Comments: 46
Fum---Kitty [2009-06-29 19:06:13 +0000 UTC]
Most of my favorites section is your stuff.
I love this picture especially, her left hand looks so realistic! And the shading is beautiful.
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KatTragique [2008-07-16 21:15:00 +0000 UTC]
omg persia! o.o'' gorgeous!
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Sentimentality [2008-04-01 22:42:30 +0000 UTC]
The realism and detail you are able to obtain in your work.. just.. scares me!
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Djinngin [2008-01-20 12:41:51 +0000 UTC]
it reminds me of Isabella Rosselini. I love the detail in the peacock feathers and her eyes are so captivating. I have to say that you have been so flattering to this piece and very modest - i love to see work where the womans breasts arn't so raciously exposed - here they are beautifully and almost artisticly on display but still preserving her modesty (if you don't understand that don't worry - i seem to have the inability to say what i mean without confusing someone).
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Djinngin In reply to Desert-Of-Seth [2008-01-20 23:56:09 +0000 UTC]
s'okay - and no there not - its very tame compared to some of the racy work displayed on here.
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tabooXchanz [2007-11-18 04:11:27 +0000 UTC]
just simple "WOW" never cease to amaze...
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patricktoifl [2007-11-10 20:50:15 +0000 UTC]
You're really good at creating the right lighting and the background and the figure fit perfect!
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ohhxkatie [2007-11-10 13:17:13 +0000 UTC]
just curious but do you use a tablet for all of your work or just certain things?
amazing picture btw
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TigerYna [2007-09-01 20:51:49 +0000 UTC]
I loved one more time the skin... and I loved all the rest! Without words...
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ErebusRed [2007-08-27 21:05:12 +0000 UTC]
Just amazing !
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zkfanart [2007-06-25 00:17:38 +0000 UTC]
I just would çlove be a professional to say everything about this art...
The char herself... wonderfully body and pose... the way you did her body, the sweet curves and her face... the eyes lookin at us, with a mix of... mystery, maybe some sexy invitation or maybe just a hidden depising? Nice hair, almost like could see each hairstring individually! Also liked the reflex on them, so smooth hair, so shiny =3
And the fantastic outfit.... every single detail is adorable... the coloring, I like a lot the blue, and the flower and star details, like done with gold strings! And the peacock feathers, each one different, individual, like moving on her sweet movements...
Good attention on her cap back her, is interesting see the difference between the two sides of her outfit
Boots... women are so cute with them ^^
Tee heee, the jewels... lots pearls... shinig smoothly like her skin, smile, eyes and hair... they are just perfect for her, specially on the "crown" (so elaborated) and long collars, but also good idea for the belt and ... whadda is she holding on? Is also a collar? A gold one too, by sure! She is full of jewels, maybe some influence of the richness and wealth from the turkish culture? (tee hee, I have heard a LOT about the royal turkish treasures! )
And all the rest! The room, the shadow transitions on the wallpapers and the patterns, I can even feel the testure from them and from the floor... as well the most fantastic of all, the mirror! This is fantastic, the mirror gotta perfect, you even thought on the fuzzyness due to the scattered and reflected light! And the reflected pose, is also so difficult to do, and is perfect! Also the chair design (looks like made of cast iron) and the wood assembvlage for the mirror!
Be sure... you ARE a great artist, hunny
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jsqrelnr [2007-06-20 11:44:22 +0000 UTC]
post close up's on demand, eh?
well, i suppose i'll demand them!
I'm really really impressed with the amount of detail you've put into this, as usual, it's clear with you're smooth style. I can also see the improvements you've made in you're anatomy drawing itself, it looks so good now, you should feel proud!!
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Swazzo-mk2 [2007-06-20 10:29:14 +0000 UTC]
Esra, I love your stuff too much XDDD
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VesiKaPisKis [2007-06-19 13:35:53 +0000 UTC]
eleştirim mi seni?
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Dojang [2007-06-19 12:50:40 +0000 UTC] used such DETAIL! i know i sound like a broken record, but it still strikes me as marvellous...
in fact, looking at it, it's difficult to say exactly in what way this image distances itself from the realm of photography...
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Dojang In reply to Desert-Of-Seth [2007-06-19 13:12:32 +0000 UTC]
i meant technically speaking! it's so lifelike!
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