Comments: 26
SuzuriHeinze [2012-01-10 09:04:28 +0000 UTC]
I love Taya, but I don't think she'd go so far as to steal Kazin from Sarah like that. Besides, I always got the impression that Sarah had a crush on Bowie from childhood, the way she runs out when he has to go and kiss the princess.
I'm a weird one, though. My crack pairings are Taya and Rhode... and Kazin and Karna.
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TipsyOLaama [2011-01-05 22:57:00 +0000 UTC]
lol how cute
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caiofernandoxp [2010-10-15 20:10:35 +0000 UTC]
Wow love the way you coloured it! Shining force II is my favorite game!
I Just created a shining force related fanart group, it's called #shining-force
Why don't you join us?
See ya!
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RainyDaySunshine [2009-03-26 16:37:37 +0000 UTC]
Begun to replay shining force 2 again, and found this pic while browsing some shining force fan art, really nice. Love the colours and cosy feeling of it.
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Tortoise262 [2008-04-25 01:40:02 +0000 UTC]
GASP! Not fair, Taya is mine!
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Tortoise262 In reply to Tortoise262 [2008-04-25 02:14:38 +0000 UTC]
Actually, I've drawn some SF2 fanart myself... I've been putting off scanning them for so long though, haha.
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KyraShangea [2007-12-18 15:57:04 +0000 UTC]
I just about exploded at seeing this. XD This is so awesome! I grew up with Shining Force... I love Kazin, and Taya... and Sarah... and all the characters. -coughs-
Kudos to you for drawing this. XD
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PizzaPasta [2007-11-10 18:23:29 +0000 UTC]
Nice picture man. Seeing it brings back memories of when I played SF II. I was in the hospital at the time and I had a sega hooked up next to my bed, I played the hell out of that game XD. That and Phantasy Star 4, and Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
I really wish Sarah would have ended up with Bowie at the end of the game, I think she was a better companion then the Princess was. Plus Sarah was with Bowie from the beginning through the end, while the Princess was really only in a few scenes. But ah, I digress. I really like your art style, and I can see the fun you had in drawing it. You can always tell how much a person enjoys making their pictures by the amount of detail they put into the characters expressions and their mannerisms, and I sense in this picture that you had fun creating it XD. Good job!
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Tortoise262 In reply to PizzaPasta [2008-04-25 02:15:33 +0000 UTC]
Wow! Those are the 2 best RPG's on Genesis! ... IMHO
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kaminokekyokahia [2006-11-06 22:39:39 +0000 UTC]
I LOVE it! Taya is beautiful! I have had my shining force I and II since they came out and got SF-RDD for GBA right after it came out! I am so happy people can do great Shining Force art!
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CelesteDelacroix [2006-09-15 21:28:58 +0000 UTC]
Taya is trying to steal Kazin away from Sarah? Away with you! Nice picture
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TenshiNekoOtome [2005-10-13 23:45:52 +0000 UTC]
Kazin and Sarah were made for each other. Get away from him Taya, you biznatch -.- *Throttles her* Anyway, I think this picture is cute ^___^
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leesers [2005-07-21 18:08:59 +0000 UTC]
I love the look of this, the 'splash' of color works really well, and it just snagged my eye from the thumbnail. :3 Your characters are always so charming and fun, I could just look at your stuff for hours. ^^ Wonderful job.
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Krail1 [2005-07-20 07:31:17 +0000 UTC]
Ah, Shining Force. I seem to have a decreasing patience for tactical RPGs these days... Or perhaps it's merely decreasing amounts of free time. Not that I've ever really played any tactical RPGs besides FFTactics and Disgaea. . .
I really like the way this lightly colored effect works. A sort of graceful, washed-out watercolor. Elegantly minimalistic. I think it might be interesting to see this picture with a background (Castle courtyard, maybe) that's more solidly colored, making the thinly colored characters stand out.
(I think I'd rather prefer the voluminous blue robes over pink and blonde, myself. Of course, said not that I actually know the characters...)
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Krail1 In reply to cozyfire [2005-07-21 01:48:24 +0000 UTC]
I'm not playing too terribly much at the moment. I spent the first couple months of summer finishing Baten Kaitos and playing Tales of Symphonia. (Hugs ToS, which is a bit hard to do to a game disk). More recently, like since I got a DS for my birthday, I've been playing Kirby's Canvas Curse (You should try it if you get the chance, just cause it's a fun game to play around in) and all three of the current Wario Ware games. I'm thinking of picking up Altelier Iris (I might remember how to spell it if I could hear someone pronounce it). I also plan on going through Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door in order to record music from it since I can't find a soundtrack. I'm also idly trying to complete the first two Zelda games on an emulator, but I'm a bit discouraged at the moment. And I've been trying to convince myself to play a bunch of SNES RPGs that I have on ROM for some time. (See, ask me what games I'm playing and you get a rather long paragraph)
But for the last couple weeks I haven't been playing many games at all because of Harry Potter and my attempting to force myself to do more atwork, which has sofar proved an unsuccessful effort.
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