed in the soul whenever a creature comes into being and depending on the actions of the user then they can gain or lose Mana. The soul is not necessarily a collection of mana but more like the air breathed by the soul that gives it the necessary energy to function. When the being dies, the mana returns to the environment waiting to be used again and again. The energy can then be transmuted by the user into magical powers that yields outstanding results. Mana is connected to living things and nature, so in the presence of a healthy ecosystem the user of mana can become nearly god-like, but without life there is no mana and no power. Theoretically in an alternate universe where dragons got their powers from the Sun and Planets, Mana Dragons would have spirals incorporated into their design like a vortex to channel in Mana and bead-like jewels embedded on their bodies to store extra mana.

-Mars: Domain of Seramah the Goddess of Fire (Random comment: I am starting to notice a lot of these planets correspond to a Goddess?) The Red planet is associated with a fiery passion, motivation, and perseverance, the planet will encourage people to have power and be confident on their own...this gives me an idea, since I have the creative license to do so and this is a fantasy story, what if the Mars in this universe still has an active volcanic core literally keeping itself warm from the power of it's own determination! #Martians . The Greco-Roman goddess Aries/Mars is the god of War, Destruction and Masculinity, he represents the violence and savagery of war. 

  • Udia: Udia translates to "Heavenly/Sacred Flames" this power can also be called Evocation "Destruction Magic", that is why I designed the symbol to look like a golden flame and a Vajra a mystic super weapon from Buddhist/Hindu myths that is synonymous with Zeus's Lightning bolt. Udia appears as a majestic and powerful golden flame and light that emphasizes the purifying aspect of fire over it's power to burn and destroy things. Theoretically in an alternate universe where dragons got their powers from the Sun and Planets, Udia dragons may have an angelic appearance, but I'm not talking pretty white feathery winged angels, I'm talking the crazy and scary looking warrior beings like Cherubim and Seraphim from hebrew myth, or Asura from Hindu myth (When I say Cherubim or Cherub you are probably thinking of a cute little Cupid baby, but that's actually a mix up, those are actually called a Puto. Cherubs have four wings, hoofed feet, and 4 faces on their head: A Man, a Lion, an Ox, and an Eagle and covered in eyes!) Udia Dragons would be powerhouses and put up a challenging fight but have little versatility.

  • Armaments: Armaments allows the user to construct arcane weaponry from magical energy that is able to act as a tangible object. In it's most basic form it can make lines of energy which can be straight and firm like a pole or bend and wave like a whip. One step up the user can create basic 2D shapes, they are simple but because they are so thin they can cut through almost anything. Second step up and the user can create basic 3D shapes and then finally complex 3D shapes like Swords, Spears, Axes, and all manner of melee weapons. Bing made of magic they will destabilize and shatter if the user loses focus or they run out of energy, and they disappear after they have been used, but once the user has mastered the design of their weapon they can re-manifest it at any time, and change the form of their weapon on the fly making it more versatile than an ordinary weapon and adaptable to change. Theoretically in an alternate universe where dragons got their powers from the Sun and Planets, Armament Dragons might have arcane marking and symbols adorning their bodies. 

-Jupiter: Domain of Maanasik the Goddess of Psionics. Jupiter is the planet of Abstract Thinking, Meditation, and Higher Learning, it inspires a desire for exploration and seeking spiritual and intellectual enlightenment. Jupiter get's it's name from the Greco-Roman god Zeus/Jupiter since it's the largest planet in our solar system and Zeus was the king of the gods but that's about where the connection ends, for as cool as Zeus is he did not do a lot of forward thinking. 

  • Animus: Animus means "Motivation to do something", this power allows the user to apply a  program to something in the real world with magic coding that allowing it to act or have certain properties. When I say coding I really mean it's not all that different than programing in a computer, everything in the world has an identity and a set of behaviors that  how it acts that makes it unique, that is why in my elements Ice and Water are not the same and neither is Wind and Sound. Ice and Water are both the material H2O but water flows while Ice is hard, Wind and Sound are both motion in the air but Wind moves in a stream while Sound moves as a pulse, Earth may have metal ore in it but if the metal is refined then it can only be manipulated by someone with the element of metal. With the power of the animus you can bend the rules, give fire the coldness properties of Ice, make Paper as hard as Steel, because of it's ability to effect reality, Animus is one of the most versatile powers there are. Theoretically in an alternate universe where dragons got their powers from the Sun and Planets, Animus Dragons would have markings like magical silicon circuitry covering their bodies.

  • Tranquility: Tranquility is the secret power of harmony and focus, it allows the mind and body preform at it's full potential or even greater while remaining in a calm state of mind free of stress, pain, or fear. In a state of tranquility time seems to slow down to a snail's pace allowing the user to react faster, notice details that others miss. The interesting thing about tranquility is that it's actually able to be use by everyone whether they actually have the power or not, now just because everyone is able to do it doesn't mean everyone can do it, without the power at hand the person has to train themselves or be trained to use it and this tends to take years. On the other hand someone with the power is able to automatically activate the state of Tranquility, however without a mastery of it then it is like their body is running on autopilot, on one hand it makes them a better fighter but it makes the user unable to react to emotional stimuli. Theoretically in an alternate universe where dragons got their powers from the Sun and Planets, I imagine Tranquility Dragons would resemble Koi/Carp fish with long flowing feathery fins and whiskers, and they come in a variety of brilliant colors: Red, White, Greyish-blue, Orange, Yellow, Silver, and Gold.

-Saturn: Domain of Wairua the Goddess of Phantoms. Saturn is the Planet of Aging and Death, it will not be kind, it can be cruel and unforgiving and it will not give anyone an easy way out of completing hard work, but admires ambition, and encourages persistence and determination. Saturn get's it's name from the Greco-Roman Mad Titan of Time and Death, Cronus/Saturn who's most known for devouring his own children so that they could not overthrow him. His wife and sister Rhea was upset about him eating all of her babies so she hid his last son Zeus from him, and then Zeus grew up to be a badass and cut him open to free his brothers and sisters.

  • Bones: This was almost too spot on, Saturn is associated with death and time while the sun is associated with life, Bones treads the grey line of both. Of course Bones are not only associated with death but are the universal symbol of death, we often depict the grim reaper as a skeleton, a skull and cross bones means something is either deadly or relates to pirates. In relation of time they can represent past and future, I think that this quote sums it up best "I was what you were. You will be as I am". Then finally blood in a living body is produced inside of the bones, and in many cultures bones can relate to fertility and rebirth as the example of using ground bone to use as fertilizer. With the power of bone the user has complete control over the bones within their own body, bare skeletons or separate bones, including growing, shaping, manipulating density/weight, creating constructs of bone. Theoretically in an alternate universe where dragons got their powers from the Sun and Planets, Bone Dragons would have boney armor plates and osteoderms covering their bodies, and may perhaps collect and wear bones for weapons and defense.

  • Swarm: Swarm gives the user the power to generate and control their own swarm insects. The insects themselves are not real living insects but magic constructs given the form of one, and because they are generated by the user they are able to customize the appearance and abilities of their swarm, whether they want them to fly or crawl, create silk, have a venomous bite or sting, and so much more. Theoretically in an alternate universe where dragons got their powers from the Sun and Planets, Swarm Dragons would have insect-like features, instead of having individual scales they make have a plated exoskeleton, antenna-like whiskers, and bug-like wings. 

-Uranus: Domain of Koura the God of Metal. Uranus is the Planet of Rebellion and Progress, it can not stay stagnant for too long, it hates monotony and has a compulsion to keep on changing, seeking the newest innovation and never lingering in the past, traditions, or other constraints. Uranus is unique among all the planets of the solar system because it essentially orbits on its side, with its axis tilted nearly perpendicular to the Sun at a 98 degree angle. Now astronomers have finally solved the mystery of why Uranus looks so strange. Scientists have long suspected that some manner of violent impact knocked Uranus off kilter. The accepted wisdom had been that a single object several times more massive than Earth did the damage, slamming into Uranus long ago, researchers said. After performing a series of computer simulations, a team of researchers may have found a better explanation. Instead of one big impact we believe it was actually a series of bombardments by many smaller objects. Because of the angle of it's rotation, Uranus's seasonal changes are completely unlike those of all the other planets. Near the solstice, one pole faces the Sun continuously and the other faces away. Only a narrow strip around the equator experiences a rapid day–night cycle, but with the Sun low over the horizon. At the other side of Uranus's orbit the orientation of the poles towards the Sun is reversed. Each pole gets around 42 years of continuous sunlight, followed by 42 years of darkness. Uranus's name comes from the Greco-Roman Titan of the sky by the same name in both cultures, one of the two oldest living beings in greek myth who were born from Chaos.

  • Divination: Divination is the power of gaining knowledge and insight into a question or a situation, this can be used as a method to recount knowledge of the past, something that is going on far away, or peak into the future. Seeing things that are happening elsewhere is the easiest of the three techniques without very much requirement. In order to see the past you need to have an object at hand that was in the time and the place that you are looking back into, so it's really good for solving a crime case but not so good for seeing the Dinosaurs, fossils are not the same as bones, when a bone becomes a fossil it goes through a process called Permineralization where all that was once originally in the bone gets replaced by sedimentary rock. Trying to read the future is another story all together because it's constantly in a state of superposition where all possible outcomes to any situation is still possible until it already happens, it doesn't make the other possibilities any less true, but they merely don't occur in your given reality. Imagine holding a clear crystal up near your eye so you can see one image from hundreds of facets. Now imagine each image was ever so slightly different, and you had to pick the one that's most likely to be real. With training a user will gradually become more adept and once you know what outcome you want to happen you can seek out the knowledge necessary to figure out what has to be done to achieve that one particular future. Theoretically in an alternate universe where dragons got their powers from the Sun and Planets, Divination dragons may be blind like the greek Oracle Tiresias, but would have a very prominent jewel on their heads in the place of the 3rd eye chakra point and they may carry a quartz crystal ball with them to help their focus.

  • Fission: Because Uranium! I had myself a little bit of a laugh when I came up with this one because the obvious. Now see I call it Fission because that's the reaction that causes a nuclear blast but I wanted it to be more like Godzilla's atomic breath so compromise! Like Udia, Fission is another version of Evocation (Destruction Magic), but instead of being in the form of a tangible hot majestic flame that purifies, Fission is a colder form of destruction. In it's lowest form allows the user to simply contact a physical object like a rock, and shatter it into smaller particles depending on the power put in. In it's greatest form the power of Fission can split an atom and create a nuclear blast, but this is best done with a complex atom that has a lot of protons like the ones used in nuclear reactors. Theoretically in an alternate universe where dragons got their powers from the Sun and Planets, I imagine Fission dragons maybe not being Kaiju sized but giant compared to other dragons and Kaiju like, they are built like a tank with strong armor, have a natural resistance to radiation, and display a neon glow.

-Neptune: Domain of Mataku the God of Fear. Neptune is the Planet of Dreams and Illusions which just also happens to be the powers that come from Neptune, it is concerned with thinking in an abstract way and pondering mysteries, with a desire to open people's mind to a greater state of awareness. Neptune gets it's name from the Greco-Roman God Poseidon/Neptune, god of the Sea, Earthquakes, Soil, Storms, and Horses. 

  • Dreams: "Sweet dreams are made of this, Who am I to disagree? I travel the world and the seven seas, Everybody's looking for something." XD A strange power that no one would expect to have any great effect but it is much more profound than some give it credit. The Power of Dreams works on many levels of consciousness, the first level gives the user the ability of lucid dreaming, and the power to induce sleep on the target or can even put them into an ageless comatose state. The second level allows the user to enter and manipulate the dreams of others, they could even create an entire false reality. In the third stage the user can access the collective subconscious, the vast sea of every mind in existence. Theoretically in an alternate universe where dragons got their powers from the Sun and Planets, Dream Dragons would possibly appear etherial and somewhat ghostly in the real world but have a more solid looking body in the dream realm.

  • Illusions: I am not just talking about bending light to make a person see something that isn't actually there, I am talking about a full scale attack on perceived reality. Illusion is the power and art of tricking the senses, it can be subtle like changing one detail of the battle field to make one's opponent make a fatal mistake, to making them see, hear, feel, smell, and even maybe taste a perceived event, full scale psychological torture, or brainwashing over a longer period of time. Theoretically in an alternate universe where dragons got their powers from the Sun and Planets, Illusion Dragons would have mesmerizing eyes and perhaps wings with eyespots and display bizarre spiral patters to draw lookers in, especially to their eyes. Once you make eye contact it's game over.

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Comments: 63

Bysthedragon In reply to ??? [2022-07-14 20:16:17 +0000 UTC]

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arisil98 In reply to Bysthedragon [2024-10-03 17:24:38 +0000 UTC]

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Bysthedragon In reply to arisil98 [2024-10-03 19:16:33 +0000 UTC]

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arisil98 In reply to Bysthedragon [2024-10-03 19:22:02 +0000 UTC]

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Bysthedragon In reply to arisil98 [2024-10-03 20:13:46 +0000 UTC]

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wwwwwfvdk In reply to Bysthedragon [2023-04-24 01:21:56 +0000 UTC]

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Bysthedragon In reply to wwwwwfvdk [2023-04-24 01:42:46 +0000 UTC]

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gensjw In reply to Bysthedragon [2022-07-14 20:16:53 +0000 UTC]

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Bysthedragon In reply to gensjw [2022-07-14 20:31:38 +0000 UTC]

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Asrielzard [2020-12-13 22:15:01 +0000 UTC]

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Bysthedragon In reply to Asrielzard [2020-12-13 23:06:16 +0000 UTC]

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Asrielzard In reply to Bysthedragon [2020-12-17 23:52:01 +0000 UTC]

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TheAstuteDevil [2020-03-15 04:08:35 +0000 UTC]

I think this could be ripe for a BNHA OP Izuku fic!

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Bysthedragon In reply to TheAstuteDevil [2020-03-15 04:09:30 +0000 UTC]


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TheAstuteDevil In reply to Bysthedragon [2020-03-15 04:16:57 +0000 UTC]

Yes! Such variety! Variety is one of my favorite spices of the mind!

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Bysthedragon In reply to TheAstuteDevil [2020-03-15 04:20:13 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much

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ZergLord2099 [2019-12-24 01:03:38 +0000 UTC]

I find it interesting That the sun is associated with a Goddess can you tell me why it is associated with females?

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Bysthedragon In reply to ZergLord2099 [2019-12-24 04:56:40 +0000 UTC]

Most cultures portray the Sun as Masculine and the Moon as Feminine, The only outlier I can think of that contradicts this is Shinto Japanese mythology who has a Sun Goddess Amaterasu and Moon God Tsukuyomi 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ZergLord2099 In reply to Bysthedragon [2019-12-24 05:21:19 +0000 UTC]

That is true in fact this gave me an idea do you want to hear it of course in notes so no one else can hear a little talk.

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Bysthedragon In reply to ZergLord2099 [2019-12-24 16:16:59 +0000 UTC]


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ZergLord2099 In reply to Bysthedragon [2019-12-24 23:49:22 +0000 UTC]

Can you send the first note because I don’t know how to start it so can you write first please?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bysthedragon In reply to ZergLord2099 [2019-12-25 04:47:19 +0000 UTC]

You are the one who said you had an idea, I can't start us off if I don't know what you want to talk about

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ZergLord2099 In reply to Bysthedragon [2019-12-25 05:17:56 +0000 UTC]

I know something we can start by giving those ancient dragon gods names and to give you ideas on what we can use the female has been named after the son and the males something after the moon or the night.

i’ll tell you more once you think of something.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bysthedragon In reply to ZergLord2099 [2019-12-25 05:23:55 +0000 UTC]


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PG1224 [2019-09-09 22:50:24 +0000 UTC]

Why are there male and female gender symbols on that wheel?

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Bysthedragon In reply to PG1224 [2019-09-10 12:39:45 +0000 UTC]

That's because those were originally the symbols associated with Venus the Goddess of Love and Mars the God of War. In astrology these symbols are used to represent the planets named after them and in Alchemy Venus is symbolic of Copper and Mars is symbolic of Iron

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PG1224 In reply to Bysthedragon [2019-09-10 12:41:51 +0000 UTC]

Hence the expression "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus"

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Bysthedragon In reply to PG1224 [2019-09-11 12:50:46 +0000 UTC]

I haven't thought of that but now it make sense!

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PG1224 In reply to Bysthedragon [2019-09-11 12:59:35 +0000 UTC]


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PG1224 In reply to Bysthedragon [2019-09-10 12:41:28 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I knew that

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WCA-Arts [2019-03-22 23:53:36 +0000 UTC]

This is incredible, I love it! Is there anywhere that I can see fanart of these gods/dragons?

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Bysthedragon In reply to WCA-Arts [2019-03-23 20:07:37 +0000 UTC]

Oh I wish! I'm pretty sure that the only art you're going to find of them is in my own gallery at the moment cause I came up with this idea myself for a story that I am working on and plan on eventually publishing. Maybe then there'll be fan art of these God's and Dragons?

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WCA-Arts In reply to Bysthedragon [2019-03-23 20:55:08 +0000 UTC]

I’d like to try drawing my interpretations of them. If I were to draw them, would it be okay for me to post them and give you full credit for their concepts, names, and lore?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bysthedragon In reply to WCA-Arts [2019-03-24 00:39:33 +0000 UTC]

Of course! I would love it if you made fan art of my characters. Thank you so much, I can't wait to see it!

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PMiller1 [2017-11-10 07:04:55 +0000 UTC]

Can you give a Theoretically of alternate universe of Dragon Gods, like what god of what they be if they was given by the Sun and Planets.

Like I'm sure Seramah the Fire Dragon Goddess would be Udia Dragon Goddess in this Theoretically alternate universe.

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Bysthedragon In reply to PMiller1 [2017-11-10 12:38:14 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I guess so, so you mean drawing and alternate version of the gods or attribute one of the Solar Elements to the already existing gods?
If you want me to draw them then I'm totally into that but it will take a while.

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PMiller1 In reply to Bysthedragon [2017-11-10 13:00:13 +0000 UTC]

Well I more want to know what Solar Elements compared to the Moon Elements.

I mean would Udia be compared to Fire?

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Bysthedragon In reply to PMiller1 [2017-11-10 13:02:14 +0000 UTC]

Yes that makes sense but I don't think all of them make a good 1-1 comparison

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PMiller1 In reply to Bysthedragon [2017-11-10 13:04:38 +0000 UTC]

Well it can work even if it all of them don't compared.

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Bysthedragon In reply to PMiller1 [2017-11-10 13:07:08 +0000 UTC]

Think so?

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PMiller1 In reply to Bysthedragon [2017-11-10 13:08:16 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I'd think so.

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Bysthedragon In reply to PMiller1 [2017-11-10 13:12:50 +0000 UTC]

There are also a couple of elements that I think would work well with more than one dragon god or a dragon god that I think works well with more than one of the following elements

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regretfulflower [2017-11-06 21:07:09 +0000 UTC]

*Cough* it’s spelled fission *cough*

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Bysthedragon In reply to regretfulflower [2017-11-06 21:08:13 +0000 UTC]

Wait, did I spell it wrong?!

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regretfulflower In reply to Bysthedragon [2017-11-06 21:20:34 +0000 UTC]

You used one S on the picture.

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Bysthedragon In reply to regretfulflower [2017-11-06 21:28:11 +0000 UTC]

Oh damn it, Adobe Illustrator doesn't tell you if you're spelling is wrong. I'll own up to a little dumb mistake

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regretfulflower In reply to Bysthedragon [2017-11-06 21:47:48 +0000 UTC]

Hey, since my DM’s are we dry as the Atacama desert, would you mind rping again?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bysthedragon In reply to regretfulflower [2017-11-06 22:22:39 +0000 UTC]

Yeah no problem 

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regretfulflower In reply to Bysthedragon [2017-11-06 22:35:50 +0000 UTC]


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Bysthedragon In reply to regretfulflower [2017-11-06 22:39:13 +0000 UTC]

no problem

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