Counselor-Vidkun — the glorious knight of love

Published: 2010-11-16 05:53:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 1534; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 2
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Description Because Dave is the best knight in the world.

Ok this idea came into my head when Jade was trying to get dave to help her with Karkats past and future selves.

this was just a doodle really, but I thought it was pretty cute.

Edit: saw some mistakes, and fixed them. I'm tired haha
homestuck @ hussie
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Comments: 29

pnpmario [2010-11-16 21:28:52 +0000 UTC]

I wouldn't be surprised if Jade played along in messing around with Karkat. She was downright pissed after KK's shenanigans.

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Counselor-Vidkun In reply to pnpmario [2010-11-16 23:55:27 +0000 UTC]

I would be the happiest girl alive if I saw this actually happening.

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pnpmario In reply to Counselor-Vidkun [2010-11-17 06:19:18 +0000 UTC]

She probably has the mental capability to do that now. Her face when John flung her pumpkins and corn out of the window was brilliant. "...Damnit John..."

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Counselor-Vidkun In reply to pnpmario [2010-11-17 06:42:36 +0000 UTC]

oh my god. I loved that picture so much! it is actually saved onto my computer so that I can just kind of stare at it and laugh. (of course it's not as amazing with all the pumpkins and corn not flying but still)

oh man, I thought Jade was the cutest thing when she and john were talking and john told her about dave making his future self his sprite and she was like "that is soo cool!!" she has such a little crush man. it's adorable. john was kinda just like "....yeeahh whatever."

is it bad that I can probably sit and talk about homestuck..and jade all day?

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pnpmario In reply to Counselor-Vidkun [2010-11-17 07:11:14 +0000 UTC]

No, it's not bad.

And to be honest, I'm not seeing human/troll relationships happen at all so my vote automatically goes to the Dave/Jade and John/Rose pairings. Altough John'll probably have to superhero himself to Rose's rescue now.

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Counselor-Vidkun In reply to pnpmario [2010-11-17 07:23:07 +0000 UTC]

haha awww. I dont really see any of the ships working out since the actual storyline is far greater than we could ever imagine and I know that as the story progresses, we will probably be so involved with what happens next, we might not even care about ships anymore. (I dunno though we might still. *shrug shrug...shruggity shrug*)

but I have to admit, I am and probably always will be a roseXkanaya fan. haha that was like my first flushed ship believe it or not, so it's kind of special to me. of course, when I shipped them together the first time, I didn't think they'd ever actually have any real conversations. because the first time I liked them together was in kanaya's weird but adorable daydreams of the awesome trollrose! yaaay trollrose.

jade and dave was kind of...well, this is the honest truth. I was looking up fanart on dA, and saw a cute picture of them. then...I saw more cute pictures, then I started to draw cute pictures..then I reread their conversations....and now....it's just taken over my mind. darn them for being so cute!!

rose is going a little crazy. =0 I dunno what's gonna happen man. what was the last thing she did? oh yeah blew up eridan's computer haha. that was actually hilarious...but aaanyways.

aw man ok I'm rambling. this isn't healthy. 8l where was I. jade's cute, dave's super cool. they'd make hilarious matesprits, and I can't wait for them to start talking again in the comic. heehee

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pnpmario In reply to Counselor-Vidkun [2010-11-17 08:39:49 +0000 UTC]

Haha, the way things are going I'll be happy if they just talk again.
Dave and Jade don't get enough conversation tiiiime.

As for ships working out...
I have resolved to go with the craziest crack pairings I can think of.

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Counselor-Vidkun In reply to pnpmario [2010-11-17 17:28:29 +0000 UTC]

they probably will after all jade is gonna be in control of his server

oh no!! heehee crack pairings are hilarious actually.

38O I mean....gilarious...t)(ey're s)(ore to be fis)(y enoug)( to get a good laug)( )(ee )(ee and t)(ey're reely fin-ny!!! 38D 38D

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pnpmario In reply to Counselor-Vidkun [2010-11-17 17:49:46 +0000 UTC]


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Counselor-Vidkun In reply to pnpmario [2010-11-17 17:54:43 +0000 UTC]

SAURY!!! I CAN'T K-ELP IT!!!! )(ee )(ee glub!!!

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pnpmario In reply to Counselor-Vidkun [2010-11-17 18:05:52 +0000 UTC]

oh gog wwho is fake wwhyyyyyyyyy glub

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Counselor-Vidkun In reply to pnpmario [2010-11-17 18:45:44 +0000 UTC]

-----ERIDAN!! w)(ere did you come from?!

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pnpmario In reply to Counselor-Vidkun [2010-11-17 19:22:00 +0000 UTC]

the mother grub just like evveryone else

glub duh

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Counselor-Vidkun In reply to pnpmario [2010-11-18 00:43:42 +0000 UTC]

)(ee )(ee t)(ats not w)(at I meant, you silly clam!! glub glub glub glub glub glub!!!!!! 38D

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pnpmario In reply to Counselor-Vidkun [2010-11-18 06:12:34 +0000 UTC]

wwhatevver i'vve been hidin in the closet for wweeks glub glub glub glub glub

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Counselor-Vidkun In reply to pnpmario [2010-11-18 07:27:45 +0000 UTC]

........w)(y were you doing t)(at? 38O

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pnpmario In reply to Counselor-Vidkun [2010-11-18 10:05:21 +0000 UTC]

((Because he's Eridan. ))

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Counselor-Vidkun In reply to pnpmario [2010-11-18 10:09:56 +0000 UTC]

(hahah oh man. that was beautiful. fef was the one asking though haha)

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pnpmario In reply to Counselor-Vidkun [2010-11-18 11:35:49 +0000 UTC]

(Eridan has no proper answer. He's probably moping like the hipster he iiiis.)


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Counselor-Vidkun In reply to pnpmario [2010-11-18 19:29:24 +0000 UTC]

38l......eridan what has your gils in a bubble...

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pnpmario In reply to Counselor-Vidkun [2010-11-18 23:24:15 +0000 UTC]

don't wwanna talk about it


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Counselor-Vidkun In reply to pnpmario [2010-11-18 23:44:05 +0000 UTC]

...38( ok...well maybe t)(is is a good t)(ing since we're not exactly moirails anymore....glub glub

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pnpmario In reply to Counselor-Vidkun [2010-11-19 08:03:20 +0000 UTC]

((And then poor Eridan got depressed.))

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Counselor-Vidkun In reply to pnpmario [2010-11-19 14:23:08 +0000 UTC]

(d'awwwwwww. poor guy!!!)

38( dont be a sour fis)(....

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pnpmario In reply to Counselor-Vidkun [2010-11-19 16:13:25 +0000 UTC]

am not a sour fish, glub
i am wwonderful and amazin

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Counselor-Vidkun In reply to pnpmario [2010-11-19 16:19:53 +0000 UTC]

)(ee )(ee w)(at ever you want to t)(ink.

28O AR----E YOU -------EXCTI--ED ABOUT T)(----E )(OM-ESTUCK UPDAT---ESS!? I s)(ore am!! I can't kelp but glub in excitment everytime I sea a new one!!!!!!!!

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pnpmario In reply to Counselor-Vidkun [2010-11-19 18:19:57 +0000 UTC]

evvery update reminds me of my vvast and bitter loneliness

at least that's wwhat i'd say if i was a tool

i'm too awwesome for sadness

wwait wwhat wwere wwe talkin about again

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crosserdog1 [2010-11-16 11:02:53 +0000 UTC]

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Counselor-Vidkun In reply to crosserdog1 [2010-11-16 16:05:51 +0000 UTC]

hahahaha aw man. that face. that might be the cutest googled eyed face ever.

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