eagi — Period 02 The Quarry

#architect #bridge #builder #cart #ox #oxcart #plan #quarry #stone #workers
Published: 2017-10-18 13:44:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 525; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 1
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Description It was a time of great change, but not all plans allowed themselves to be disturbed by the war. On Farisle, the quarry was in full motion to get material for the new bridge spanning The river Villran, The architect Odal and the builder Serge were hunched over the plans for the city's most ambitious project so far. 

The stonecutters were now a mixed crowd of rough locals and newly arrived job seekers but their core of was still made out of the former prisoners rescued from the ship that ran aground in the inlet many years ago. 

Twenty years ago the liberated slaves were given an offer by Almund, who then ruled on The Cliff, to live among the villagers with a promise of being treated as equals no matter their clear branding. Many chose to stay, since their lives outside the small community would consist of a constant fear of persecution and distrust. The question was just how they would support themselves. Some had professions they could return to, and soon mixed with the rest of society. For others it was a more difficult choice. They had all been forced to break stone in a prison camp while waiting for the slave ship that carried them here. This had not been a period that brought happy memories, however there was a clear need for solid building materials in the neighborhood. They decided to become their own masters and continue to build on the skills they had taken from their former oppressors. On that day, the quarry was founded on Farisle. 

At first, the stone had been used for stone foundations and simple chimneys. Then when Leonard Odal an architect from the renowned Eiwigda was invited, the scope changed significantly. Their eyes were opened to what could be achieved by applying geometric sience, and in connection with the construction of the new town hall they gained practical knowledge in a host of fascinating techniques. It gave them a desire for more and many were eager for the construction of the new bridge. 

After measuring over a year the beam width of all boats passing through the planed bridge location, the least acceptable gap for the openable part was concluded. If future boat traffic wished to exceed these dimensions, They would have to use one of The Villran's other ocean outlets. 

The village had until now been an of shoot and something of a dead end on the trading road that ran along the west coast, travelers were forced to turn around or find a boat that could ferry them on to their final destination. The bridge were hoped to open a land route northeast on to Budlanda. The idea was that traveling traders would see greater profit in visiting the community and its market if there was an open road to continue their travels on. Not to mention overnight accommodation and supply opportunities. 

At a more local level, the bridge would also provide easy access to the fertile land along the eastern shore of the river, where land had already been divided up for fields and farms. The future looked bright and the flame of expansion was burning strong.

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