cameoanderson — pretty Kitty

Published: 2012-11-26 22:30:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 560; Favourites: 35; Downloads: 0
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Description Latest Commission - this kitty passed away and this painting was requested as a way to remember a beloved friend. This cat's name was Raven.

Photoshop Seven, Fur brushes, 3 hours.
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Comments: 16

SnowBumbee [2012-12-02 10:58:08 +0000 UTC]

Aww, wow, what an amazing kitty ! Amazing work on the stipes, and I love the eyes.

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KellyyLee [2012-12-02 01:21:49 +0000 UTC]

.... okay, how do you do this???
You're so good, dammit >_<

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cameoanderson In reply to KellyyLee [2012-12-05 05:00:10 +0000 UTC]

I have a tutorial floating aroudn in my main gallery folder called "Paint like me" - I intend to create a better one when I get time, but that one shows my process

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KellyyLee In reply to cameoanderson [2012-12-05 22:18:46 +0000 UTC]


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47ness [2012-11-27 05:29:48 +0000 UTC]

Simply stripey...! (Interesting decision to name her Raven~)

But I really like the particles for bg; it's quite surreal when mixed with the Raven's pattern. Like a camouflage.

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cameoanderson In reply to 47ness [2012-11-27 15:39:38 +0000 UTC]

At first my sister got after me for using the leaf brush like that (it's the standard leaf from photoshop seven) but it works really nice on a lot of these to add texture when played with And I really don't know why her name was Raven - I should have asked! There might have been an interesting story there.

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47ness In reply to cameoanderson [2012-11-27 15:47:07 +0000 UTC]

I noticed the leaf brush right after I hit comment, but it's used well, so why gripe. ¦>

The worst time to use leaf brush is of course when one is trying to pretty up a tree, when the subject matter is the landscape.

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Gunmetalblack [2012-11-27 00:25:14 +0000 UTC]

I'm so sorry to hear about the cat passing away, but this is a wonderful picture!

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cameoanderson In reply to Gunmetalblack [2012-11-27 15:40:37 +0000 UTC]

Thankfully I didn't know the kitty so for the most part it's a happy piece for me to work on because, like most of the memorial paintings I've been asked to do, the owner gets so excited to have it as a reminder that all I get is the positive emotions of it all

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Gunmetalblack In reply to cameoanderson [2012-11-27 18:15:08 +0000 UTC]

Then it sounds like a win-win for everyone.

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rockdaisy [2012-11-26 23:30:07 +0000 UTC]

wow great job!

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VersaFarm [2012-11-26 22:59:43 +0000 UTC]


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WinnDixieX3 [2012-11-26 22:50:20 +0000 UTC]

A fluffy kitty
So sad that he passed away
I love how you did the stripes on this kitty (especially front paws )
I would only suggest that you could've maybe put it's head a bit more ''behind'', but he's pretty anyways

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cameoanderson In reply to WinnDixieX3 [2012-11-26 22:56:28 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! What do you mean behind? Just curious She's a chubby kitty but I don't know if that effects what you're trying to tell me so I'll wait and see

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WinnDixieX3 In reply to cameoanderson [2012-11-26 23:22:07 +0000 UTC]

haha.. i thought it'll be confusing XD anyway i meant a little bit up and a little bit more to the right... and i don't think it'll effect much to the chubbiness of the kitty

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cameoanderson In reply to WinnDixieX3 [2012-11-26 23:56:24 +0000 UTC]

Well, I probably made it look screwy because I made her head a tiny bit bigger than it was in reality in an attempt to amp up cute and fat look but maybe I shouldn't have! She didn't seem to notice so I'll probably leave it alone, but I can see where you are coming from here. I forgot to do the canvas-flip trick to make sure thigns were okay!

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