DarlingMionette — Light Source Example 1

Published: 2011-06-20 19:09:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 21016; Favourites: 569; Downloads: 343
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Description A quick lightsource example for ~melonria who was asking me questions about lighting heads from behind XD Hopefully it'll prove useful to someone. It was done in about 2 minutes. LOL

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Comments: 17

UnusualDonger [2015-05-26 04:49:15 +0000 UTC]


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TAHernandez [2012-08-18 06:04:58 +0000 UTC]

This could definitely be useful to me, along with several of your other tutorials. *runs to check out some more*

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DarlingMionette In reply to TAHernandez [2012-08-20 22:33:54 +0000 UTC]

:3 i'm glad you've found them helpful!

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Midsney [2012-01-10 22:15:31 +0000 UTC]

oh, thank you! uber useful. but how does hair effect it?

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DarlingMionette In reply to Midsney [2012-01-27 16:25:17 +0000 UTC]

depends on the hairstyle ^^ a lot of hair would block most of the light on the face, and instead the light would be applied to the edges of the hair itself ^^ with short hair though, or really thin groupings of hair, some light would still hit the face ^^

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melonria [2011-06-26 02:49:04 +0000 UTC]

Oh my, haha thank you so much for making this example - it makes so sense to me now! This work of 2 minutes certainly did help. Again, thank you so much and I do apologize about the load of questions I threw at you Cx;

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DarlingMionette In reply to melonria [2011-06-26 15:09:47 +0000 UTC]

XD i'm glad it helps ^^ and don't worry about hte questions, i really don't mind!

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melonria In reply to DarlingMionette [2011-06-27 18:32:04 +0000 UTC]

Ahaha you know so much Cx
How long have you been studying art ;u;?

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DarlingMionette In reply to melonria [2011-06-27 20:44:27 +0000 UTC]

XD well, formally, never. XD I haven't taken any drawing classes, and I didn't go to college :3 but, growing up my father was a famous oil painter on the west coast, and my step mom is a photographer XD they own an art gallery together - so i've been hanging around artsy types (and was encouraged to do art myself) since a very young age. Unfortunately, I spent most of my life totally slacking at art. It's only the past year or so that i've really taken it seriously. Writing is my true passion :3 but art pays bills.

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melonria In reply to DarlingMionette [2011-07-03 05:12:58 +0000 UTC]

Eeee, that's so cool though; that your family's environment is mostly art! That's so sweet; that they own an art gallery. I bet you could just spend forever observing their gallery.
I've always wanted to try oil painting- have you done it yourself then?
Haha well; better late than never to start getting serious on your art, right? I think I'm sort of the opposite from you; there was a phase I went through several years ago where I just constantly wrote random stories out of nowhere but over those years I focused on art more and just 'tossed' writing aside, lol. I love art and writing both, but I think art has more of my love, haha Cx
I'm assuming English was your favourite subject then? xD

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DarlingMionette In reply to melonria [2011-07-03 06:11:39 +0000 UTC]

hardly XD science was my massive favorite - i took about every science class i could get my hands on XD but i was good at english class :3 I did try oils when I was younger, but I never was cut out to be much of a traditional artist - i prefer to have an undo button at my disposal XD

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melonria In reply to DarlingMionette [2011-07-03 17:51:41 +0000 UTC]

Ahahaa, I've met a few digital artists who prefer digital too; traditional, if you make a mistake, it's difficult to hide/fix it. Cx I'm more of a traditional artist myself but I'm trying to learn digital too. C;
You took every science class possible? Haha I love science myself but only the chemistry and biology stuff. Cx

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jespecially [2011-06-20 19:39:20 +0000 UTC]

how awesome. this is.
2 minute raw awesomeness.

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DarlingMionette In reply to jespecially [2011-06-20 19:40:35 +0000 UTC]

hahaha thank you. lol i was asked about backlighting a head and I couldnt figure out how to explain it without a picture XD so i went *scribble scribble* "here!" lol i'm getting faster and not making crap. LOL

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jespecially In reply to DarlingMionette [2011-06-20 20:20:02 +0000 UTC]

its really helpful! i'm personally a visual person - and these redlines - even if they are for painters.. they're pretty helpful for art in general - and i'm a vexel artist.. kinda. but they're pretty inspiring and make me want to paint.. in fact - your other tutorial on the light contrast (it was your.. one that you did for commission.. it had like a blue light and red light system.) that was pretty great too!
but i suck at painting LOL so i'll be vexing

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DarlingMionette In reply to jespecially [2011-06-20 20:23:35 +0000 UTC]

XD you just need to try it and practice sometime :3 you never know, you might turn out to really like or be good at it

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jespecially In reply to DarlingMionette [2011-06-21 20:24:03 +0000 UTC]

oh i absolutely love painting! i help in the technical part of it. i need to get my hands on a tablet!

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