Comments: 13
110Gamergirl [2014-07-18 21:44:39 +0000 UTC]
Cute! If someone tried to do that with me, they'd just drop me for fun...
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KittyPop-Artist [2013-12-23 03:29:20 +0000 UTC]
lol im aculy not that mad XD im somewhat ok with it because it is still "me" but Q^Q it still somewhat bothers me XD
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Scottish-Dragon-Boy [2013-04-13 03:13:46 +0000 UTC]
I'm sure people are giving neg feed for this fact but think about it. She was hitting on Sly's ancestors. That just seems a little wrong. But still, people don't need to fly off the handle about it.
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Caco-holic In reply to Scottish-Dragon-Boy [2013-04-13 14:27:46 +0000 UTC]
well maybe, but they don't need to get angry at Galleth for it, he didn't do anything. eh *shrugs* it messes with their 'perfect' Sly/Cerm canon/ship so they're upset i guess
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Scottish-Dragon-Boy In reply to Caco-holic [2013-04-13 16:44:32 +0000 UTC]
I agree with both sides. I would be upset if my girl tried to flirt with one of my family members, but I don't think people should get angry for it, considering that it's just a game(And I say that heavily. I'm a big fan. I have the logo tattooed on my chest and have two more that I am designing. one for between my shoulderblades and one for the other side of my chest.) But no people shouldn't throw a hissy fit over that.
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emilition [2013-04-12 22:59:29 +0000 UTC]
I LOVE this! Oh the textures, the shading, the colors, the EXPRESSIONS! I love it! Wonderful job!
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bagasuit091 [2013-04-09 21:26:16 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, it was rather amusing to see Sly jealous for a change about them two, haha. I quite liked Galleth; he was so charismatic and reckless.
Anyway, nice job!
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Daxratchet [2013-04-09 05:54:08 +0000 UTC]
Nice :3
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Millanprillan [2013-04-09 05:37:09 +0000 UTC]
Shouldn't be in the opposite direction? She saving him instead? And Sly have well only hit at Carm and Neyla? Anyway cute picture. It was way too little of them together in the game and Sly is not jealous enought . I would have loved a lovetriangle.
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jess06 [2013-04-09 00:48:11 +0000 UTC]
Heh, yeah. I agree with you, Sly had charmed many girls, so no surprise that she would do the same.
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shinragod [2013-04-09 00:46:26 +0000 UTC]
Simply awesome!
While many people like Tennessee and Rioichi; I find myself liking Sir Galleth with his overly Shakespearean flamboyance and daring.
Carmie seems to be won over by it too. She seems rather happy being whisked away by him. X-3
Good work.
👍: 1 ⏩: 0