Candys-Killer — La Santa Muerte by-nc-nd

Published: 2009-12-13 20:03:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 12830; Favourites: 62; Downloads: 26030
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Description This is a comission for a friend of mine wo is devote to the "Holy Death" (a way to call it on english cause I don´t really know) or "La santisima muerte", there´s a lot of believers up here, and there´s even a church, I tough it only use to happen at Nuevo Laredo where I used to live, cause there was to many gangs and stuff, but anyway, I loved how this came up so much and I hope you can enjoy this.
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Comments: 55

Candys-Killer In reply to ??? [2011-12-02 18:42:23 +0000 UTC]

muchas gracias 8D de hecho no todo el credito es mio, lo vi por una imagen ke el ke me encargo el dibujo me paso, yo solo le agregue detalles

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bkf9 [2011-03-26 22:32:30 +0000 UTC]

"Jesucristo vencedor, que en la Cruz fuiste vencido, vece a fulano
de tal, que estE vencido conmigo en nombre del SeOor si eres animal
feroz manso como un cordero, como la flor de romero; tienes que
venir; pan comiste, de El me diste y por la palabra m.s fuerte que
me diste, quiero que me traigas a fulano de tal, que estE
humillado, rendido a mis plantas a cumplir lo que me ha ofrecido.
SantIsima Muerte, you te suplico encarecidamente que asI como te
formU DiUs inmortal con tu grande poder sobre todos los mortales
hasta ponerles en la esfera celste donde gozaremos un glorioso dIa
sin noche por toda la eternidad y en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo
y del EspIritu Santo, yo te ruego y te suplico que dignes ser mi
protectora y me cocedas todos los favores que yo te pido hasta el
'ltimo dIa, hora y momento en que su Divina Majestad ordene
llevarme ante su presencia. AMEN."

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bkf9 [2011-03-26 22:32:06 +0000 UTC]

here a pray:

"Jesucristo vencedor, que en la Cruz fuiste vencido, vece a fulano
de tal, que estE vencido conmigo en nombre del SeOor si eres animal
feroz manso como un cordero, como la flor de romero; tienes que
venir; pan comiste, de El me diste y por la palabra m.s fuerte que
me diste, quiero que me traigas a fulano de tal, que estE
humillado, rendido a mis plantas a cumplir lo que me ha ofrecido.
SantIsima Muerte, you te suplico encarecidamente que asI como te
formU DiUs inmortal con tu grande poder sobre todos los mortales
hasta ponerles en la esfera celste donde gozaremos un glorioso dIa
sin noche por toda la eternidad y en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo
y del EspIritu Santo, yo te ruego y te suplico que dignes ser mi
protectora y me cocedas todos los favores que yo te pido hasta el
'ltimo dIa, hora y momento en que su Divina Majestad ordene
llevarme ante su presencia. AMEN."

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Candys-Killer In reply to bkf9 [2011-03-27 05:33:57 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful pray, more cause is about to bring someone to your feeth too serve you XD and to ask protection to the holy death, Thankyou for share

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bkf9 In reply to Candys-Killer [2011-03-27 18:23:12 +0000 UTC]

thx and it no problem.

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InvaderAresX [2010-12-05 23:33:50 +0000 UTC]

My family has a statue of her in my dads office.

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Candys-Killer In reply to InvaderAresX [2010-12-09 07:11:10 +0000 UTC]

Oh woot he does? and only he is devote to it, or the entire family, there´s the superstition that no one else can see the altar dedicate to the santa muerte only the devote person, that´s why entire families becomes devotes as well, is so interesting 8B

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InvaderAresX In reply to Candys-Killer [2010-12-09 13:43:25 +0000 UTC]

Yeah kind of my uncle lalo gave her to us I tried drawing her once but being alone with a skeleton gets kind of creepy.

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Candys-Killer In reply to InvaderAresX [2010-12-18 06:03:41 +0000 UTC]

Hehehehehe poor santa muerte XD is so misunderstood just for being so skinny and creepy, it is supposed to be very jealous as I heard D8

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InvaderAresX In reply to Candys-Killer [2010-12-18 13:03:22 +0000 UTC]

Then I better not be hanging out with other skeletons! Lol

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Candys-Killer In reply to InvaderAresX [2011-01-04 23:49:02 +0000 UTC]

Yeah skeletons are not such a good companion D8 ........but let´s talk about zombies

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InvaderAresX In reply to Candys-Killer [2011-01-07 23:28:34 +0000 UTC]

Oh I love zombies but i'm kind scared of them too have you seen zombie land? It looked like so much fun to kill them! Oh and theres a good italien one called ZOMBIES. Yum brains LOL!

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Candys-Killer In reply to InvaderAresX [2011-01-12 02:08:31 +0000 UTC]

are you D8 but they are slow and.......you know forget it D8 now I remember they evolutioned and are faster, smarter and stronger....even they can swim now, THEY ARE GOIN TO GET US DAMN!!!

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InvaderAresX In reply to Candys-Killer [2011-01-13 01:38:46 +0000 UTC]

We need to take out the weapons!! LOL!!

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InvaderAresX [2010-12-05 23:33:48 +0000 UTC]

My family has a statue of her in my dads office.

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InvaderAresX [2010-12-05 23:32:03 +0000 UTC]

My family has a statue of the santisima in my dads office.

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InvaderAresX [2010-12-05 23:30:58 +0000 UTC]

Omg my family has a statue of the santisima in my dads office.

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kali69 [2010-08-18 06:58:50 +0000 UTC]

Asi es, amiga mia.
"You are te bird, the cobra...is death"
-Kwai Chang Caine-

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kali69 [2010-08-14 11:49:55 +0000 UTC]

Por aca tambien hay seguidores suyos. Buen trabajo.

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Candys-Killer In reply to kali69 [2010-08-18 06:55:46 +0000 UTC]

si te lo creo, en todos lados ya hay debotos, es interesante en lo ke conciste su culto, pero cada kien tiene sus creencias, soy catolica por mi familia XD pero igual eh pedido favores a santos, pero me reservo a la santa muerte, ella es muy especial

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gothgirl-wired [2009-12-18 00:21:46 +0000 UTC]

That's absolutly fantastic, great job!

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Candys-Killer In reply to gothgirl-wired [2009-12-21 00:21:22 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a lot!!!! 8B

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invaderzimbabe14 [2009-12-16 03:06:04 +0000 UTC]

B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L.Z! ^.^

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Candys-Killer In reply to invaderzimbabe14 [2009-12-21 00:22:15 +0000 UTC]

glad to know it X3

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crazyluok [2009-12-14 22:27:17 +0000 UTC]

no ma esta de baulings xD! yeah

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Candys-Killer In reply to crazyluok [2009-12-21 00:23:44 +0000 UTC]

Ha lo se XD gracias, me encanto para un tatuaje

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crazyluok In reply to Candys-Killer [2009-12-21 01:35:50 +0000 UTC]

jaja si sta buenisima yeah!

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enigmatia [2009-12-13 23:57:54 +0000 UTC]

Wowwww. It's like she is so awesome she doesn't need gravity with those ribbons 8D You do the shading so messy, yet it looks REAL good. Nice work with this.. very awesome portrait

I watched something on TV about her. It seems she's really popular!

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Candys-Killer In reply to enigmatia [2009-12-21 00:40:24 +0000 UTC]

it happens all the time when I do the drawin completely by pen, but...I dunno D8 it gives an "old school" messy looking XD nah!.....you have no idea D8 there[s many miths about this "saint" well in fact she is not a saint, is an angel or messenger from both sides (god,devil) to collect the souls and send[ em to the purgatory. People ask him (or her) for favors and she does fulfill them, but af course she wants something back, if you don[t give something back D8 she can get a revenge, even with people you love like family etc....this used to be the entrance to Nuevo Laredo where I used to live [link] the place was demolished by militaries

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enigmatia In reply to Candys-Killer [2009-12-21 08:44:10 +0000 UTC]

Aww, what, in pen? Imagine all the ink you'd use! You'd have enough to drown a squid XD But what if you make a mistake in pen? I draw drawings in pen, but they're only ever simple things I know I can draw right the first time.

Ooh.. I wouldn't want to be on the bad side of her! I could imagine her turning up.. Even if she seems pretty, I'd think her skeleton face might be real shocking to see.. it would be cool though.
Is Nuevo Laredo a building or a city? Wow, that doesn't sound so nice. I'd hate to see the day a place getting demolished by military people who don't even live there.. Aww, those statues look to me like shepherds, except they don't have shepherd staffs, they have scythes XD That'd be pretty strange to see where I live, statues like those. People would get freaked out or something.. a lot of people here are pansys XD

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Candys-Killer In reply to enigmatia [2009-12-23 00:56:15 +0000 UTC]

I'm like fire whne we talk about pens 8D, like the only free time I have is at my work, I have to use pens all the time and is more easy for me.....well if I do a misstake I keep drawing till I'm satisfy D8.....also is excitting this way and pics are kinda more lightful 8B.....the one about Zim getting raped is totally made by pen, you'll see it
Nop Nuevo Laredo is a city, is the frontier between Mexico and Texas (Nuevo Laredo\Laredo Texas) the altars where at the entrance at the city, it was kinda creepy for turist, so they had to demolish them down, and people *devotes) when damn mad D8

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enigmatia In reply to Candys-Killer [2009-12-23 02:10:15 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh, I'm a mechanical pencil user.. it's good, because I am good friends with the Eraser xDD I use it so much, poor me. My pen drawings always look messy and ugly, I try You must submit that Zim getting raped sooooon >D The idea makes me giggle in a not good way >8D

Tourists probably have seen worse P: They could have put the statues somewhere else I guess. it's part of culture, so the tourists should just stick it up their ass if they don't like it xDD

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Moranofchaos2 [2009-12-13 22:30:36 +0000 UTC]

This is really something else. And I love the pentagrams on the wrists

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Candys-Killer In reply to Moranofchaos2 [2009-12-21 00:40:55 +0000 UTC]

Thankyou, yeah it was kinda refreshing...

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mysterypoodle [2009-12-13 22:19:57 +0000 UTC]

Very nice. It's beautiful yet scary, very nice CK

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Candys-Killer In reply to mysterypoodle [2009-12-21 00:41:30 +0000 UTC]

8B yep....this used to be the entrance to the city I used to live at..... [link]

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mysterypoodle In reply to Candys-Killer [2009-12-21 01:01:09 +0000 UTC]

That's cool! I wish the entrance to my house was like that >w<

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Candys-Killer In reply to mysterypoodle [2009-12-21 01:38:41 +0000 UTC]

way kinda creepy, and yesh I'm saying those would creep me out cause they may be kinda vengative D8 bleeergh

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mysterypoodle In reply to Candys-Killer [2009-12-21 02:42:59 +0000 UTC]

Eh creepy things are awesome except for Devio >w<;

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Candys-Killer In reply to mysterypoodle [2009-12-21 08:02:02 +0000 UTC]

D8 is cute

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mysterypoodle In reply to Candys-Killer [2009-12-21 21:35:29 +0000 UTC]

eh...Devio's the weird ghosty presence in my house....does that sound crazy to you? ^^'

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Candys-Killer In reply to mysterypoodle [2009-12-23 00:45:27 +0000 UTC]

D8 I don't even know what are yah talking about so nah

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mysterypoodle In reply to Candys-Killer [2009-12-23 00:51:54 +0000 UTC]

lol ok sorry xD

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Candys-Killer In reply to mysterypoodle [2009-12-23 01:01:07 +0000 UTC]

lol is oki XD

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mysterypoodle In reply to Candys-Killer [2009-12-23 01:14:29 +0000 UTC]

so how have you been CK? xD

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Candys-Killer In reply to mysterypoodle [2009-12-24 02:11:06 +0000 UTC]

50\50, I'm on my vacations but sudenly I got the flu D8 I tough I could be on internet my entire vacations but I'm at my dad's and he dosn't even has a computer XD, how about you?

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mysterypoodle In reply to Candys-Killer [2009-12-24 03:24:16 +0000 UTC]

Eh...I'm sick and can't really do anything either...except draw and listen to music, I kinda just got yelled at on here for being a terrible listener xD; (wouldn't blame the person) my brothers yelling at his game...and I'm sorta upset...and stuff...

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Candys-Killer In reply to mysterypoodle [2009-12-25 23:56:57 +0000 UTC]

well then you yell louder at him D8<, lets see if he likes that, daw is christmas 83 cheer up and eat turkey, turkey is healthy 83

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mysterypoodle In reply to Candys-Killer [2009-12-26 00:12:46 +0000 UTC]

I can't cuz I'm at my dads house! I'm so happppppyyyyy! *brainexplodes* Ok turkeys are nummeh *chomps down on a alive turkey* 8B

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Candys-Killer In reply to mysterypoodle [2009-12-27 08:27:58 +0000 UTC]

Why why so happeeehh!! D8 (cuddles the alive turkey)

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