Cephi-chan — Bleach - Sunny Day

Published: 2005-09-24 20:47:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 1198; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 61
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it took me so long to finish this one i'm too busy for the moment doing my homeworks and watching ff7AC XD;; ( i've watched it entirely 6times now >3<;; )

well.. a bad sketch can't be completly saved by CGing, so it's not really good ;___; but ihad fun with the colorzzz X3

i know.. lame BG as always D8

Bleach (c) Kubo Tite

EDIT sorry for editing it again and again... it's bcoz of my stupidity >___< i forgot to CG renji's belt, than there were black stains..

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Comments: 29

BGH2012 [2014-01-09 15:26:17 +0000 UTC]

nice ireally like this

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LynxOverworld [2005-10-06 09:11:23 +0000 UTC]

the colours is awsome, and Ilove that guy to the right with the funny exression ^^ and the girl in the background too, youve managed wel with a difficult angle!

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Cephi-chan In reply to LynxOverworld [2005-10-06 18:51:02 +0000 UTC]

thank you~~ *^___^* well the red-haired guy is Renji and he's my fav male chara in bleach X3

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Rezriel [2005-10-01 23:00:58 +0000 UTC]

hhah kon! i miss him TTxTT ..poor rukia

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Cephi-chan In reply to Rezriel [2005-10-05 11:45:32 +0000 UTC]

yes KON was the best ;___; *lol*

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skardash [2005-10-01 03:03:58 +0000 UTC]

Alright, more Bleach art! *cheers* Heh, Kon is so cute up there. I love the angle of this, very nice!

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Cephi-chan In reply to skardash [2005-10-01 18:52:37 +0000 UTC]

thx a lot~ ^__^ Kon is always so cute >__<;; ( and so much cuter in the original art ) he's my fav chara XD;;

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Niemand8et [2005-09-28 08:36:00 +0000 UTC]

Tu m'fais penser qu'ils passaient les animes hier

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Cephi-chan In reply to Niemand8et [2005-09-28 16:23:38 +0000 UTC]

m'enfiche pasque je comprends pas le japonais que qu'ici je peux les télécharger en VOSTF >___<;;;

t'as vu advent children??

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Niemand8et In reply to Cephi-chan [2005-09-29 06:38:13 +0000 UTC]

evidemment... tu veux que j'te raconte ?

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Cephi-chan In reply to Niemand8et [2005-09-29 19:41:53 +0000 UTC]

plu* =___=;; chui fatiguée

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Cephi-chan In reply to Niemand8et [2005-09-29 19:40:42 +0000 UTC]

ca t'as pas plus? pk cette tête??? O___o;;;

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Zande [2005-09-26 12:05:27 +0000 UTC]

The colors are very cool :cool: Pretty good one

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Cephi-chan In reply to Zande [2005-09-28 16:20:08 +0000 UTC]

thaaank you >3<;; and thx a lot for the fav too~ *^_^*

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Zande In reply to Cephi-chan [2005-09-28 19:23:03 +0000 UTC]

No prob

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calyn [2005-09-25 18:56:54 +0000 UTC]

superbe colo *__*

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Cephi-chan In reply to calyn [2005-09-25 21:05:55 +0000 UTC]

mercii~ X3

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Cross-Soul [2005-09-25 14:14:22 +0000 UTC]

that looks awesome!!!! loooove the colouring and the bg looks sooo beautiful!!

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Cephi-chan In reply to Cross-Soul [2005-09-25 20:41:11 +0000 UTC]

thanks a lot~ >3<;; i like blue sky *__*

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benkate [2005-09-25 08:30:45 +0000 UTC]

Beu...C'est assez flou, j'aime pas la "texture" enfin la matière quoi...On dirait que t'as mis des la lumières un peu partout, sans avoir réellement pensé à des axes, d'ou venait la lumière etc...faudrait que tu travaille l'ombre et la lumière...ba oui, quand il y a plein de soleil, les ombres existent bel et bien.
Voilà, mon commentaire n'est pas aussi "positif" et "flatteur" que les autres, mais j'espère que au moins, ça te permettra d'avancer.

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Cephi-chan In reply to benkate [2005-09-25 18:58:22 +0000 UTC]

oui c pas grave ^^
c vrai que j'ai pas fait de plan ds ma tete avant.. j'ai tjs dessiné au feeling chui trop paresseuse >__<;; j'avoue que g mis la lumière là où ca m'arangeait plutot X3

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yumemi [2005-09-25 07:18:53 +0000 UTC]

shut up o.o this is soooo wonderful ;__;
the colors gahh i love you

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Cephi-chan In reply to yumemi [2005-09-25 20:42:06 +0000 UTC]

lol thaaaaank youuuu~ me too >3<;;

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Niemand8et [2005-09-24 23:09:48 +0000 UTC]

Un vrai sosie de Gojo... la lumiere est interessante mais peut-etre un peu trop flouante.


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Niemand8et In reply to Niemand8et [2005-09-27 00:52:59 +0000 UTC]


c'est pas lvraiment a traduc mais c'est a peu pres ce que je voulais dire...

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Cephi-chan In reply to Niemand8et [2005-09-25 18:30:20 +0000 UTC]

ouii t'as remarqué aussi XD;; il lui manque que les antennes

et pis.. ;___; je comprends PAS le japonaiiis >__<;;;

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niflezette [2005-09-24 21:00:49 +0000 UTC]

hey hey pas mal du tout !
l'effet de lumière est top !! et j'aime bien la façon dont tu t'es approprié les persos, ça change de leurs traits habituels de bien agréable façon.

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Cephi-chan In reply to niflezette [2005-09-25 18:28:26 +0000 UTC]

micii~ mdr je préfère le Renji original *___* dès que ca passe par moi ts les persos masculins perdent 75% de leur masculinité XDD;;

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niflezette In reply to Cephi-chan [2005-09-25 18:33:55 +0000 UTC]

oh pa taaaaaaant que ça
puis jlaime bien comme ça aussi

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