eagi — Period 02 Trading Town List Part 2

#docks #harbour #list #ship #town #townhall
Published: 2017-09-14 07:16:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 850; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 14
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The Trading Town, list continuing from previous post.

    21. The Picklers, with vinegar, sugar and salt, this family prepares raw materials for the harsher half of the year. They have their hands full and do not carry their own sales but instead let their neighbors down at the bottom of the hill stand for that part of the business.

    22. The Harbor Master, a somewhat pompous title for a man in charge of two and a half docks, but there is no doubt who you should talk about what comes in and leave the market by the sea route. The charges for ships in the port are still relatively symbolic and hardly cover even the maintenance of the docks without contributions from the richer of the villagers.

    23. The Harbor Warehouses, here all goods are loaded for inventory and distribution. The city council wants to try to get a overview of the city's trade, something that they have previously had to take Malcolm's word about.

     24. The General Store, this is where you go when it comes to everyday products like wax candles, lamp oil, fish bone needles, rope, simple tools and much more. Many of his goods come from the area, but having the port on the doorstep does not hurt in the event of a trial

     25. The General Stores Warehouse, one of few buildings with a mechanical lock. Something that of course raises more curiosity among young neighbors than it scares off.

     26. The Old Fisherman's Cottage, the oldest building in the city, has something of a disparate past, and has lived through a number of different uses over the years. On the old planks you can still make out the paintings from the house's first owner and rumors say that the cottage is haunted. Many have suggested that the cottage should be demolished to widen the harbor, but the building is under Fabian at Lark's protection, he also pays for its maintenance.

    27. The Rolling Barrel is the towns new mead and wine hall. Its owner Conrad Pil was dissatisfied with the rising prices at the Lark when he then stated his opinions he found himself bared from the establishment. He then decided to take matters into his own hands. The barrel does not claim to be anything grander than a place to quench your thirst and is located in one of the old harbor warehouses. True to its word, everything that can be ordered here is significantly cheaper than the competition, something that makes it very popular with sailors and dockworkers.

     28. Conrads Cottage, has also been adapted for lucrative activities. The attic now houses a sleeping loft for sailors who are tired of swaying decks.

     29. The Bridge Pylons, is the city's next large building project, the plan is to cross Villran river in order to eventually establish a safe commercial land route to Budlanda. Many have hitherto complained that it would block of river traffic upstream, but the architect of the brand new city hall along with the  leading stone masons have found a solution that promises to satisfy both parties in the long run.

     30. The Pottery Shop, after Malcolm's maternal grandfather's farm burned to the ground, he resumed his previous calling, and today one of his apprentices run the same business half a century later.

    31. The Harbor, it was a hard work to move all the rock and dredging bottom of the river. However, the work has been rewarded with increased traffic by larger boats. Now, however, there is a discussion about a new location in the bay, so that the real seafarers can get the opportunity to come to market.

     32. The Builders Yard, with all new houses and other building projects going up in the area, it soon became unsustainable for workers to return to their camps in the quarries every evening, so this group of temporary accommodations was built, now they also house guests and specialists who have arrive with in-depth with skills that could not be found locally.

    33. The Meisters House, is currently the living accommodation and office for architect Leonard Odal. Who has been headhunted to come here and plan the progress and ongoing development from village to town.

     34. The Property Office, Mr. Barkman is second only to Malcolm the richest man in the neighborhood. Through his cooperation with the loggers and builders, he clears forested land for cultivation and builds farmhouses for sale or leasing.

     35. The Hall of the Sun, as a wedding gift to his young wife, Mr. Barkman has invited missionaries from her home country. The Elenians have set up their sanctuary in his largest and most central property. Their presence have been received with awkwardness and skepticism, but a small congregation has already formed around their prayers.

     36. Barkman's Stable and Warehouse, although he chose to live by a meadow north of town, he spends a lot of his days in the saddle going between his various investments. For the days he is at the central office, the stable is waiting, and like most of his possessions, it is built with growth in mind.

     37. The Leather Craftsmen, create and repair large parts of the village's skin and leather goods. Previously, a tannery was also housed in the yard behind the cottage, but the stink caused constant complaints and it was forced to move out into more sparsely populated areas.

     38. The Defensive Yard, after suffering under long periods of raiding and the lack of ability to protect themselves, it was decided that something had to change. A call went out for someone with fighting experience and preferably including tactics and defense. What they finally found was the sell sword Aram Grimme, a veteran from the siege of Hartrun, far in the north. His task has now been to educate a mandatory militia. Something that has already shown some success, in the spring, they managed to fend of a group of brigands who came ravaging down from Black Ink Forest.

     39. The Road to Farisle, with salt pools, fish camps and clam collectors, the previously uninhabited peninsula has received much more attention in recent years. However, the road is mainly used by the ox carts, that carry chiseled stone blocks in from the quarry.

     40. The New fishing Cottages, built in the same style as the early examples, their is now a number of cabins where the river meet the bay, the site is not as protected as the previous one, but in its favor, the fishermen get closer to the open sea and the richer fishing waters.

Previous: Period 02 Trading town map

Next: Period 02 Shipwreck

For the full blog visit:  silvanger.blogspot.se  

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Comments: 5

cdudley25 [2017-11-20 10:50:57 +0000 UTC]

Very beautiful work!! Very well done!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

eagi In reply to cdudley25 [2018-01-10 08:54:54 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoy it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

cdudley25 In reply to eagi [2018-01-11 10:51:47 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

the-nucularman [2017-09-14 07:17:32 +0000 UTC]

nice work

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

eagi In reply to the-nucularman [2017-11-10 11:45:57 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, Similar pieces should keep coming about once a week, even i they sometimes focus more on the people rather than the scenery. 

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