Comments: 82
DamonVonBohn In reply to ??? [2016-05-22 16:19:55 +0000 UTC]
Aw! Thanks so much!!
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DroUltrinnin-61 [2010-08-04 11:19:26 +0000 UTC]
Nice, this is Jarl!! I like the expression on his face, one of his less flippant moments, thats when you run....oops, too late!!
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DroUltrinnin-61 In reply to DamonVonBohn [2010-08-06 07:33:40 +0000 UTC]
I am running him as an NPC at the moment in an RPG, home game. He has joined the group in another guise [polymorph] & they have no idea, not even the mage!
They don't know it but they are in for one hell of a ride! HaHaHaHa !!!
And Jarlaxle is going to enjoy it thoroughly!!
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DroUltrinnin-61 In reply to DamonVonBohn [2010-08-07 16:34:10 +0000 UTC]
They might not think so! Especially when you think of all the havoc he can cause!
HaHaHaHa, I am deciding if I will ever let them know, even when the game is done & just leave them wondering, or then let them know they have had a drow in their midst? Maybe he could send them off on another adventure or take them down to Menzo as part of some crazy scheme? Who knows, the possibilities are endless & I'll just wing it!
Will let you know how they go!
At the moment I am thinking of doing a list of the most inglirious deaths some of my players have had as compared with glorious ones! Some of them have been absolutely hillarious! Mind you, I am not what they call a killer DM, I give them as many chances as I can but sometimes there is nothing you can do!
I mean, somtimes a player, even your most experienced & inteligent one, can make the stupidest decisions!
Maybe I could submit the list here, while not using their names to protect the innoce..ah..knuckleheads identities?
I like a game that they enjoy, get a few laughs, achieve some goals, get a bit of treasure & have some awesome fights, but mostly, I like it to be intelligent and with plenty of intrigue,tactics, & mystery, a real thinking game, with plenty of surprises.
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DamonVonBohn In reply to DroUltrinnin-61 [2010-08-07 17:24:48 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha; I've had different DM's. The first one was very lenient on bad decisions. He tried to let your character survive. The DM we're gaming under at the moment, is like he IS trying to kill us! he'll let me do anything I want, including betraying the party for poon. Turned out, however, that I had to an alignment shift to neutral. I guess being evil was going to get me lynched *chuckles*.
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DroUltrinnin-61 In reply to DamonVonBohn [2010-08-08 02:55:33 +0000 UTC]
If you are playing an evil character & enact an act of betrayal, how does that shift your alignment to neutral?
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DamonVonBohn In reply to DroUltrinnin-61 [2010-08-14 17:56:33 +0000 UTC]
Not yet; at least until the last book I've finished reading....
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DroUltrinnin-61 In reply to DamonVonBohn [2010-08-14 19:15:01 +0000 UTC]
How many are in the group, what classes are they & what class your character?
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DamonVonBohn In reply to DroUltrinnin-61 [2010-08-15 16:36:55 +0000 UTC]
Well; I'm a paladin of the Raven Queen (in fourth ed.) The other party members are as follows: [link] That's the active party, anyway.
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DroUltrinnin-61 In reply to DamonVonBohn [2010-08-19 11:55:31 +0000 UTC]
I know who the Raven Queen is, read up on her.
I prefer 2nd ed, recon wizards wrecked it. But then I am an okd gamer from way back. Recon if it ain't broke, don't fix it! Took a look at the pary. So whats happening now?
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DamonVonBohn In reply to DroUltrinnin-61 [2010-08-19 17:29:37 +0000 UTC]
*chuckle*; well; i've taken feats in Warlord. The monk girl decided to die and come back as a Revenant Assassin for the Raven Queen. Kinda funny since Bahamut was suppossed to be the one we're questing for. Seems the Queen rules supreme.
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DroUltrinnin-61 In reply to DamonVonBohn [2010-08-20 08:41:39 +0000 UTC]
Hahahaha! sounds like an interesting game!
I have never minded having the odd evil character in a game, it can add flavour & so mirth as well as putting the others on their mettle! I believe in keeping good characters on their toes too!
We started a club years ago, still going after 20 yrs [we moved away over 10 yrs ago] & we used to have our own yearly tournements over a 3 day long weekend. One year one of the tournement games was a superhero one & in my group [I was playing, not running it], one of our players playing Capt'n America, did something really stupid & out of alignment [we were winning the tournemant until then!].
We, the group [I was wasp], handed him into the cops for murder! Game over, we did not win tournement but got kudo's for sticking to our alignments!!
On another note, we had prizes for the most inglorious deaths! The winner was a guy whoose
character got killed by a Flumf!!
Hahahah!! He had something like 30 HP, Flumfs only can do half a hit point in dmg! He kept on trying to hit the stupid thing & missed every time!! The flumf hit EVERY time!!
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DamonVonBohn In reply to DroUltrinnin-61 [2010-08-21 06:01:17 +0000 UTC]
Haaa! I hate those days! the you will never roll three 20's in a row, but you will certainly roll three 1's in a row. AGH!
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DroUltrinnin-61 In reply to DamonVonBohn [2010-08-21 14:41:16 +0000 UTC]
Yep! It's days like those you wish you'd stayed in bed!
Die gremlins I reckon! Mortifying!
The funny thing is, you can have a 17th level fighter say & he rolls a 1! What do you do!
I've had it happen, now 17th level fighters don't usually trip over a banana, eh? So what to do? Well, with their pluses it really is not a 1, but then there is the rule that a 1 is a no contest fumble, just like a 20 is a no contest crit. So you have to at least come up with something plausible. Otherwise it can seem silly, can you imagine Artemis making a fumble? Or Drizzt, or Jarlaxle?
Spell effect can do it, other factors, I try to give a plausible reason for such a monumental stuffup if they are high level.
But then banana peels can be slippery...!
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DamonVonBohn In reply to DroUltrinnin-61 [2010-08-22 18:20:51 +0000 UTC]
*laughs* well; in fourth edition if you roll a nat 20 it's an automatic hit; if with your pluses you are normally able to hit the creature, then it's a crit. If you roll a 1 it's a fumble, but if the attack roll is still good enough to hit, it's not a fumble. I guess it could be considered a sort of lucky mistake or something where you almost missed, but nicked a vital spot or something. *shrugs* Just last night I have become very interested in an Eladrin Sword Mage...way cool!
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DroUltrinnin-61 In reply to DamonVonBohn [2010-08-23 17:51:21 +0000 UTC]
Oh, you considering a new character? What alignment will this one be? What level?
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DamonVonBohn In reply to DroUltrinnin-61 [2010-08-23 20:38:00 +0000 UTC]
I ended up switching for an 11th lvl Eladrin Swordmage with the Umbriri Paragon Path. I like it quite a bit.
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DroUltrinnin-61 In reply to DamonVonBohn [2010-08-24 15:06:22 +0000 UTC]
So is our naughty friend retired or did they catch up with him?
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DamonVonBohn In reply to DroUltrinnin-61 [2010-08-24 15:34:51 +0000 UTC]
LOL; he ran off with another party member who was willing.
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DroUltrinnin-61 In reply to DamonVonBohn [2010-08-25 07:21:58 +0000 UTC]
Oh well, I hope they are very happy together!
Let me know how the Swordmage goes.
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DamonVonBohn In reply to DroUltrinnin-61 [2010-08-25 15:25:40 +0000 UTC]
LOL almost ate it on his first appearance. Forgot to work on some stuff; to his credit, though, the DM rolled very lucky rolls twice in a row. AC 28 with potential AC 31 with a sword (I have him wielding a greatspear).
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DroUltrinnin-61 In reply to DamonVonBohn [2010-08-26 05:04:06 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, you can always have problems with new characters, this one has survived the initial stage, you will be more versed with it now.
Though I prefer to stick with 2nd ed, I have some of the new stuff, I will look up the class.
Have you done a pic of your character yet? Would like to see it.
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DamonVonBohn In reply to DroUltrinnin-61 [2010-08-31 05:29:00 +0000 UTC]
Sure! I'll let you know how the sword mage does once I fix him.
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MsMarvelDuckie [2010-02-27 17:53:45 +0000 UTC]
Love this! Jar is a great character, so complex and intriguing. Love your take on him, and I really love the blades!
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DamonVonBohn In reply to x-Kaze-x [2007-04-28 01:18:21 +0000 UTC]
*chuckle* It's actually in my favorites already...from a looooong time ago. (at least a little while ago..)
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x-Kaze-x In reply to DamonVonBohn [2007-04-28 01:50:57 +0000 UTC]
Really? O_O Oh god~ i'm embarrased right now *blushes*
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DamonVonBohn In reply to x-Kaze-x [2007-04-28 02:43:11 +0000 UTC]
No worries! you shouldn't be! what are the chances that you'd meet one of the people who faved your work?..unless, of course you contacted them XD
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x-Kaze-x In reply to DamonVonBohn [2007-04-30 02:00:26 +0000 UTC]
I try to reply to every watch, fav or comment that people gave to me xD! Sorry i couldn't remember your name, or if i didn't thank your fav!
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DamonVonBohn In reply to x-Kaze-x [2007-04-30 05:06:17 +0000 UTC]
*chuckle* no worries, really.
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DamonVonBohn In reply to flamencofrog [2007-04-21 21:05:32 +0000 UTC]
Awesome! This picture I love because this is how I imagine Jarlaxle. Most of my knowledge of him comes from those early books, and he's one of my favorites.
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flamencofrog In reply to DamonVonBohn [2007-04-22 08:32:57 +0000 UTC]
He does capture your imagination, as a rogue drow, a renegade, but one who just stays on the right side of the powerful people... The perfect villain!
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DamonVonBohn In reply to flamencofrog [2007-04-22 19:00:19 +0000 UTC]
True enough! although I'll give him more credit than that. I think he manipulates everyone around him to his benefit, regardless of power. Usually, however, I feel he chooses to go to powerful people because it brings him benefits; while still manipulating others...he's awesome.
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Jedahl [2006-10-28 06:42:34 +0000 UTC]
I always thought Jarlaxle to be one of the most intriguiging characters of the series. Quite simply, his heroes tend to be goody goody and a bit boring (Bruenor being a raucious exception) but his villains were usually far more interesting. Ol' Jar being an really good villain because maybe he really isn't one? He 'business' relationship with Artemis really helps flesh out both characters. This pic captures the mystique of the character well. Great job.
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DamonVonBohn In reply to Jedahl [2006-10-30 05:37:49 +0000 UTC]
thank you!~ I am a particular fan of Jarlaxle, a jack of all trades who always seems to be a step ahead of everyone.
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SteelCoyoteMaikeira [2006-10-12 15:40:42 +0000 UTC]
THA HAT! XD I'm sorry...Hat obsession...
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