Comments: 20
KeIIion [2014-05-31 22:56:48 +0000 UTC]
wow look pretty nice this comic , only 1 werewolf appear about more comics , or kickass alot of werewolves?
Would be so fantastic when some werewolf pack get kickass in the comic serie (about more pages)
What that mean "You can pledge as low as $1-$5." i can pay 5 dollar np ,its cost me only 3,40 euro or so its nothing but what happend then , can u tell me google translater is not so good XD
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FenrisUltra [2014-05-18 01:10:06 +0000 UTC]
There you go my friend...a $100 pledge was just made
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FenrisUltra In reply to CdubbArt [2014-05-18 14:04:00 +0000 UTC]
Well, you did mention that people who pledge higher amounts of cash to your project get "SPECIAL THANKS in the next 2 issues of Summons!" I may consider paying more as time goes by to keep that going. I like publicity ^.^
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FenrisUltra In reply to CdubbArt [2014-05-18 15:48:40 +0000 UTC]
lol, I ment more like monthly payments or something, or $100 per comic book released to keep the features going as you release more and more of the story
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louisjonesii [2014-05-13 19:10:21 +0000 UTC]
nice look...
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Preatori0us [2014-05-11 11:54:15 +0000 UTC]
Looks great! Bad ass looking were. Bonus: look at it as a stereoscopic and the title looks sweet!
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FenrisUltra [2014-05-11 03:23:53 +0000 UTC]
Damn, I really like that picture, that'e one mean looking warewolf. Is this the cover of the 2nd comic book you made?
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CdubbArt In reply to FenrisUltra [2014-05-11 05:36:41 +0000 UTC]
Glad you like it. And yeah, this is the cover to the 2nd issue of my comic series, Summons. It's really coming along nicely. Pledge at least $5 to my Kickstarter campaign and you'll get pdfs of issues 1 & 2. Hell, maybe even issue #3 if my funding goal gets high enough!…
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FenrisUltra In reply to CdubbArt [2014-05-11 07:19:27 +0000 UTC]
Alright, I shall see what I can do. I also have another thing in mind that might help you out, but I haven't figured out how I want to go about it yet.
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Phyl-CGI [2014-05-10 16:09:56 +0000 UTC]
The red title fits more the theme of the picture but I have to say that the blue version is indeed more eye catching. Anyway, this is awesome.
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RufusScridgemore [2014-05-10 07:10:02 +0000 UTC]
the blue title is more eye catching
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