Dreekzilla — BOMB VOYAGE inks

Published: 2009-07-06 06:15:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 2817; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 331
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Description This is for the jam over at

Its a PIXAR art jam. GO over and join if you would like to. There are plenty more Pixar character to choose from. Ciao.
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Comments: 5

rob-T512 [2009-07-06 06:16:36 +0000 UTC]

Loved this guy from The Incredibles, god I hope they make a sequel to that film, it was sooo good

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Dreekzilla In reply to rob-T512 [2009-07-06 06:18:38 +0000 UTC]

They arent I dont believe. The sequel was the game. It starred THE UNDERMINER as the main bad guy. And now they have THE INCREDIBLES comic book out. So that is probably as far as you will get for sequels. So sad. That movie rocked so much ass.

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rob-T512 In reply to Dreekzilla [2009-07-06 06:31:41 +0000 UTC]

it really was so good, I have the DVD, and I hate to admit, I catch it everytime its on TV. I love the movie, PIXAR sucks in the sequels department, though I think there is a Monsters Inc. sequel moving foward.

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Dreekzilla In reply to rob-T512 [2009-07-06 09:04:37 +0000 UTC]

I dunno... i totally dug toy story 2 and part three is coming out soon. I loved Monsters Inc and would love to see a story where Boo is a bit more grown up.. maybe its HER daughter that has a monster in the closet and its Sullys kid that is the monster?? Eh.. that would be a weird twist.. sorta. Hmm.. who knows. Did you happen to catch UP? That was a visual treat.

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rob-T512 In reply to Dreekzilla [2009-07-06 09:46:51 +0000 UTC]

Of course, I saw UP Opening night, it was superb, yet another Disney/Pixar Masterpiece. Toy Story 3 is set for June 18, 2010, the teaser trailer is already out for that, I cannot wait. I know I just read an article the stated Monsters Inc 2 was set to go into production soon but there was no word on a story as of yet. And I REALLY, REALLY, can't wait for Cars 2 in June 2011.

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