Cuckooguy — Rockman World

Published: 2006-05-21 11:34:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 3303; Favourites: 55; Downloads: 23
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Description So, I'm in the middle of illustrating all these Mega Man robot masters, and I was like "Eh, what the heck, I'll just take all the Rockman World 5 characters and put them in one collage". This is the result.
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Comments: 6

CartoonCats101 [2015-05-02 23:14:30 +0000 UTC]

Is it just me, or does this have a very..."Sonic-ish" style to it?

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SaturnSaionji [2008-05-31 18:04:28 +0000 UTC]

Very nice! I like that you managed to squeeze all the Game Boy-exclusive bosses into this one picture. They look so accurate too, but with a VERY cool unique style. Great, great job.

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SaturnSaionji In reply to SaturnSaionji [2008-05-31 18:05:19 +0000 UTC]

P.S. I think that it would make a very good promotional pic for an ought-to-have-been-made classic Game Boy game collection.

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Enker [2007-07-18 09:17:17 +0000 UTC]

Very nice job!

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empa-kun [2006-08-31 05:29:19 +0000 UTC]

Great colours. It's great to see Rockman World fanart. //_* Expecially of Quint. Hehe. Though, Quint and the characters by him are a little out of place, not being boxed in like the others,and blend in with the others a little. Maybe a white outline around them would help to make them stand out. //_^

The piece overall is still awesome, though. Faved for sure. :]

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dimitridimitri [2006-05-21 16:05:02 +0000 UTC]

Exlosively exciting, full of fantastic characterisation and bold colours. The only problem is the characters in the middle. They're just too small and end up being swamped by the boldness of the others, and of the glowing borders. They need something to emphasise them a bit and the other characters could probably do with being toned down a little in contrast.

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