its sad I don't draw much this year oh well just keep practicing and improve o w o )9
blank versionΒ
SaysJJ [2015-12-17 01:32:08 +0000 UTC]
i want to draw like chuuu ~~ <3
π: 0 β©: 1
Dei-to In reply to SaysJJ [2015-12-17 04:34:26 +0000 UTC]
we practice together >:3
SaysJJ In reply to Dei-to [2015-12-17 04:54:17 +0000 UTC]
Yesss <3
π: 0 β©: 0
TakaTheSquirrel [2015-12-16 16:35:56 +0000 UTC]
Awesome work!
Dei-to In reply to TakaTheSquirrel [2015-12-16 16:36:55 +0000 UTC]
thank you!
TakaTheSquirrel In reply to Dei-to [2015-12-18 19:58:57 +0000 UTC]
You are very welcome!Β