Cadet-Comics — Lyncis and Marshal

Published: 2018-06-19 07:21:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 191; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 0
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Description LYNCIS SYLVA
A quiet, distant bookworm that would much prefer to be alone doing his own thing instead of going out to parties or other social gatherings. He may come off as a know-it-all, but the reality of it is that he’s extremely awkward and doesn’t really know how to interact with others. While he’s very comfortable in his knowledge about certain subjects, he has low self confidence issues of his own appearance and charisma. Sometimes he comes across as shy when he is getting to know individuals personally, and is a better listener than he is a talker. He does not tolerate bullying and will ignore the harassment or straight up talk back if need be.
Likes: Books, coffee, cooking, ballroom dancing, lots of alone time to “recharge his battery”
Dislikes: Too much attention, having to walk around shirtless
Rate to friendship: Moderately hard
Rate to romance: Super easy

An often stoic, quiet individual who knows how to use a gun very well. He’s not one to thoughtlessly swing it around or threaten to use for little reasons, and only draws it out when there is an actual danger of assault. Easily one of if not the strongest member, it’s usually hard to know what he’s thinking since he usually maintains a blank, thoughtful expression. He’s not shy and would happily go out for beers with a group of friends, and is actually extremely friendly (even a huge teddy bear) unless you give him a reason not to be. He’s also a bit of a dork and likes to wear sunglasses because he thinks they make him look cool, and will wear them even if it’s dark outside, even if he runs into lampposts because of it. If Spear is the happy puppy, and Orestes the loyal companion, Marshal is the guard dog who is always on constant alert, ready to protect, defend, and attack.
Likes: Beer, coffee, working out, going to the shooting range, sunglasses, relaxing
Dislikes: Having his muscles touched by strangers/without permission, being called “Marshmallow” by strangers/without permission, having to actually use his gun on someone
Rate to friendship: Moderately easy
Rate to romance: Moderately easy
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Comments: 3

Sunriseoflove [2019-02-03 20:46:22 +0000 UTC]

It makes me very curious when someone's rate to friendship is hard but their romance rate is easy. Maybe Lyncis is like this cuz he's shy and easy to embarrass??? Hmmm. Interesting. 

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Cadet-Comics In reply to Sunriseoflove [2019-02-03 20:57:14 +0000 UTC]

It’s because Lyncis falls in love very easily. 


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sunriseoflove In reply to Cadet-Comics [2019-02-03 20:58:38 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha, you know what, that's relatable.

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